Pursuing the light of objective truth in subjective darkness.
Posts by author
James Lindsay
236 posts
An American-born author, mathematician, and professional troublemaker, Dr. James Lindsay has written six books spanning a range of subjects including religion, the philosophy of science and postmodern theory. He is a leading expert on Critical Race Theory, which leads him to reject it completely. He is the founder of New Discourses and currently promoting his new book "Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity―and Why This Harms Everybody," which is currently being translated into more than fifteen languages.
Join me on this episode of my subscribers-only podcast, James Lindsay OnlySubs, to hear me discuss the strange and probably crooked idea of the "global citizen."
Join me on this episode of my subscribers-only podcast, James Lindsay OnlySubs, as I discuss the relevance of this verse to my life and to our present moment.
In this episode of James Lindsay OnlySubs, my subscribers-only podcast, I discuss this phenomenon a little to give you some clearer sense of what we're dealing with in the Woke movement and therefore also how we must approach pushing back against it.
Join me on this episode of my subscribers-only podcast, James Lindsay OnlySubs, to hear what I think about normal people standing up and speaking up, as inspired by this fully credentialed dad in Northern Virginia.
For some time I've wanted to say something about what I believe is one of the main drivers of "trans parents," meaning parents who seemingly inexplicably have a large number of trans kids, which should be a statistical extreme rarity unless something else not unlike gender Munchausen's by proxy is the driver.
According to Critical Race Theory, “racism is ordinary, not aberrational—‘normal science,’ the usual way society does business, the common, everyday experience of most people of color in this country.” Its advocates call this belief “systemic racism.”
In this episode of my subscribers-only podcast, James Lindsay OnlySubs, I take listeners through a radio message sent from Angela Davis to Jim Jones at his compound in Guyana in 1977, a year before the gruesome end.
There are a lot of bad ideas in Critical Social Justice and the related Critical Theories. Lots of them. Some of these ideas are much more dangerous than others, and in this episode of James Lindsay OnlySubs, my subscribers-only podcast, I dive into what might be the worst of them: the belief in the perfectability of Man.
In this episode of James Lindsay OnlySubs, my subscribers-only podcast, I spend a few minutes talking about the aufheben of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., by the voracious culture-eaters on the Dialectical Left.
Critical Pedagogy is the name for the Critical Theory of education, meaning both applying Critical Theory to education and applying it in education, as in teaching students to adopt Critical Theory methodologies and ways of thinking.
Drawing from various examples in the neo-Marxist and Critical Pedagogy literature, in this episode of James Lindsay OnlySubs, my subscribers-only podcast, I make the case that Wokeness is applied psychopathology.
Wound collecting is a profoundly manipulative behavior strongly connected to malignant ideologies and psychopathologies, and it needs to be understood as such, especially in our present moment when it has so much traction and manipulates so much social currency.
In this episode of my subscribers-only podcast, James Lindsay OnlySubs, I go through the first paragraph of Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic's Critical Race Theory: An Introduction line by line.
In this episode of James Lindsay OnlySubs, my subscribers-only podcast, I go through the reasons why I think critical, deconstructive, and dialectical slopes are always slippery slopes.
In this episode of my subscribers-only podcast, James Lindsay OnlySubs, I take you through the top-down, bottom-up, inside-outside strategy of Woke institutional takeover and give a status report on where I think we are with challenging each of these facets.
Join me to hear how the Woke and their intellectual predecessors literally have the goal of making people miserable with what is actually a pretty amazing life and the value, if we want to break away from Wokeness, of rebelling against the whole program by the simple, plain act of enjoying what we have in life as it is.