Social Justice Usage
Source: Chu, Andrea Long. Females: A Concern. Verso Books, 2019, p. 76.
Sissy porn’s central conceit is that the women it depicts are in fact former men who have been feminized (‘sissified’) by being forced to wear makeup, wear lingerie, and perform acts of sexual submission. Captions further instruct viewers to understand that the very act of looking at sissy porn itself constitutes an act of sexual degradation, with the implication that, whether they like it or not, viewers will inevitably be transformed into females themselves. This makes sissy porn a kind of metapornography, that is, porn about what happens to you when you watch porn. At the center of sissy porn lies the asshole, a kind of universal vagina through which femaleness can always be accessed. Getting fucked makes you female because fucked is what a female is.
New Discourses Commentary
A “universal vagina” is an anus (“through which femaleness can always be accessed”), at least according to some activists broadly working within the realms of trans rights activism, gender studies, and queer Theory. The use of this term arose from trans-idenifying activist and author Andrea Long Chu in the 2019 Females, which characterizes “femaleness” as, shall we say, sexual reception, inter alia. The ideology around transgender issues, as one might imagine, raises a number of thorny questions about what to do with naming and identifying the genitals of transgender and other gender non-conforming people (see also, ladydick and front hole). The “universal vagina” can also be contrasted against the usual vagina (“front hole”) as the “back hole” in this linguistic manipulation.
Without putting too fine a point on it, the penises of (some) transgender people, especially women (“ladydick” or “girldick”), and vaginas in general (“front hole”) have to be characterized in terms that don’t violate the overarching transgender ideology and social constructivist gender Theory upon which it is based (see also, gender studies). Since a vagina is, in a social constructivist universe (see also, defamiliarization), a hole in which people can have sex, and that hole is in the front of one’s anus, the vagina is often labeled a “front hole” when present. Since the anus is, in the same loose sense, another hole in which people can have sex, and that hole is present in all bodies, it is sometimes labeled a “universal vagina.” These terms allow for the preservation of the social constructivist gender Theory (see also, blank slatism) while trying to account for the fact that said gender Theory is clueless on what to do with the anatomies of men and women when sufficiently queered.
Some explanation of this bizarre view is in order. According to social constructivists, gender and even sex, are social constructions that people are socialized into performing by the norms and expectations of the society in which they live (see also, gender performativity). These norms and expectations are typically believed to be upheld discursively (see also, discourses), and therefore the ways people talk about things leads society to condition people to behave and even be certain ways that they might not genuinely identify with, which is a form of oppression (see also, violence of categorization). Thus, defining new discursive parameters for things we are otherwise familiar with (like genitals and buttholes) is necessary to break free of the conditioning of the society that, say, associates penises with males and vaginas with females (and anuses with not being genitals). This is, in a sense, a rather extreme division of the thought present in queer Theory, and challenging the assumptions in this way can be seen as a part of the broader critical constructivist project of the Theory of Critical Social Justice.
This social constructivist project would therefore believe that we can break away from the “penises are male,” “vaginas are female,” “anuses aren’t genitals,” paradigm, which allegedly oppresses people who do not conform to the standard notions of gender by changing the way we think about these bodily organs. By allowing for “ladydicks,” the “penises are male” trope can be subverted. By redefining vaginas, when present, as “front holes,” the idea that they are uniquely female is allegedly somehow disrupted by breaking away from dominant discursive patterns and associations. By treating the anus as a universal sexual receptacle and re-identifying it as another “vagina” that is universal to all bodies, this dominant paradigm about male and female bodies (see also, binary) can be challenged at a deeper level still. Furthermore, trans women who do not have a vagina (probably because they have a penis, a.k.a. “ladydick”) can feel as though they are more woman than they actually are because their anus can be identified as their vagina (see also, trans women are women), which is basically the same as any other, at least under doctrines of extreme social constructivism and discourse-based thinking (see also, poststructuralism).
Related Terms
Binary; Blank slatism; Bodies; Critical; Critical constructivism; Defamiliarization; Discourse; Disrupt; Dominant; Front hole; Gender; Gender performativity; Gender studies; Ideology; Ladydick; Man; Oppression; Poststructuralism; Queer (v.); Queer Theory; Sex; Social construction; Social constructivism; Social Justice; Socialization; Subversion; Theory; Trans Rights Activism; Trans women are women; Transgender; Violence of categorization; Woman
Revision date: 8/5/21
This is so hateful towards women. “To be female is to be fucked.” You’re reducing us to sexual objects. You’re stating that our identities cannot be conceptualized outside of male sexuality. You’re saying we only have one type of sexuality, which is to be submissive. Misogyny disguised as liberation.
A bunch of degenerates trying to explain to the “old fashioned ” people that their grossnes is normal. We ain’t buying it. Mental health problems, HUGE ONES! Call yourself gay and be happy, but don’t reinvent language to explain stupidity.
The anus is frequently damaged. A plastic surgeon can earn a living just by repairing anuses only, not vaginas.
Totally insane.
Sexual preparation is always connected to a spam and egg combination even when not consummated. A real penis was designed for a real vagina so real sperm ca be ejected into real eggs. The anus or dildo cannot perform those functions. If I were a sombrero it does not make me a Latino.
Seriously ill people think and act like those faking real sex. It is called “Salad talk” that just mixes up meaningless words and terms. Such persons need therapy not approval.
If you want to know yet another reason why some older gay men HATE trans and queer and “non-binary” and all that preposterous magical thinking cringe-making assholes-desperate-to-be-somebody BULLSHIT, here is why:
“The rise of the heterosexual ‘queer’
…So, dear heterosexual ‘queers’, I’d like you to do two things for me. First, imagine if white people blacked themselves up, called themselves the n-word and rewrote the history and culture of black people (in all its myriad manifestations over thousands of years) to be in line with portrayals in 19th-century minstrel shows. Second, bugger off, bugger off further than that, and then keep buggering off. (But don’t worry – you won’t have to do any actual buggering.)
Gareth Roberts”
commenter wrote: “…the ultimate insult to REAL females.”
That’s the whole point! Degradation and humiliation is REVENGE upon the “oppressor”. Lick our asses, mo-fos. Gimme your money, sh-t bag! And the “oppressors” do it! They crawl and cringe and post on facebook their own fecal smeared faces to demonstrate the degree of their chosen and willing self-abasement.
Trannies spit in women’s faces. Queers spit in hetero’s faces. Non-whites spit in white’s faces. They do it because “progressive” women, heteros and whites let them do it. They want them to do it. These “progressives” carry their new masters’ feces while bowing and scraping before the very trans, queers and non-whites who spit on them and call them sub-human garbage: Die Cis Scum! Kill Terfs Dead! “Whites and are the cancer of the human race,” grovelled (white woman) Susan Sontag 30 years ago. The term social justice warrior (SJW) is wrong; they are social VENGEANCE warriors (SVWs). Gettin’ Even! That’s the bestial name of the woke game, baby.
This entire woke thang is REVENGE and it can’t stop because the grovellers grovel to be rewarded with status crumbs for their conformity obedience. A huge majority of white people today across the Western world love all of this and think we’re living in a golden age with them “on the right side of history”.
Beyond sick. End of the world, frankly.
What a clusterfuck… Comparing an asshole to something as wonderful as a vagina is the ultimate insult to REAL females.
That very last line. “Getting fucked makes you female because fucked is what a female is.” Third wave feminism is notoriously touchy, and yet… how did this get no outrage? I’ve long since cut my ties with libfems, but this makes my blood boil. And this is a very popular text in the trans movement. You’d need to be willfully ignorant to read this as a woman and still be a trans ally.
Yes, it is ridiculous. But the anus isn’t really that high risk if proper precautions are taken. Including with women (female performers do this all the time in porn and aren’t dropping like flies from damage).
Utterly ridiculous. Lets remember an anus is NOT a sexual orifice despite it being used as such. Its part of the bowel and if penetrated in women can cause serious harm (cos it has a bend in it which is not long enough for a penis). Male anus and passage is straighter.
Anal sex really isn’t something that should be encouraged (especially in women) because of the high risks if injury and infection.
The sooner “gender ideology” and “woke” idiocy is stopped the better.