OnlySubs with James Lindsay, Episode 141
Book Club Series, Episode 9
This episode is available exclusively for New Discourses contributors on the following platforms:
YouTube Members
Communists create destruction everywhere they go, often by appealing to nice-sounding but ridiculous nonsense as some kind of justification for implementing their projects. One such idiotic approach we’re all too familiar with, especially in the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand, not to mention across the formerly colonized world, is an emphasis on “indigenous techniques” and “indigenous ways of knowing.” Of course, this isn’t some new invention. Lenin advocated for it. Stalin forced it. Mao implemented it. It was disastrous every time, not least because it was just a way for Communists to usurp the mantle of indigenous culture and plight to do something that had no real hope of succeeding. It’s in this light that I’m doing another Book Club episode featuring Frank Dikotter’s Mao’s Great Famine here on James Lindsay OnlySubs, my subscribers-only podcast, to talk about how badly things went when Mao emphasized the use of “indigenous techniques” across his Communist China. Join me to hear how our leaders today are trying to make history rhyme.
Additional episodes of the OnlySubs Podcast can be found here.
1 comment
I am so excited to find this website!! I have one son that is extremely ignorant about what Marxism, socialism, and communism is about. Not surprised, as he rebelled and dropped out of my homeschool which would have included studies from Hillsdale. Have you written for Hillsdale College or been involved with them in any way? It seems like you have an excellent background in history and especially Civics courses which include the study of the evils of Communism and socialism. I already sent an audio lesson from you concerning solidarity to my Wide Awake son. I have already found things linking the Vatican to World economic forum, stressing the importance of “solidarity”, which after a very quick perusal I established was just another code word for a type of Marxism and communism, to implement the new Global World Order. Thank you for this most excellent website and I will be sure to peruse it and listen to some of your speeches and teachings as well as send to most of my seven sons. Keep up the good work, and don’t let your guard down for a minute. People so need to learn and understand the truth of this pernicious evil that is cloaked in Goodwill to all and is being pushed onto the ignorant masses, as it has been many times in the past, supposedly for the good of the poor and underprivileged. May God bless you and keep you in your effort to educate with truth.
Cordially, Catherine S.