The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 121
Sex ed has come a long way, even if you don’t realize it. What we used to think of as sex education has been slowly being transformed into Comprehensive Sexuality Education, an institutional monstrosity stemming from a partnership between UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) and the International Planned Parenthood Foundation. Yes, that Planned Parenthood… in schools. In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, the fifth in the “Groomer Schools” mini-series, host James Lindsay pulls back the veil on the pillars of Comprehensive Sexuality Education by reading from a variety of source material so you can realize just how big the Groomer Schools phenomenon really is. Join him to understand how important it is to protect our children from this.
Guttmacher Institute: A Definition of Comprehensive Sexuality Education
IPPF: Framework for CSE
Previous episodes from the Groomer Schools series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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I appreciate your thoroughness in your investigations. Not sure if you are aware, but the Guttamacher Institute is the longstanding ‘research arm’ for Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and the abortion movement overall. Eugenics are at the foundation of all this, fueled by Margaret Sanger’s work. Since then use of the pre-born babies for manufacturing of pharmaceuticals (babies are aborted and kept alive until cut-up) and now in this century the movement is to kill the babies one month after birth at the comfort of the parents. Guttamacher Institute is part of this group of players in the international playing field.
James Lindsay, your recent interview with Ben Shapiro is excellent. Extremely clear presentation of so many of your ideas in one concise video interview for general viewers but also for those of us veteran anti-Woke resisters to the insane train of Dialectical Inversion. Your interview should be mandatory viewing for all high school students (and everyone!).
The concept of “evil” is so misused and debased these days, but evil is the word that comes to mind to describe the scale and scope of the long march through the institutions that has unfolded in real life over the last 50 years (and I confess to having been one of the useful idiots in the 1980s and ‘90s).
Though not a believer myself (in any traditional sense), Diabolical is the only word that sums up the enormity of this inhumane atrocity. I envision Dante’s ‘Inferno’ updated with appropriate punishments for the monstrous anti-humans who masterminded The Horror for their own gain: Freire as the new Ugolino eating the brains of Marcuse in the lowest rung of Hell…