421 posts
Mid-Level Violence
A key tactic in the Woke Marxist activism toolbox is an unconventional warfare technique known as "mid-level violence," or, in other words, strategic provocation.
OnlySubs: Family Versus the Woke Cult
Many of us, maybe most of us now, have lost at least one immediate family member to some aspect of the Woke Marxist mind virus that's torn through our culture. This experience is painful enough on its own, but it's extra frustrating for people who believe in the power of the ties of family.
Fighting DEI Training
So your job is making you take a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training, an "unconscious bias" training, or maybe a "Sustainability," ESG, or SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) meeting.
OnlySubs: Psychological Black Holes
When you dig a hole in the ground and decide to fill it in, the hole gets smaller, right? That's not the case with black holes. When you put material into a black hole, it actually gets more massive, thus becomes more of a black hole.
Lies, Damned Lies, and SEL
Like virtually everything in Woke Marxism, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is sold through lies and deception. The packaging is always pretty. What's in the box is always a catastrophe.
The SEL Cycle
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is a dangerous scam being forced into our education system at every level and in every possible way.
Ideological Totalism in the Woke Cult
Woke is a cult. In fact, Woke is a cult in exactly the same way Maoism was and is a cult. There's only a little daylight between them, as we recently explored here on the New Discourses Podcast.
Join James Lindsay to understand an important facet of what's happening around you and the history behind it. It's not the first time in human history we've made this technocratic, scientistic mistake.
Woke, Mao, and the American Cultural Revolution
In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay walks the listener through a speech given by Mao Zedong in February 1957 to make very clear and palpable that what's happening here, now, is what was happening there, then.
In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay sits down and discusses the various elements of demoralization and how they're affecting your life. Join him to avoid the "black pill."
Free OnlySubs: Is Michael O’Fallon a Christian Nationalist?
In this episode of my subscribers-only podcast, James Lindsay OnlySubs, I discuss Christian Nationalism and take you back behind the shadowy curtains and tell you a bit about how Michael and I came to do so much work together.
Stakeholder Capitalism and the End of History
Join James Lindsay to understand what "stakeholder capitalism" really is in terms of "productive socialism" and capitalism reframed in terms of the "sustainability" agenda.
Woke “All” Means Some
In Woke Marxism, "all" means "some." Not just any some, but a very specific some: the some that the Woke holds out as suffering from systemic oppression.
OnlySubs: Where’d You Go, James Lindsay?
This episode of the James Lindsay OnlySubs podcast (which is my subscribers-only podcast) is a huge mea culpa on that along with a useful explanation of what I've been up to when I'm not producing the other content you're seeing.
Gnosticism in the Modern West
In this groundbreaking episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay clarifies the term "gnosticism" and unmasks what amounts to a huge "New Age" movement in the Middle Ages as the source of a thread of Gnostic cult belief that has shaped every facet of the West for at least the last three hundred years.
Action, Reaction, and Beautiful Trouble
In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay introduces Beautiful Trouble by sharing one of its "principles": "The real action is your target's reaction."
Narrative Arc Fitting
A common operational tactic of Woke Marxists is to weave a long narrative arc about what's happening in society through media and education and then to give "proof of worldview" by plugging useful events into that mythology to spur mass line activism and direct action.
(Theoretical) Lensing
Woke works through reframing, and much of the reframing occurs by passing every bit of relevant information through what they refer to as "theoretical lenses."
A Homily to Young Men
Young men have had it rough for a decade or more now. How are young men and adolescents growing to become them supposed to navigate the world they find themselves in today?