The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 54
Through brand names like “comprehensive sex education” and one of its parent programs, “Social-Emotional Learning (SEL),” our government schools have been turned into Groomer Schools, and parents are beginning to notice. What many will not understand, however, is that this isn’t just a fluke of our weird and increasingly degenerate times. It is, in fact, a long-purposed Marxist project reaching back into the early 20th century. In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, join James Lindsay as he explains the long history of the sexual grooming that has come into our schools through Critical Gender Theory and Queer Theory as they have crept into educational programs. If you want an explanation for how sexually explicit materials, gender ideology, pornography, and strippers have made their way into our government schools, including for young children, this is a must-hear.
Additional episodes from the Groomer Schools series: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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Previous episodes of the New Discourses podcast are available here.
Shulamith Firestone has an interesting discussion of the invention of childhood and the myth of childhood innocence coincident with the invention of the nuclear family in the chapter “Down With Childhood” in her 1970 tract “The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution.” Could this have had some influence on the move to abolish the innocence of children?
And she’s not crazy!
(Are there transcripts for these podcasts?)
It’s the same pattern. Perhaps Firestone was indoctrinated by the neo-Marxists and/or postmodernists. I’ve read quotes from her that sound very similar to what James is outlining as Woke doctrine.
So glad you brought this up. I’d come across it many years ago, and was starting to think I had made it up! I remember trying to find it in the early ’80s when there was a slew of advertising in pop culture that was very anti childhood. Hopefully James will do a read of it.
100%. The early ’80s were filled with anti childhood advertising. It troubled me deeply.
What is needed is an author willing to write a book that explains what is going on here, for children and age appropriate
Look for “Awake, Not Woke” by Noelle Mering
In 1919, Georg Lukacs became Deputy Commissar for Culture in the short-lived Bolshevik Bela Kun regime in Hungary. He immediately set plans in motion to de-Christianize Hungary.
Reasoning that if Christian sexual ethics could be undermined among children, then both the hated patriarchal family and the Church would be dealt a crippling blow, Lukacs launched a radical sex education program in the schools. Sex lectures were organized and literature handed out which graphically instructed youth in free love (promiscuity) and sexual intercourse while simultaneously encouraging them to deride and reject Christian moral ethics, monogamy, and parental and church authority. All of this was accompanied by a reign of cultural terror perpetrated against parents, priests, and dissenters. This is what the Marxist Left is doing to our children in our country today.
In 1923, the Frankfurt School-a Marxist think-tank-was founded in Weimar Germany. Among its founders were Georg Lukacs, Herbert Marcuse, and Theodor Adorno. The school was a multidisciplinary effort which included sociologists, sexologists, and psychologists. The primary goal of the Frankfurt School was to translate Marxism from economic terms into cultural terms. It would provide the ideas on which to base a new political theory of revolution based on culture . . .
The end product was Cultural Marxism, now known in the West as multiculturalism.
Totalitarians cannot tolerate rival sources of authority, which is why all totalitarian regimes seek to destroy religion and the family as independent institutions. Loyalty to traditions inherited from our ancestors, a sense of duty to our own flesh and blood, and faith in an eternal God as the source of eternal law, are a stubborn obstacle to the revolutionary agendas of totalitarian fanatics.
There is a lot of writing on this, and it’s rather core to a lot o James’ recent work. But as someone in the business of trying to convince people, all I am finding is conjecture. I desperately need primary source material, e.g the “free love” literature you mentioned. Can you point me to any?
In the UK in the 1970s the Labour Party had members who were promoting paedophilia, through an organisation called PIE. See here
We can all take very specific action here. James if you see this and like it please spread the word: everyone look into your states’ FOIA request laws, request to view the original list of all the books your local school(s) have in their libraries, and when you come across these books and books like it, get them removed.
I love your idea, but the problem is getting the names of the books first. I saw “Queer Baby” on the news, and the lady showing them had 1 other, but didn’t give its name. I’ve been trying to just get a kid of someone in my neighborhood we could trust, and have them go look for the books and maybe just start with some pictures or where they are and how many. But I love the idea of hunting smart instead of hard. And I would agree, I just need an official piece of paper with the title of the book, and a reasonably understood location, and I would certainly bring it to people’s attention in my town – maybe buy a billboard in addition to pulling the books.
Sadly, similar to the News (err….propaganda) orgs the real problem is the teachers. Sadly, I don’t think many know full-well what they are doing. Most of them think they re leading their children to some kind of greater “awokening”. And are even willing to do it behind the parent’s backs (but how can they call themselves teachers and don’t know what Mao did to Chinese kids. You can look it up on YouTube. That is why this movement is so frickin’ evil. Some of the people in these orgs know full well the true purpose of their evil intent – and I think they even know these kids may well be the fodder of a US Red Guard. But I think some people working there don’t know this stuff. The true complexity and depth is almost too much to grasp (I couldn’t have done with without Lindsay – there is some real brilliance there – (and in the movement he uncovered too!! – how do you create a movement that can materially affect a $150 Trillion Net Worth country – that doesn’t even have a central leadership in the classic sense (handing out orders and dreaming of world domination)) that has perpetuated itself through the last 60 years. That’s a religion – no other explanation). Then how can any respectable religion cause pornography to be put in our children’s school library? Jeez… does Western Civ let such a large group of its people get this far off the rails?
We let it teach OUR kids with Howard Zinn’s America (and that lie has gotten so big that it is now its own organization, with considerable funding – you’d have thought someone that worked for that org would have gotten a hint that Zinn wasn’t quite right and grabbed a couple of Zinn Books they provide schools and gone an checked a few facts themselves, and then became disillusioned and quit publicly, and took 30% of the staff with them. (I’ve had the same opinion about the propaganda medial too). I mean, how can you get your juices flowing over working for an organization that is “retelling the History of America – the true history, not the lies we’ve been told for 400 years” And continue to work there after it becomes known that the very foundational book by your holy author has over 1,000 purposeful, with evil intent, lies in it. Is there a double standard for average joe-bloe workers? They’ll happily sell their soul for Zinn, but can’t stand to look at a picture of Christopher Columbus?
To me, I am shocked beyond words about this. I’ve seen 2 segments on news channels that were both several minutes long. In one, some white lady (I’ve seen somewhere before) gave a cool and thorough presentation – I think she had just debated someone. When asked , she said if parents could afford it, they should certainly take their kids out of that school . The 2nd was 3 black people on a Fox News show – I think they were from a religious organization (not a church) or maybe a parents organization. In one part of that segment, the lady seated on the left (of my screen), just blurted out, “this is porn people!! What are you doing?! Get your kids out of this school right now!!” I agree with her. I think parents throughout that entire school should try to put together an alternate teaching arrangement, and then the parents pull their kids out of the groomer school and put them in the new arrangement on the same day. That would send a message, and provide a solution for many parents that can’t afford to simply start homeschooling their kids to pull them out – especially if they question their children, and they say the teacher has not tried to show them the porn material.
Anyhow, thanks for the idea. Once I get some names of some books, I may try to simply go down to our Board of Education and ask them i can get a printout. Then do the FOIA. I’m afraid they will just simply ignore the FOIA. I don’t know who would punish them in the Covid environment. Maybe I could just take a FOIA form to the BoE, and just tell them I’m going to file it and that it would be easier if they could just print me the lists of books that start wtih the following letters (then give them 5 or 6 letters). I’d tell them I was part of a religious organization (you can be a church of 1 in this country – at least for now) and I needed to check on a few books before I enter my kids in this county’s schools.
“…when you come across these books and books like it, get them removed.”
Thank you for your explicit support of censorship ! Down with freedom of speech! Never mind challenging and refuting bad ideas with sound ideas. Oh no! Just stoke the bonfire, clear the bookshelves of those controversial books, and toss them in the fire–along with their authors!!
You are as much of a Statist as the Statists who write and promote those books!
Those who have deeply internalized oppression, who deeply require being what they perceive as the locus of control over their own lives, will not rest until they experience liberation from all human categories and constructions.
I would love to see you produce a podcast on the transhumanist movement, its goals, values, and modus operandi, which I think is connected to queer deconstruction.
Things like transgenderism are a gateway to transhumanism. Lindsay does go into that a little bit in the second part of this series when he talks about the Marxists’ need to completely remove a child’s identity. First, you remove their gender. Then you remove their humanity.
Some transhumanists buy into this stuff. Their logic is similar. They think they can reinvent reality according to their own superior insights, quite literally by making humans into cyborgs and/or genetic engineering. I read one who quoted radical feminist Firestone on the abolition of man, saying we could now eliminate the gender binary with genetic engineering.