We’re used to talks being given by some invited luminary to a crowd who, at the end, gets to ask questions. At Portland State University, philosophy professor Peter Boghossian recently turned this structure on its head, hosting the first of his “Reverse Q&A” events, where audience members became the speakers. The event was a success, allowing new voices, your voices, to be heard, mostly about the realities of living and learning on a highly Woke college campus, where Critical Social Justice has profoundly effected most aspects of life. An event like this, where students and others can speak up, was also necessary; Portland State University recently ranked in the bottom ten public universities in the nation for free speech on campus, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in education (FIRE). Join Peter and others in the Portland State University community as they test this approach and speak up.
Special thanks to Travis Brown of thesignalproductions.com for use of this video.
The man (teacher) who is out in the world teaching has the right idea. He IS a warrior actually doing something. Actually helping people. If you can sit and complain about wrongs in the world it means you have the money and time, the privilege, to do so. You arent helping anyone. You are just spending precious time making yourself feel good by virtue signalling to others that you “care” so much. Here’s the rub though: if you actually cared then you would have done what that man does – you would have taken time from your own life and gone out into the world and give of yourself by helping others in t he real world. Not just talking about it on social media where it helps no one but your own ego, and where you hope someone else steps up and do the work for you.
I agree he’s is helping navigate the tricky terrain of all this and helping save our children
Hearing many of these students you realize that these days EVERYONE has to be talking about and fixing problems in society. When i went to school back in the day we had fun. We focused on positivity. There are groups of people who deal with issues in our society. Everyone dont have to do that. If everyone walks around thinking about negative things then your whole generations is negative. Thats not how you live your only short life on earth. You are supposed to have fun when you are young. Study hard, have fun, do fun things that will be good positive memories for the rest of your life. If you want to go into a field that looks at issues in our society and you want to work with that as an adult then fine. You all dont have to do that. Most of you should have fun and be positive. The world is not as bad as some make it out to be. In fact its much much better.
It also shouldnt be scary to speak your mind at campus. It never used to be. This tells us something is wrong today. Props to these students though for sharing their thoughts and observations.
“profoundly effected” or “profoundly affected”?
This is really interesting, I hope you guys do more of these when the lockdown eases up. One thing I recommend is to have a provocative question or statement at the front of the room, that will make people want to collect their opinions, and come up and speak. It would also help have a better structure to the event.
So basically, it was to see how well our institutions of higher learning had brainwashed the students to be hateful, racist, confused NPCs?
Well done.