New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 106
Socialism, Communism, and Marxism are clearly related ideas, but they’re not identical. What’s the difference? People ask all the time. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay explains each of these concepts and how they differ from one another while offering some insights into other related concepts like Fabian Socialism and Fascism. Join him to increase your clarity on these issues.
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Why don’t you cover fascism? Trump is a fascist and is attempting to once again enter the People’s House. I’m a Christian lady and I have no problem helping the less fortunate get back on their feet. It’s not socialism when you help your neighbor, it’s called living by the teachings of Jesus Christ. Capitalism does work but mismanagement and corporate greed has ruined the system. Thank you, James. Hope you and your family had a great Christmas and New Year. ✝️❤️🤍🕊
”Why don’t you cover fascism”?
Hes knows to mostly avoid the subject for some reason. The question might be whether or not he knows to avoid due to advice ( or orders ) from due to new atheism. New Atheism may have enjoyed a marvellous time pulling the wool over the ears over the intellectually unwashed & all that but theres a law of diminishing returns too. Types of persons either hoping learn this so called anti god trade, or to just feel more educated by sucking up to dawkins et al. I find that the new atheist following is a particular tribe of smug, yet epistemologically challenged sychophants unable to see they are cheering on thier own freedoms demise. There is a paradox involved imho, one caused by the fake and disingenuous nature of these fascists. Anti Religion was NOT their prime target that smoke and mirrors. Well at least to those in the cabalist realms that placed the orders for various types of social engineering with new atheism HQ. The true objective was the design // development // and implementation of thought crime models. This they managed to obscure by hiding behind anti religion. But there was also a reason that they’d choose to hide behind that. It was because the vanquishment of christianity would be a beta / field test of the models. It would also condition learn the population to slowly be used to thought crime architecture in the sociological mix. The mathew hopkins style attacks ( in a milder form of word term if not by deed ) which new atheism embarked on was conventional hate. This hate was gifted / privilege to new atheism as part of the industrial deal they had to make thought crime models. The was another main abrahamic religion is in place is surely enough evidence to justify a standard by which new atheism is judged as a fascist organisation not cheifly interested in anti religion but high level fascism.
High level fascist organisations were rife all over europe in the first part of last century. A most famous car maker was a major funder & so are many more global brands. The same family that owns one of these car company”s biggest stakes ( controls it ) – is spreading a german supermarket east to west in america.
New atheism is a minnow compared. Nevertheless NA has masses of fascist characteristics in common with the global companies who’ve funded it since the maturing industrial revolution.
New Atheisms head honcho lives in a massive pile of land in the UK’s most exclusive ‘stockbroker belt’. In reality the area concerning is a political belt and attracts top politicins like prime ministers like flies. The way this huge estate was won via slave trade by the mans ancestors only shows what a messed up world we are in. We are the ‘anti woke’ but we find that the tough luck is there really are some enemy within who traded slaves. What are the anti woke to do ????? default to woke ignorance & hypocrisy ? NO not happening and besides. The first wave of modern WOKE ( the new models post year 2000 were designed by ?
Miss an opportunity to discuss a WOKE model maker in his not woke slave trade mansion. ?
Its not to be missed is it really. His name is Richard Dawkins & his lived in a huge house paid for by SLAVERY.
This is a video on this site somewhere when one owner ( of New Discourses ) remarks to another owner ” I’m own to see Richard tomorrow”.
He meant DAWKINS. Probably cannot obtain funding unless they tow the official line right ?
What a pointless video.
Join your bullet for clarity ? – its muddied the water again. There is no definition for them until they’ve committed whatever regime of misanthropy they are purposed for. Fair enough they are in action as we speak, but their agenda is not exactly operation Barbarossa just yet. It is like its coming, what with fasict links between USA & those in europe poking the bear. And with the UK and Russia both being targetted by some kind of reich matters are deeply suspicious.
History has shown us that socialism // communism // marxism are never quite the same as the last time they were manifest, In that sense the effects of them are not really ‘them’ ( socialism nor communism nor marxism ) – but a measure of the cruelty of the regime that takes the wealth. for itself. They are after all stealing land, raiding banks / emtying accounts and vaults. So what do YOU mean is more appropriate James. This is similar to the predicament people have with relating ‘TIME’ in physics concerning if its a dimension ( of time // is universal ) or is just phenomenon that means nothing after an event. I.E where ‘TIME’ is a construct in the theory of relativity that only means something in the measurement of stresses & tensors in a geodesic sense of space. Once any specific need to measure duration is elapsed, ‘TiME’ a borrowed concept is no longer required & neither does it exist. Its the same with socialism // communism// marxism = they don’t mean anything until a collective act of fascism takes place & thus a measurement of the sociological ecology can be proposed. YOU James are constantly rebooting proposals of that type. However your ignorance disallows Sociology where you only perceive it as a enemy system. You thus cannot make a measurement of pre-fascism are are in effect quite a fool. You try to make a name by pinpointing things like the have a permeant definition when they don’t yet have that demarcation level ability. Theres a lot of issues with the way you use logic ( James ) – and if i was your professor you’d drive me nuts daily. Btw i’m not a ‘sociologist’ like my username. I now its unlikely the world can be understood when being so DIM as to exclude knowledge of it. You’d understand these matters with clarity if your bias was not so out of control thanks to being socially engineered by New Atheism <<< because THEY are uk based fascists & you didn't even notice. NO ? – stuffed christianity good so Islam took over didn't they ?
Look on the bright side – you at least know that socialism/communism/marxism are reified by a lot of regimes. Other than that due to the way your mind just cannot process Nuance – you'd be better off forgetting all about the preliminary steps to Fascism.
Just proceed direct to the F word.
Essentially, there is no difference. Like the other two expressions of Statism, Fascism and Theocracy, they deny legitimate individual rights, especially private property rights, for if one’s exclusive, personal control– thus ownership–of one’s material property is not secure, one is incapable of physically exercising one’s other legitimate rights.