The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 55
In the previous episode of the New Discourses Podcast, James Lindsay revealed the long history of the problem of Groomer Schools, and horrible as it is, it barely communicates just how bad things really are. In this follow-up episode, Lindsay reads through an academic paper at the intersection of early childhood education and Queer Theory, two subjects that should never be mixed. The 2019 paper is called “Queer futurity and childhood innocence: Beyond the injury of development” by Hannah Dyer of Carleton University, Canada. In this episode of the podcast, James reads through this paper in full, offering his usual level of commentary and revealing just how insidious and dangerous the agenda in the public schools is (Critical Race Theory is, honestly, among the least of our problems, if you can believe it). Join him and prepare to be appalled at what the Critical Marxists who have taken over our education system have in mind for our children.
Additional episodes from the Groomer Schools series: Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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Previous episodes of the New Discourses podcast are available here.
Oh dear, listening to Hannah Dyer’s work I can hear my brain cells dying. James, I love you, but I can’t listen to this!
Surely a stable identity is a prerequisite for informed consent.
Thank heaven for people like James Lindsay who can break down the insanity of this and call it out, but goodness only knows how he manages to delve into these topics daily and not go completely crazy. I would have to imagine that it would be terribly demoralizing after awhile. Theory and Marxism is just straight up evil.
What a shock! On her twitter she celebrates statue removal:
Great voice Sir. Looking forward to listening to this.
I’ve encountered such blatant grooming attempts at Stanford University’s prestigious online high school (OHS) several years ago. My kids were enrolled at that school.
It must have been around 2015, maybe 2016, I’m not sure. Two young women were invited by OHS to give their presentation to all OHS students. The name of the presentation was “We are all gay.” I was shocked by the title of that presentation and inquired what that was all about. I was told that it was harmless and nothing to worry about but that I could not attend the presentation – parents were not allowed. I looked up the women’s names and found out that they were two young lesbian women in their twenties. They had no educational training whatsoever, neither in teaching generally nor talking to kids about sexuality. Instead, I found some shockingly flippant commentary by them online where they talked about what their goal was. There was a clip they had posted online where they said how they travel to smaller cities in the US and give their presentation “We are all gay.” And how parents are all hostile to them because they fear they will turn their kids gay. And how they di exactly that (one of them laughed while she said that): turning their kids gay. They also talked openly in that clip that they had no qualifications whatsoever but that schools were inviting them nonetheless and were paying them well. Which they seemed to find hilarious.
I sent the director of OHS the link and described to her what I had found out about the women. Not that it had been particularly difficult to find out. But the director seemed surprised and unaware. Nonetheless, the presentation went ahead as scheduled. I even met with the director and talked to her about my concerns and how totally inappropriate I thought this was. It didn’t make any difference of course.
To Ninu.
Wow. Stanford University no less.
What a shame.
Stanford is my Grandfather’s Alma Mater. He certainly wouldn’t recognize that garbage today.
the left dont realize indcotrination can backfire and fail and allowing pedos and rapists to sexually assault childrne will reuslt in eveyr rapist, pedo, leftist, Dem, Marxist, BLM and Antifa activt becoming a marked person and kiled by criminals cause criminals dont care about politics, Woke left ideology, Socialism, Marxism and communism, BLM, Antifa and rapists and Pedos ik that criminals hate pedos and rapists cause ik in prisons rapists and pedos are commonly assaulted by other inmates. the straight adult wont be erased every queer and transgender will be persecuted and killed by criminals
Grammar, much?
ok groomer