New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 33
Woke works through reframing, and much of the reframing occurs by passing every bit of relevant information through what they refer to as “theoretical lenses.” These “lenses” might include Theories like Critical Race Theory or Queer Theory, agendas like Sustainability, or focuses like diversity, equity, and inclusion. This lensing effect distorts perception and comprehension and enables Woke manipulation, like seeing the world in a fun-house mirror. Understanding that all information that has been passed through Woke sources has been “lensed” is crucial to understanding it accurately and engaging it in a smart way. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay breaks down the approach so you can correct for the Woke lensing effect. Join him to see things more clearly.
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From a metaphysical perspective – or more potentially as a reasonable account of the metaphysics that could be in practice we learn very little from ND. Mainly Freire is thrust into position as the main protagonist. But there is no main protagonist in this inhuman agenda except the 4th Reich itself and that inhumanity. Instead there are ways to manipulate a sociological field which for the first time ever is TOTAL. < Right away i'd feel this is a factor that is causing excess red herring to be picked up. Never before in human history has one negative plan had access to global consciousness < so be ward of that profound difference in the centrality of this experience. Secondly i'd say the scheme is actually devoid of dependence on specific sociological influence. Frankly this thing appears to be using any philosophical toy that suits any particular sub plot at the time. Thus there is no person dead or alive that supplied any droves of the philosophy in use, the system draws any that works to an optimal level from throughout history.
We are also being challenged with common assumptions that X work from the past is bad etc. In reality it is impossible for any long meaningful philosophical work to be either bad or good by accident of nature. Rather they are always designed to be good or bad either at the point of conception. Or perhaps hundreds of years later when appropriated. Thus in theory it should be possible to use a version of Marx deliberately biased toward the benefit of 'the people' & so on. In other words ANY work – and this is assuming its a proper study – is by nature inert and random in its potentials until any establishment decide what to do with it.
Furthermore in these instances we has a certain elephant in the room.
'Freud' gummed it self well to Freud himself and quick rightly so. There was enough unique new commentary by freud for this to happen. But really – most of what we regard as 'freud' today is anything but him. This is since 'most of him' always was 'most of life' that had already been observed and was already part of common attitude among the educated. In other words Humankind had always processed its sense of sociological and psychological positioning along the lines of a conscious mind, and memory architecture, and an unconscious, all of which are linked to a fight or flight nervous system. In fact to discuss this set of components was hardly ground breaking at any point in history. But certainly it only became 'Freud'' bas he did more to encourage the most ordinary people to feel they had a reason to look into such matters. AND – crucially he added a range of sex drive motives that welded this whole mass of psychiatric viewpoint to him. But really ? – for thousands of years its been the default background noise to our lives and IS NOW.
In this sense Freud only ever remarked on inner space matter he knew we all use by default via natural selection. He'd instantly refer to for many grids of reference concerning others. And so Freud is someone who remark a lot what X could mean. While – a great many have the misconception that he actually devised what we do as matter of psychological instinct which is nonsense – and they even attempt to debunk on a basis that is not present.
Social Engineering – has long been entirely dependent of using a 'freudian like' architecture because us humans want such arrangements of understanding about the basic functions of the mind. There is a long long LONG list of names that could be applied actually, but 'freud' stuck. This is largely due to the way 'FREUD' exists and pre-exists freud himself. in the first place. It exists as a consequence of a human commonality thousand of years prior to freud, its the way the human mind works thus 'Freud' only repeats what others noticed as a typical habit.
In this way a Frerian version could NOT WORK. The reasons is simple – people like Freire didn't concentrate on this common habit. There are bursts of remarks, and his work is designed to be compatible. But Freire said so little about the mechanism itself that he is self eliminated. Can chunks of his work be negatively implicated – sure. But in this quest we must know whats natural mechanism and what is synthetic coincidence.
And here is the profound mistake as the globalists have little choice themselves other than use the system that the humans it wishes to manipulate automatically understand. I mean – what sort of idiot thinks that say a WOKE, ( who counter woke spend much time pointing out are low I.Q. ) – has the 'I.Q' to decipher the globalist cabals instructions ? Yes correct lets not be fucking stupid anymore because like that it only means a delectable range 'freire style contradiction' lives inside counter woke \!!
No what happens is that what is meant to be 'Freudian' – thus = by him = something exotic = something people commonly reject is just the default habit of humans. SO the globalists manipulate WOKE via that default route. At the same time they spend large amounts of public wealth denouncing Freud ( because he is seen as the exclusive source of the rationale ) – in order to try protect the simple coding of the social engineering.
Dare i say there are 'useful idiots in anti woke repeating these centuries old rhetorics ? Well its very easy for people of the highest intelligence to be remiss by. Such a huge amount of resource has been put into obscuring this since Lacan saw a way to launch the nu postmodernist movement of his time Not only that but people not specifically educated in, or drawn to cognitive sciences usually find it hard to see why such venture into inner space should help. Today ? – thanks to the kind of misanthropy taking place its fairly impossible to understand what they are doing without a psychiatric viewpoint. 'Psychiatric tends to suggest the inner plight of 1 person, or the phenomenon of treating 1 person at a time on psyche issues clinically. However in order to grasp what the global establishment does, its imperative to be minded toward/observe a mass form of psychiatric manipulation. Therefore this is also 'NEW', along with their ability to implement 1 system on the whole of humanity.
Well 'the whole' only being rounding within a sense concerning any country who signed up t this hellish project or not. Many did not ofc, and are more concerned with what type of terrorism should befall the countries involved.
So the operating system architecture itself is in charge of what can be socially engineered or not. You cannot engineered people who are as thick as mince with a system that requires lots of I.Q. Nope – it has to process via a system that any idiot just 'jerks off to'.
The things we tend to regard as 'Freuds Work' requires too much I.Q to be responsible. Plato is so much closer to the truth here, this operating system is definitely Platonic. But – its also too much of a mongrel to use anyones name, though counter intuitively Platonic and Freudian are at same time 'Correct'. If you are reading this James ? – this is another area you fall down on with great respect. You'll insist rationale must observe total cleanliness = True,. Often fact don't have these levels of hygiene James because they are Paraconsistent. Now we could argue that para -consistency is only a sum total of parapsychology. Why ? – because they fucking are =
WOKE = Parapsychology
Its largely a Parapsychology for gods sake. I'd introduce new terms also tbh, one of which is Parapsychiatric. But look it suffices it that the axiom used earlier shows that WOKE doesn't get manipulated except via the central nervous system = Parapsychiatric as its NOT an intelligent relationship is it?mIn many ways you own work ends up being closer to that as you've just NOT identified this element – get a fucking grip son.
To sum this up.
Its a 'Platonic' oppo if we wish , its a Freudian one if we wish, its a Benny Hill chase operating system if you like. Its a natural selection system that depends on any persons basic understanding of fundamental inner processes =
Being Conscious
Having a Memory
Having n Unconscious
Being Nervous
I'm saying that we don't learn that from anyone & its a default system we all trust.
Do REJOICE as that is a LIMITATION the evil people of this Nu reich cannot side step. They know it is not possible to publish erudite propaganda because the thick masses cannot be controlled via NERVES like that. Half the people you frame as the main protagonists simply do not trigger that essential manipulation button James. With all due respect to them even the scientologists opted for a system they knew everyone was responsive to ( = Freud ). Again its a misnomer, but there you go.
Its a lot simpler than you say.
Think THICK ! – you know it makes sense !
This is indeed a cult. Some who were brainwashed and radicalized in the movement have appeared on conservative themed broad cast/shows as guests to speak of their involvement as believers and activists. What captivates them is a sensed feeling of purpose and direction in a mass group of people with common goals and shared feelings. One woman I heard on a well known program was taught to think being a Mother and having children is oppressive. I pretty much think they are trying to shake people up with crap and and don’t believe it. You have to wonder at the stability of these wackos.
This women who left the movement explained that she got a sort of high and sense of power being a part of it.
Good points
And cult yes, at least from a standpoint of quintessential affects, if not physical places to be a movement and lovement ( with themselves )
WOKE by implication is a state of sexual arousal almost like causing oedipus to know ‘mother’ but find love by being two versions of ones self ( in order to commit incest with onself. Really ? – the social engineers are way ahead and this incest is with ‘Mother’ after all. But the LOOP they wanted to wire in could exist by this convolution |& not by the conventional incest. Theres also all the Gender Q and other grave complications that place even more parapsychological challenges But the net result is :
Look to Mother ( The Social Engineers ) for WOKE Stimulation.
They refer WOKE to Gender Q metaphysics & an imaginary friend ( who is them ) is ‘created’
Theres a para-psychologically based sexual Affair based on sex with a parental style figure
And finally the nervous breakdown. In the meantime the social engineers obtained whatever mothy assistance they wanted from the ‘activist’
The activist is capable of performing the whole thing without realising what it is simply by seeking by instinct only the sexual charge it causes.
Nothing needs to make sense within this parapsychological journey so long as those pulses of sexual arousal take place.
Yes this would be real Freud, not ‘Ubiquitous Freud’ ( often accused of being Plato – Freire – Marcuse et al ) & ‘real’ in this context is never good news for WOKE. Real Freud is the anti woke decode of their worst nightmares
. It requires a paper to get the salient points over about that. Thats always going to be inhibited by the fact it crosses into conspiracy theory to cite undergrounded funding sources. But ofc governments have hidden their agenda by funding 3rd and 4th sector tools ( BLM et al ) via Soros etc. But the way they do it mainly works by selling this ‘you can be anything you want to be” lie. It doubles up as man be a women ofc, but it also sells young people the idea of ‘trust us’ & you’ll get the lifestyle you want.
More than 98% won’t = need to lie.
And the resultant social engineering being processed ( often by sponsoring certain internet influencers who are themselves legit ) stimulates their sexuality all the time. The whole affect is a stupid state that is parapsychological in nature.
Anyway hope you are well 🙂
The ideology tries to bypass science and attempts to ignore the hard wired organic construction factors of nature in humans. Such as sexual attraction. Girls are turned on by boys and want to interact with males. But they push that as a social construct. This is to flat out fuck with peoples heads. Its a mental virus that strikes at the innocent who dont have a immunity to complete bullshit. The parents fight back at the woke programing and are called racists and homo tranz phobes for so doing, merely protecting their children. The high ups in the system like political leaders side with the activists. How do rational human adults get so compromised??? Like Pisolsi and Chuck Shoomere??? How does the media become a convoluted pack of liars???
In my humble opinion that is correct as once all the postmodernist style red herring is stripped away, it all comes down to absolutely traditional psychosocial & sociological manipulation aside from those specific ingress using parapsychology & which are far more aimed at school & student aged persons.
There is a need for a stricter analysis of what is happening. In that sense i’d predict that the picture would look a lot different. For instance while there are incredibly significant post structural & postmodern elements, it could be true to state that they way by which these find an ‘order’ hasn’t been that well described. Particularly here ( again imho ) since the globalist cabal has hidden a plain old freudian operating system in there for everything else to operate around. In another of my rambling posts i stated why i believe this is so & the reasoning could not be easier to follow. I.E. – in order to socially engineer WOKES it had to be done on a basis of things they’ve been familiar with all their life. ALL. people can grasp the simple ‘conscious’ – memory – unconscious’ we use constantly. In fact most people dismiss Freud as they feel that such an act of nature ( consciousness & memory ) – didn’t even require a psychiatrist to explain it. Ofc freud goes much further if they’d look – they don’t. However – as we get older a lot of us automatically obtain far more knowhow ( along freud style lines ) which the average person again considers to be personal wisdom / intelligence / I.Q. Which ? what ? – IS exactly what they are because Freud was only ever remarking on the very common cognitive operating system most of us use to a greater or lesser extent.
So thats why the cabals hack into it & choose Freud as the symbol for ideas they fund against ( in order to obscure their system ). The could equally choose Plato, but instead he is offered to the more ‘advanced’ student like the assholes that embrace this misanthropy at the local authority level. Miraculously the same psychological system is now ‘OK with the Plato label!!
When it comes to things that work by CAUSE & EFFECT we can be very simple creatures when it comes to the LABEL used. If something has been renamed, we tend to be shit at noticing that Z person is only doing the same deeply disturbing & grossly unacceptable act that that X was doing. This is why i coined the ‘REAL’ vs ‘Ubiquitous Freud’ labelling.
‘REAL’ being the parts of fight and fight and sexual emotional reflex unique to Freud.
‘Ubiquitous’ since everything else he said was based on how we all feel ( and had been stated ubiquitously and unanimously for thousands of years.
Just look above James. Same double edged algorithm as White Fragility but its applied differently when its purpose is to freak the WOKE. Here – remember what white fragility does. I.E in 1 grid of reference it lists all the reasons what people are Racist. In the second it lists all the reasons denial is futile ( and is aggressive etc ). Now designer HATE like that doesn’t work unless supported by Consensus & the evil people easily obtained the anti white consensus of the black racists – simple as that. White Fragility is a pair of algorithms governed by a consensus theory based well of HATE.
Turning to Real / Ubiquitous again :
Again a pair or algorithms but for the sociological field ( of WOKE ) its exploited hate linked to SEX instead of Racism. I.E its consensus driven support is sexually motivated. Hence the job and purpose of the engineer of non race based woke implements parapsychological fusions with ‘Real’ Freud.
It goes without saying that in this instead the social engineers cannot abuse the woke by stating there is ‘NO Denial Possible’ ( and that such denial is Micro – Aggression ) – because the Woke would suss out that something wasn’t right / not give the consensus. So it was done instead by inventing a n entirely disposable infinite table of Gender as the substitute. Thus ‘Hetero Normative Queers’ ( who mostly are white straight people anyway ) were now the people unable to deny their SEX HATE & doing so = Micro Aggression again. Here ubiquitous freud is on tap as it always is if there be humans. And – in order to successfully graft in the sexuality they want ‘Real Freud’ is wheeled out.
Can we see ? Yes ? Ohhhhh DON;T YOU DARE USE SIGMUND FREUD THOUGH.!!!!
So the same methods, and IT IS particularly noteworthy that White Fragility does in fact unpack into a large range of adaptations. ‘Truth’ does not usually allow itself to be an intersectional plasma like this. But WF certainly is an unearthly and infernal any old blood group because its a war grade metaphysics.
Dear /Ward i’m only hoping everyone helps by saying things that help make things better. Thanks for providing relevant thoughts.