New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 73
Critical Pedagogy is brainwashing. This isn’t rhetorical flourish or poetic license. The entire school of thought called Critical Pedagogy, which is wholly dominant in all our schools of education and educational institutions now, is brainwashing. It’s easy to see this by considering the words of people who use and promote Critical Pedagogy itself. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay takes you through three such people to make an irrefutable case that Critical Pedagogy really is nothing other than Woke brainwashing.
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How did we let these Marxists systematically take over our instituitions – both public and private?
Yes, Canada epitomizes middle class values, namely a weekly paycheck combined with a pension and benefits. The parents will sacrifice their children (“Molech”) for the benefit of “society”(the parents themselves) just to ” get ahead”.
All Marxist movements go fo the educational system first when taking over a country to brainwash the kids. Look at Islamic Jihad which – like Marxism – uses a concept to brainwash the children in all these Middle Eastern and other muslim national dictatorships and military juntas.
There are associations monitoring detailed curriculums of educational institutions all over the world. It is horrifying what many of these curriculae teach. Find the curriculums ; write to the institutions; copy their state/provincial/federal governments; get political.
Because its not Marxist in practice. Intersectionality is a bastard version of it. If it was truely revolutionary the ruling class wouldn’t have embraced it with such eagerness
Is there anywhere one can put their kids to escape from this critical pedagogy? Isn’t even Catholic Schools swimming in this stuff as well?
Thanks James – proof, more direct proof that this is not education – critical pedogogy is not education – more to get out clearly as you said
Sick people need to create sick people. These adults like that Henry guy are under the control of entities who prey on their souls like parasites.
I’m 65 and a retired highschool teacher in Toronto. I’m white and gay. Extremely moderate in opinions and habits. I speak more than one language. I am not religious.
I’m very suspicious of people who just talk.
James, I started out liking your work but I just happened to listen to this today and it seems your emotional involvement with your ideas (dare I say dogma?) has become suspicious to me.
Anyway, when is the last time you yourself have actually been in a public school to actually observe and honestly document this brainwashing?
In fact what is the method (methodology?) you (would) use to discover these “findings” that you describe, or could I say make up, as examples?
I want to learn and I like you. (They say the kind of rapport you have with a teacher is extremely important to successful outcomes — whatever you might consider a successful outcome).
But you are not really providing any concrete examples from credible research that you have done. I’m not even sure that credible research could be done in your chosen world of “knowledge” and certainty.
I know there are lots of radicalized people out there in all walks of life so research must have volume and there must be some research done on the research — it just can’t be one or two anecdotal examples presented by the radicalized right-wing press. Or Jordan Peterson ;o)
Your conspiracy theory approach is so American that I do have trouble buying into it. I support that’s an ugly cultural barrier I have. But alas, Canada becomes more like America every day.
I’m not a great intellectual but I do hope for a world of less division. A world of peace. Should I continue to follow a “warrior” like you?
I am also 65, male, white, gay, nonreligious and “Canadian” (meaning I live in Toronto and have all my life) but unlike you, I hate Canada and always have. It’s the people. They’re obnoxious bores.
My reaction to your comment is best summed up with an anecdote from the 1990s. An American gay friend used to tell me (he’s dead now) that he loved visiting Canada but found it odd how hostile most of the gay Canadians he met were about the USA when they discovered he was American. They all went into the same little uppity peevish hysterical 10-minute CBC-cliched anti-American tirade. He found this comical because it all seemed so eccentric and peculiar that people indistinguishable from Americans would be so hostile, rude, vulgar, provincial, juvenile and “proud” about hating the USA.
He also found it ironic because the moment they finished their little anti-USA rant, they’d homo-salivate over his incredibly good looking and muscular gay American face and body (he used to do “bear” porn). I would just roll my eyes and say, I hate this country!
Your Canadian shit stinks like everybody else’s, dear. Maybe your “ugly cultural barrier” is preventing you from smelling the reek of your own passive-aggressive pretension. Or perhaps your snooty snout is just too high in that lofty freezing Canadian air. Get over yourself, banana republic beaver boy.
Appalled by the cringe-making self-haughtiness of most Canadians, I always tell Americans my little Canada joke:
Why is the maple leaf the symbol of Canada?
Because Canada is a nation of saps.
In a legend in my own lunchtime manner i’m a hurtful critic of JL but i’m staying with him.
Dr karlyn
She exposed a lot of this and it is indeed happening it is happening at every level of government
To see living proof that Critical Pedagogy is brainwashing, just look at the rabid mobs of young people marching and screaming, “Smash the colonizing white Jews”. How could an entire generational cohort of high school and college age young people across the Western world turn en masse in one day into raving neo-Nazi Hitler-Jugend in response to the worst atrocities and murders of Jews since WW2?
Critical Pedagogy’s brainwashing and indoctrination that masquerades as “school” and “college” has produced a maniacally obedient Gen Z Red Guard Children’s Crusade Woke army whose groomed, controlled and directed violence is destroying our entire society. “Teachers” and “professors” have become the cancer of modern Western history. It’s time to excise their malignancy in the name of survival.
Quote from above: ““Teachers” and “professors” have become the cancer of modern Western history. It’s time to excise their malignancy in the name of survival.”
I have been thinking about this from time to time and I can only explain this behavior, and the problematic issues, as a symptom of some psychological issue. Certain “teachers” and “professors” that view themselves as being part of some “marginalized” group may want to “change” society so that they not view themselves as being part of the “marginalized” group. Or certain teachers and professors have infantile psychological development, and have not become or view themselves as a self-actualizing individual.
From a certain perspective I think one can view these possible issues at play currently, where certain teachers and professors seem to explicitly make clear that they are part of some “marginalized” group, and where certain teachers and professors seem to think and act like children.
The entire thing might then become sort of a self-sustaining system, and vicious circle, of these type of teachers and professors and students. Certain types of people are getting hired, are teaching students about certain topics. And certain teachers and professors and students are feeling some sort of “worth” or “belonging” if and when they discuss certain topics or view themselves as an “ally” or “activist”.
Possible solutions for this might involve teaching children and adults about (the importance of) 1) logical and sound and valid reasoning (e.g. “facts not feelings” concerning certain things at certain times), 2) emphasizing and developing characteristics and qualities of “the individual” (not “the group”, or being a member of a certain “group”), 3) emphasizing and developing healthy psychological development (e.g. introspection, questioning things, self-efficacy, philosophy, etc.)