Posts by tag
the politics of education
14 posts
Paulo Freire and the Marxist Transformation of the Church
Join James to understand the goal of transforming the Christian churches in theory, practice, and agenda in this gripping podcast that exposes the roots and implementation of a devastating Marxist rot in mainline Christianity and thus the chief heresy of the twenty-first century.
Paulo Freire’s Marxist Easter for Educators
In this first part of this shocking chapter, before turning to the role he envisions for churches, Freire explains the religious conversion educators must go through in order to be "true" educators.
Paulo Freire and the Critical Theft of Education
In this episode, James takes up the ninth chapter of The Politics of Education, wherein Freire describes what he calls “Humanistic Education.”
Paulo Freire and Learning to Remake Man
In this episode, James takes up the eighth chapter of The Politics of Education, wherein Freire describes what he calls "The Process of Political Literacy."
Paulo Freire’s Perpetual Cultural Revolution
In this episode, James takes up the seventh chapter of The Politics of Education, wherein Freire outlines the need for and process of "conscientization."
Paulo Freire and the Birth of Groomer Schools
In this episode, James takes up the more complex second half of chapter six, revealing how Freire's "dialogical model" of education is, in fact, the birthplace of what he has elsewhere referred to as "Groomer Schools."
Paulo Freire’s Marxification of Education
Join James to hear about the Marxification of education itself, bearing in mind yet again that almost all of our kids now go to Paulo Freire's schools.
Your Kids Go to Paulo Freire’s Marxist Schools
In this episode of the podcast, James Lindsay reads through part of an academic paper from 2006 about incorporating Critical Race Theory and Whiteness Studies into literacy education in second-grade classrooms.
The Social Work of Education
In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, James Lindsay reads the entirety of chapter 5 of The Politics of Education, which seems out of place at first because it addresses "the role of the social worker in the process of change."
Paulo Freire: Educating to Proclaim the World
In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, James tackles the next two chapters of this book, chapters three and four, wherein it becomes abundantly clear that "Culturally Relevant Teaching" is an Identity Marxist repackaging of Freirean education.
Paulo Freire’s Politics of Education
We often hear that Woke Marxism is a new ideology in the world. I've even said so. Well, it isn't. It's just an old one repackaged in various ways without any essential changes made to it at all.
Paulo Freire’s Prophetic Vision for Education
Join James Lindsay in this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, where he continues through the darker, deeper aspect of Freirean Critical Pedagogy.
Paulo Freire’s Politics of Education and a New Hope
In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, join James as he dives into the introduction to Paulo Freire's 1985 book, The Politics of Education, in order to better understand Freire and his influence.