The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Ep. 158
Enough is enough. While there is much need for purposed action around the world to set our countries to right, we are rapidly realizing we’ve had enough radicalism. But radicalism, often in answer to radicalism, is still rapidly on the rise. These facts raise an important question: What is the road away from radicalization? How do we deradicalize generations? An answer can be found in the religious spirit cultivated by the Christian and Jewish faiths, whether one is religious or not. In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay reads from the latter part of Melita Maschmann’s eye-opening book, An Account Rendered: A Dossier on My Former Self in which she recounts the series of encounters with three Christians and a Jew that ultimately spurred and then finished her “inner break from National Socialism.” Join him to hear about the unbelievable power of patient, unforgetting forgiveness and the accountability it carries with it.
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Thank you, James. These talks are (nearly) always good to listen to; I found this of exceptional interest – and intend to get a copy of the book. Among other good points is that this has made explicit what you mean by the woke-right, which is not a helpful term, I think. You mean reactionary. You also made clear a distinction between Christian Nationalism and ‘real’ Christians – though I’m sorry to say that there is some blurring of boundaries goes on there.
And you didn’t use bad language even once!
“We earnestly beseech you, admonish those who are out of line; encourage the timid and faint-hearted; give your support to weak souls; be very patient with everybody. See that none of you repays another with evil for evil [which does not discount law suits!] but always aim to show kindness and seek to do good to one another and to everybody [which might include law suits!]. Be happy and rejoice continually. Be unceasing in prayer.”
And to a young pastor, the same author writes, “Let your moderation be known to all.”
So, let’s see. If we don’t react we are being screwed by the Left but, if we do react strongly, we are screwing ourselves? That’s quite a dilemma. Also, a small correction. It’s David Horowitz, not Daniel Horowitz, who was a red diaper baby and allied with the Black Panthers until they murdered his book keeper after he referred her to them to straighten out their books.