The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 154
It is upon us: the fight against Woke is now a two-front war. On our Left, we have Woke Marxism that hasn’t gone away. Arising rapidly from our Right, we now also have a Woke Fascism that threatens to ruin everything we’ve accomplished. Those of us who love America now have to fight the battle against Woke on two fronts: Woke Left and Woke Right. In this free-ranging episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay discusses the current landscape in the civilizational fight against Woke in all its manifestations. Join him for an uncomfortable update on the state of the union.
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You should join up with Jeff Nyquist, and Trevor Louden.
You mentioned in the podcast that Hans Hermann Hoppe’s PhD advisor was Jürgen Habermas, a prominent German philosopher and sociologist known for his work in critical theory and his contributions to the Frankfurt School. Hoppe studied under Habermas at Goethe University Frankfurt, where he completed his PhD in philosophy in 1974. However, despite this mentorship, Hoppe later came to reject many of Habermas’s ideas, particularly those aligned with European leftism.
But Hans Hermann Hoppe is not a postmodernist or far-right. His philosophical and economic views are closely aligned with Austrian School economics and libertarianism, particularly through his development of what he calls “argumentation ethics” and his advocacy for anarcho-capitalism. His work is often characterized by a strong opposition to postmodernism, which he critiques along with other forms of what he perceives as collectivism or statism. Instead of embracing the relativism and skepticism towards metanarratives common in postmodern thought, Hoppe’s work is grounded in a belief in objective truth, natural rights, and the importance of private property.