The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 141
The more one looks at the United Nations, the weirder it gets, particularly when looking at Robert Muller. In a recent episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay exposed the fruitbat theosophical religion Muller urged that international organization to take up as part of its Millennium Assembly to define a new world order for the 21st century and 3rd millennium. In this episode, Lindsay goes further, reading a 2005 document from Muller explaining his belief in a need for a “proper” global government with a global religion, all controlled by a newly reconstituted United Nations for the 21st century. The goal is nothing less than a Global Pagan Theosophical Theocracy led by the United Nations. The United Nations is, quite clearly, taking this bad idea seriously, which leads us to an urgent need to take seriously the idea of defunding and abolishing the United Nations altogether.
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Robert Muller is the type of idealist who would state all the same things in a world that was not corrupt if we are honest. Its the fact that the world is corrupt & thus his ideas gain traction that kind of blinkers us in that respect. My point is that, clearly, there some kind of demarcation around explicit intentionality that governs when and how ideas are ok or not. I.E Totalitarianism thats happy to receive it doesn’t prove what ideas like Mullers are in any falsifiable way at all.
Apart from that the are others such as Richard Von Coudenhove Kalergi whose plan from circa 100 (+ ? ) years ago is a close match concerning todays political models.
Lindsay decomposes the ideas and movements that have engulfed society like an amoeba. This is profoundly psychotherapeutic for anyone who has internalized the contradictory nonsense and dysfunctional beliefs we’ve been fed.
JL’s talks are a peroxide that sterilizes virulent delusions and breaks up the indigestible plaques that have jammed the systems of individuals and societies.
Moreover, you cannot speak of a (theosophical) theocracy because a materialistic way of thinking (using drugs to be spiritual) by definition leads to worshipping creation instead of the Creator. Unfortunately, the art of theology has all but perished .
“The earth speaks” or some other entitity is most often a direct effect of ayahuasca use. Lots of users experience “the downloading of (essential) information” during the trip with an urge to integrate it in some kind of way afterwards. That is after they THINK they’ve sobered up. We need to recognize that there is no sobering up after the use of certain psychedalics instead of taking the bullshit these people utter seriously.
If ayahuasca use is followed by a “spiritual” doctrine that the user NEEDS to express we must conclude the trip HAS NOT ended.
I would be interested in learning who was behind the 1973 move by Britain to give up its sovereignty and join the EU. When I was introduced to this event through my school lessons, I wondered how the once mighty British could so easily have given up the sovereignty which had — for almost a thousand years — been the jewel in their crown. Astonished me. They defeated Hitler in WWII, only to give it all up voluntarily not quite 30 years later.
Who actually held the power behind the scenes in that fiasco? Elizabeth caved in pretty easily to it, didn’t she? Despite her Coronation Oath.
I see that Nigel Farage has just declared he will be joining the Reform Party in England, and running for a seat in the upcoming July general election. He had a hand in BREXIT some years ago, so perhaps he can power the move back to authentic British sovereignty and power over their own country.
Maybe Queen Elizabeth II caved to help “decolonize” her real “peeps” (from “The Times”):
“A Moroccan newspaper has declared that the Queen is a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, claiming to have traced her lineage back more than 40 generations.”
UK royalty watchers need to know: Does an Umma Queen wear her tiara under or over her burka? Will Buckingham palace be turned into Europe’s largest mosque/maddrassa? When will Muslim King Chuck III finally “come out” and declare England his rightfully inherited Islamic kingdom? Stay tuned for the next episode of Albion Has Fallen.
King Chuck is not our friend. Nor a friend of the British people. He has long betrayed them. Another of the so-called “Global Elites”. He is a real pal of Klaus Schwab, for starters. The British press even reported quite often on their “co-operative ventures”, as if it did not strike the MSM what this was leading to. Of course it did.
And yet….so many of the Brits are held fast by that Cultural Hypnotism of what I call the Monarchy Myth. They respond to it the same way that Americans go googly-eyed over media celebrities. The groupie phenomenon. They get hooked into the fawning and adoration, and it holds them in chains. Being fond of one’s history and culture is one thing — a good thing — but this is another.
European integration momentum forth was first agreed in 1948’s Brussels Pact. This document contained hidden articles. Ever since it Britain was assets stripped of all its wealth & industries. With managements ‘in on it’. crypto racists were inserted onto factory floors posing as union shop stewards to create chaos. The story was ”Britain cannot make and aeroplane”. ” Britain cannot make cars ”. Britain cannot run its electricity / gas / water/ rail blah blah blah blah. All of it was deliberate sabotage.
So the problem goes back to the way people responsible for a very well known 6 million body human holocaust, were able to suggest to 6 nations its supposed to have ‘invaded’ felt able to suggest all going into a trading agreement which shall entail ‘TOTAL INTEGRATION’ with Germany in charge. Anyone would think the suggested obscene ?
I refer everyone to the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, and how by his devlish charisma he inspired his many followers…..until he led them over a cliff.
This is an archetype which still appears in our societies under certain circumstances. And the deluded unaware followers still go over the cliff.
I hear you on this one. I must look more deeply into the Brussels Pact.
Quote” deeply into the Brussels Pact ”
Hidden deep in it was an agreement to meet the following year, whence, european integration matters were able to be gone into further.
Theoretically the perpetrators of the war were by far the most wealthy group in the world. That can influence a lot of politics. One has to ask if it was ‘a war’ rather than a very deliberate continental sized robbery carried out by a large collaboration across europe. Too much extraordinarily convenient things happened, such as non german waffen SS lead forces always suited / booted / ready to go ALL with perfect timing.
Take a country that was NOT having it like Russia – suddenly nothing goes right !
The above referred top this statement :
Quote – I would be interested in learning who was behind the 1973 move by Britain to give up its sovereignty and join the EU. Unquote.
James call this silly Robert Muller stuff “crackpot wizardry”. I would say that it is also very, very childish. As if Robert made up fairytales. And apparently he believed them. There was nothing professional, educated or intelligent about what he had to say. Just immature delusions. Full of holes.
Despite their clownishness, it’s important for anti-woke dissidents to know the ideas of people like Muller because these ideas helped shape the authoritarian horrorshow world of today, as do the ideas of influential current iterations of Muller such as Schwab’s buttboy WEF “expert” Yuval Noah Harakiri and many others. Robert Muller was a crackpot but his childish immature delusions were taken very seriously and implemented by power brokers who created the whole woke globalist mess as attested in Muller’s linked document:
October 24, 2002
To Dr. Robert Muller
Rosalynn and I are pleased to congratulate you on receiving the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation’s 2002 World Citizenship Award. Since your prizewinning essay on world governance, written 54 years ago, you have devoted much of your life to the peacekeeping efforts of the United Nations, directly assisting three secretaries general. Your schools and books emphasize the increasing importance of global education. Your courageous leadership for peace is certainly worthy of this fine recognition.
With warm best wishes,
Jimmy Carter”
I thought that Jimmy Carter was as naive as the average Canadian. You could hook him anytime with that Peace & Love & Kumbaya routine. The manipulators saw Jimmy coming! That is the danger in this type. They will give away everything worth having, to the con-artists.
Then again, Carter did make it to US President, so maybe that was a mask of naivete he wore. If so, it was convincing.
I entirely agree, D Thirteen, that it is vital to know from whence cometh the current world madness. I have been on the trail myself since long before the 2020’s dirt hit the fan. The more we know, the better placed we are to stand up to this.
But do allow me to toy with Robert Muller and his foolishness a bit. He damn well desrved it. Such delusions can and do create havoc.
I was referring to JL’s exposure of Muller’s deranged ideas and not Robert the fool himself.
Absolutely, the man is a clown! Mock him! MOCK THEM ALL! Robert Muller and all the self-serving snake oil salesmen and self-important ideological quackpots deserve the equivalent of being locked in public stocks and having rotten vegetables hurled at them by a drunken laughing mob!
Read Roger Scruton’s “Fools Frauds and Firebrands” or Paul Johnson’s “Intellectuals” or Raymond Aron’s “Opium of the Intellectuals” for hilarious true story take downs of all the “great” bullshit self-aggrandizing troublemaker eggheads of the past 250 years. Did you know that Rousseau, the father of socialized education — who said “children belong to the state” — always had much older (female) mistresses who he made spank his bare bottom while he called them “Mommy” — complete clown, a French Bozo!
Sartre, Butler, Foucault, Chomsky, Zizek, the whole eggheadian gang — circus clowns every one of them — fake, phoney, moneygrubbing, status vultures. Pie in the face for each. Or better yet, prison.
Oh, I shall mock them all. I had a headstart. I have been doing so since I was a girl. I saw that there was something in society that was very…illogical…..even when I was young. Drove me crazy that the average person would go along with this stuff. I read everything I could get my hands on to try to trace this illogic and to find out who else might have seen it. Excellent education, it was. So I am well-prepared now.
I enjoyed reading Paul Johnson’s “Intellectuals” from beginning to end. I especially liked his defrocking of Bertrand Russell’s rationalistic pontifications, revealing how Russell adored the floating abstraction “Mankind” but was contemptuous of individual flesh-and-blood human beings. He truly despised interacting with people on a personal level, was rude and impatient with them. Johnson relates a phone call between him and Russell during which Johnson points out a logical error that Russell had made. Russell angrily cried, “Logical fiddlesticks!”, and sharply hung up. Russell probably resumed drinking the tea that he couldn’t figure out how to make himself.
Maybe. He had the nous to make up stories put HIM in POW falsely. Similarly his lists do not show ” Commit continental sized rape pillage burglary of bank accounts that resembles world war” Nor ”Use loot to bribe europes politicians post war”.
But then many of the people responsible for these things have staged fake anti n-a-z-i attitudes when most of the are ancestors of that regime .
Verbatim from the linked document by Robert Muller where God and Robert discuss Robert’s genius.
“Dr. Robert Muller
Chancellor Emeritus
United Nations University for Peace
Costa Rica
Idea 4000
‘Dear Robert, congratulations for having finished your 4000 ideas. May I ask you: which one do you consider the most important?’
Well, my most important idea and conclusion after all my adult life as a world civil servant is this:
[all caps in original]
Earth to Robert. Come in. Over.
Frankly, I think Robert M. was on the edge of Schizophrenia, at times falling over the edge.
This behaviour of his is no different from the diagnosed Schizophrenic who tells you he is Jesus Christ or Napoleon.
Why are there so few commenters on this site? I mean, you look at Substack comment sections, or media comment sections, and they overflow. James Lindsay has a lot of excellent material. He is known. He sells books. Therefore, why so few discussions taking place in this comment forum?
Thats a very good point & one that has stood out for me long.
He’s never seemed interested in other POV unless it clone,
After being here for several hours, I think I can answer that myself. It’s because this comment forum works so badly, would-be commenters get frustrated and leave. When you press the “post comment” button, the comments will go through only sometimes. Too often, you get an error message and what you have typed-out fails to post. You can try half a dozen more times, with the same failed result. After a while, once-interested parties throw in the towel, and say “enough of this”.
James needs to do something about the below-par operation here.
There should be inclusion of the world’s youth in this UN nonsense?
Along those lines, WEF loves to manufacture child-saints. Of course, St. Greta springs to mind.
However, there was another WEF child-saint launched from Canada in the early 1990s, by the name of Craig Kielburger. His specialty was doing multiple third world tours and announcing that he was going to save the youth from child labour and poverty. He was a media star.
Then he and his brother Marc eventually went off to very expensive university educations, which could have funded small nations, while they and their school-teacher parents were also purchasing large swathes of valuable Toronto real estate. Next thing you knew, the brothers had a charitable organization known as WE, which produced pop musical shows that suddenly seemed to be attracting (or forcing) audiences of Canadian schoolchildren from across the country. Who was on stage at these shows they gave? The mother, wife, and assorted other family members of Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau. Hm-m-m.
Next — a coincidence, I am sure — the Kielburger brothers were in line to make out like bandits from Canadian government funding. Really? You can check the media stories for what happened next. Canadians caught on. The WE shows were about subtly indoctrinating new voters for the Trudeau political party. And the $$$? Well……
WE eventually crashed.
Craig is apparently now working with BCG X and Realize the Dream to create a specialized AI education and coaching platform. H-m-m, again.
As a person who was born, lived six decades and is now trapped as a non-rich senior citizen in the Woke-Wefian shithole known as Torontula Canadodoland, here is my joke about Canadians:
Why is the maple leaf the symbol of Canada?
Because Canada is a nation full of saps.
A few years ago, a well known female scientist spent a few years doing research in Canada and was asked by journalists as she departed how she found her time in Canada. She said, The individuals I met were very nice to me, but Canadians as a people are dangerously naive. Observant and savvy woman.
I agree with you completely. Canada holds a population at the pinnacle of naivete. And it is definitley not a good thing.
I like your Canuck joke. I call the Canadian phenomenon the “Anne of Green Gables mentality”. Too much sweetness causes Diabetes and danger.
@D Thirteen
Welp, as the song “Blame Canada” succinctly and correctly put it:
“It’s not even a real country anyway.”
I think you need some attention, Col. Edward H.R. Green. Otherwise you would not pontificate so….. Do try for greater empathy, alright? And I think I will call you Ted, since the Col. bit makes it seem as if you wish to be above us. Ahem.
Canada? Not a real country? Well it is. It could be a magnificent place, if it were to drop the insufferable Trudeau, and grow some spine again. They did have it at one time…..Candian soldiers in WWI and WWII were admired, and men to be reckoned with. Surely you know that? Then Pierre Trudeau happened to them, beginning in 1968, when they lost their footing. Must have been something odd in the North American water supply in 1968.
Both you and the Colonel are correct. I’ve lived in Canada all my life as did my parents (all 4 grandparents emigrated from Scotland separately with their families to Toronto post WW1 in 1919). Canada did not merely lose its footing — it lost its mind around 1968 via Trudeau the 1st — I was there for “Trudeaumania”: neo-communist cringe that spawned everything that’s gone wrong since. And now with Trudeau the 2nd, Canada is indeed no longer a real country: it’s a disaster, a farce, a WEF puppet woke pit of corruption, economic collapse, third world chaos, champagne socialists and sanctimonious idiots who do nothing but talk about how much better they are than Americans (they aren’t!). Canada’s CBC state media gets $1.8 billion taxpayer money (in a country of 40 million!) annually and has 128 in house management “executive directors” earning over $300,000 a year! Canada is literally a broken mess. Read “Grave Error” before its banned to understand the scale of Canada’s degradation.
Previous Canadian PM Pierre Trudeau, along with his fellow thug Maurice Strong, were the joint toxins introduced to kickstart the Communist/Millenarian/Globalist takeover of Canada, in the late 60s. Maurice Strong made his fortune as a businessman wringing out Canadian natural resources, while he also swanned around with the UN crowd. Pierre Trudeau inherited his family money from a string of profitable gas stations his father had owned in Montreal. Then he worked heartily on trying to shut down the oil & gas industry in western Canada.
Pierre Trudeau made his global connections before he settled down to release his poison in Ottawa. He was a member of the Club of Rome. He had made repeated friendly trips to Mao’s China and Castro’s Cuba. Setting up the arrangements. The centrist Canadian media site, the National Post, still runs pieces such as “The Trudeau family’s weirdly close relationship with Communist China”. Because it is indeed very weird. Pierre Trudeau’s other living son, Alexandre, was known for doing PR work for the Iranian regime.
I think it is long past being just unsubstantiated rumour that Justin Trudeau’s biological father is very likely to have been Cuba’s Castro. You might call it a “Rosemary’s Baby” situation. Pierre and Fidel are speculated to have planned for a Prince of Communism in fututre North America, sired by one of them and raised by the other (the glitch was that Justin inherited his mother’s brains). Klaus Schwab was probably the godfather.
Pierre Trudeau, in his insane arrogance, believed that he owned Canada, and could twist it, then sell it, to the highest bidder. The Trudeau destruction plans have been in action since then, from multiculturalism/mass third world immigration to destroy the “old stock” culture and demographics, to official bilingualism, to the eugenics of unlimited abortion and state euthanasia (MAID), to the faux-disaster-arrangement of the supposed “genocide” the Canadian white man has perpetrated (“Grave Errors”). And all the rest.
Pierre Trudeau intended to crush the country, to remake in the UN/WEF image. And so does his adopted son. All in the name of what James Lindsay describes here as the bizarre UN Globalist religion. Then….they believe they will also have control of the American northern border.
Canada was a proud and functioning country until the Trudeaus stole it to use for their nefarious purposes.
Really….Americans should be paying greater attention to what is playing-out there.
Well said. Sums up Canadodoland in a nutshell.
“You might call it a “Rosemary’s Baby” situation.”
You might indeed. Rosemary could have been describing Papa Doc and Baby Doc Trudeau’s totalitarian voodoo goal of complete zombification of all Canadians when she gasped: “They don’t just want the blood. They want the flesh!”
I see that you understand it too, D. Thirteen. Canada was and is the Globalist experimental ground. And the Americans below will be sitting ducks if they do not wise-up to what is going on. The Globalist idea is to squeeze the U.S. from both borders, south and north.
That 1968 psychological horror film, “Rosemary’s Baby” hit so close to the bone, in terms of the Trudeau/Castro tactics, it is quite eery. The perfect analogy.
I’m, going to listen to this until JL says the word ‘Gnostic’.
It happened @ 116.32.
I’m not listening to sht like this when you can see New Atheism doing it anytime * JL is a new atheist.
Theosophy and Unitarianism — same repellent self-righteousness and superiority, in both.
I have been meaning for a few years to read “False Dawn: The United Religions Initiative, Globalism, and the Quest for a One-World Religion” by Lee Penn. It is along these same lines.
Does anyone else here have opinions on that work?
Hey, hey, hey….the American 1970s Hippie Movement also had many similarities with pagan Theosophy. I rather think that was a situation which we now refer to as a Psychological Operation. And it grew. Then it grew dark and dysfunctional.
I saw the pagan theosophical bent in America through the period of Transcendentalism, in the 19th century. Thoreau, Alcott, Emerson. I eventually realized that it was a fabricated image. Not a whole lot there when you scratched the surface. I can even recall reading the children’s book on the topic by Jane Langton….easy to get pulled into the romanticism, but in the end, it is fraudulent.
Stick with me, kids — I have had my eyes open on these scams for a very long time.