The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 66
Critical Education Theory Series, Part 5
Fancy buzzwords proliferate around the fight in education, especially now that Critical Race Theory has been exposed so thoroughly (as Race Marxism). Terms like Ethnic Studies, Social-Emotional Learning, and all manner of “culturally” something teaching seem like they have cropped up out of the ground in just the last few months, but they’re actually old. Culturally relevant teaching (CRT) is one of these, pioneered first in 1995 by Marxist and Critical-Race education activist Gloria Ladson-Billings. In that year, Ladson-Billings wrote both “Toward a Critical Race Theory of Education” and “Toward a Theory of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy.” In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, James Lindsay reads through this latter paper, “Toward a Theory of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy,” to expose what this menace to education is (hint: it’s not very clear, but it’s obviously Marxism). Join him to learn about culturally relevant, responsive, and sustaining teaching, cultural competence, and the broader Marxist project of multiculturalism.
Critical Education Theory Series:
Part 1: Education’s New Marxist Commitments
Part 2: How Education Turned Critical
Part 3: Paulo Freire’s Politics of Education and a New Hope
Part 4: Paulo Freire’s Prophetic Vision for Education
Part 6: Critical Education: Transformative Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
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Previous episodes of the New Discourses Podcast are available here.
Here is the brand new mandatory critical curriculum from Connecticut, authored by SERC which used to be focused on special education for handicapped students and is now squarely focused on CRT. Created under Public Act No. 19-12:
The link below documents a horrific recent story of the deliberate destruction of a huge and scholarly anti-terrorist research archive by a university in the UK for leftist political reasons .
This is a calumny. Universities are the propaganda factories of Totalitaria.
All universities should be financially starved out of existence and their tenured lackeys (using their own Alinsky tactics) made into public laughingstocks or imprisoned for life.
Here’s a good article on how to fight wokeness.
Many Critical Pedagogues are increasingly coming out of the woodwork and are being interviewed by the media.