The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 139
The United Nations is a religious organization, and the religion behind it is a cult. More specifically, it is a theosophical cult based on an “evolutionary” vision for mankind that it wants to control. This fact is revealed in a strange book by late UN big-wig and creator of the World Core Curriculum (Common Core in the United States), Robert Muller, from about 25 years ago titled 2000 Ideas for a Better World, which he published in four volumes in the lead-up to the year 2000 (links below). Muller delivered this book and a summary of the key spiritual points to the UN Secretary-General in March of 1999 in advance of the Millennium Assembly with the hope that it would guide UN global policy and global spirituality in the 21st century and third millennium. He then went on to publish five thousand more ideas. The book is shocking in its contents, and in this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay dives into a rather narrow sample of the troubling ideas contained in the summary document Muller stressed to the UN Secretary-General to set the agenda for our current century. Join him to find out what the UN really is.
Muller’s book: Volume I; Volume II; Volume III; Volume IV.
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I appreciate your work. It would be useful to provide a transcript, even if it is not exact. Is that possible?
The largest voting block in UN is the the Islamic bl8ck. Its the second largest mylti national organisation in world, (57 nations). 57 nation OIC. Its constitution is Sharia. Strategy is creeping Sharia. Goal is a world calliphate, though don’t accept universal human rights. See their lexicon
Hi James!
Just wanted to say thanks for all the hours you’re dedicating to help us understand the “real reality “ we’re living.
Now I can examine my life, education and context and well…all what you analyze is present.
It’s overwhelming and eye opening. It’s hard to believe how all these ideologies have shaped our lives beyond what we can grasp.
Thank you and a handshake from Chile.
I found myself among people like this from 2010-2017……..a pagaian cosmological witch camp where yoga meets earth based worship and loads of polyamorous neurotic bullies. The only gift I received from this experience was a growth in how the american institutions have the best vision fo human beings and how important it is to understand it more.
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“Technology will set you free. transtopia is Transhumanism the way it was meant to be: bold; revolutionary; uncompromisingly dedicated to overcoming the many flaws and limitations of the human condition, including death itself, by rational and scientific means.
Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended.”
Uploading is a central concept in our vision of technological ascension.
Many thanks to James for this very insightful and useful presentation. I have been wondering over the last few years what motivates people like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros and their UN and WEF supporters. The proposition that they have adopted/developed and promoted their views in the form of a cult makes a great deal of sense. The emotional power of a cult provides a sensible explanation of the behaviors of these people, and a credible reason why managerial elites have been attracted and have jumped on board to become committed acolytes, in much the same way that people followed Jim Jones to Jonestown in 1978.
Quote ”The proposition that they have adopted/developed and promoted their views in the form of a cult makes a great deal of sense. ” Unquote.
The act of simply denoting ‘X’ thing as a cult is certainly taking place. Presumably one then goes on to pontificate the doctrine of that cult. For instance should techno feudalists be downgrade engineering psychosocial common sense just so A.I. can understand it ? Thus the way it is put to use via surveillance. Does this make it a Cult ?
The specific de-coupling of binaries we’ve seen have the effect changing sociological fields of communication. In many ways the argument is whether that ‘Field’ is any longer human // or does it suit 1 %. This seems to be why no ethical/moral limit appears to have been placed when it comes to a means of encouraging people to identify as the 1% . In that sense we might thus identify a cult activity, but is there a cult to which they might meet @ Jonestown with. ? Personally i don’t think so even with cult activity in situ. IF that were the case our most salient information might be that portions of the 99 % are being fooled into identifying as the 1% they’ll never be accepted into.
In this pathology the 1% remain just that. How big is the reification might be the question – enough to gain a majority ?
So is ‘The Cult’ – not a CULT – just a state of affairs where critical theory has found a way to negatively implement emancipatory systems of thinking so effectively that proletariat persons now think they are part of the ELITE ? ( thus giving them a virtual majority support for their evil plans ).
This has cult like symptoms but i won’t be putting any money on such a narrow view.
but to elusion is 99.9 % of them. Does this make A.I. a Cult ?
Lisa Logan (@iamlisalogan) · X
X (Twitter)
All the sectors of society are devolving into mysticism.
This is why truth has become a social construct.
The “wizards” have taken over and you don’t realize it because THEY’RE THE PROFESSIONALS deciding what truth is.
We’re headed back to the Dark Ages if we don’t stop it.…
Twitter · 4 days ago
James ( and co ) – this is the worst case of cognitive dissonance in the web.
The NWO are ATHEISTS who will farm their own brands of fake mysticism to pull in the so inclined YES.
But they are ATHEISTS.
What you need to do is realise you are trying to offset your own involvement with atheism by pushing this rubbish ad nauseam.
Are they evil YES. Is it NWO YES. Will they use a type of spirituality to pull people in YES. Are they peddling Utopia YES. In fact it can be YES YES YES to most of your statements. But you frame and model it, not only entirely incorrectly, but as an obsessed new atheist GNOSTIC.
Are they Theosophists NO. Are they Gnostics NO. They are ATHEISTS & new atheists are GNOSTICS & heres the concrete evidence :
And heres New Atheisms Un compatible METAPHYSICS
Among his contributions to the discussion about religion in contemporary society he argues that there are three separable, though naturally connected debates:
(a) a metaphysical debate about what the universe contains; denying that it contains supernatural agencies of any kind makes him an atheist;
(b) a debate about the basis of ethics; taking the world to be a natural realm of natural law requires that humanity thinks for itself about the right and the good, based on our best understanding of human nature and the human condition; this makes him a humanist;
(c) a debate about the place of religious movements and organisations in the public domain; as a secularist Grayling argues that these should see themselves as civil society organisations on a par with trade unions and other NGOs, with every right to exist and to have their say, but no greater right than any other self-constituted, self-selected interest group.
On this last point, Grayling’s view is that for historical reasons religions have an inflated place in the public domain out of all proportion to the numbers of their adherents or their intrinsic merits, so that their voice and influence is amplified disproportionately: with the result that they can distort such matters as public policy (e.g. on abortion) and science research and education (e.g. stem cells, teaching of evolution). He argues that winning the metaphysical and ethical debates is already abating the problems associated with (c) in more advanced Western societies, even the US. He sees his own major contribution as being the promotion of understanding of humanist ethics deriving from the philosophical tradition.[39] Unquote
(a) a metaphysical debate about what the universe contains; denying that it contains supernatural agencies of any kind makes him an atheist;
Now THAT is Gnostic Brainwash.
James get a grip. The allegations you are making are largely justified. But as a former new atheist you’ve fucked around and re-positioned whose doing what & you are grossly unjustifiably misleading your readers as to WHO refuses to be Agnostic thus is GNOSTIC.
Apart from the way these ideas were unique to Muller, what makes you think the UN will be prevent from forcing a bent utopia just by pretending they are Theosophists?
‘GNOSTIC’ means TO KNOW psychically / with power of mind / even time and space is no obstacles : I REPEAT GRAYLING :
Get used to it before you ruin your reputation on these misconceptions
The WEF isn’t a cabal, it’s a cult.
World Domination in An Age for Lucifer explores a strange new spirituality about to enter into competition with other established religions. — Robert C Tucker, An Age For Lucifer: Predatory Spirituality & The Quest for Godhood
NB. Wikipedia is not evidence. That is well known . Its a propaganda site.
Here this won’t help you as you’ve taken the hook line and sinker. However it will help others.