New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 98
We need a perspective shift. It’s extremely common to hear people saying how “insane” or “crazy” Woke Marxism is, or to rhetorically ask “what are they thinking?” perhaps with a suggestion of “it won’t work.” Marxism is destructive, on purpose, and being befuddled about their destructive programs doesn’t help us stop them. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay breaks down the simple idea necessary for this shift in perspective: they have different goals than the rest of us. In fact, their goals are, in the words of Herbert Marcuse, to “protest against the totality of a well-functioning, prosperous society.” Join James for this important episode to understand this crucial point.
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Thank you! I experience bewildered people who laugh at the communists for their chaos and nonsense, not understanding how intentionally evil it is. Communists have no morality, are atheists, so they have no belief in Truth, or objective morality. When they lie, it’s nothing to them, or to their supporters. They will, however, vigorously hold non-communists and Christians to Christian standards. That is why our leftists acquaintances just shrug when antifa burns down cities, but howl for the blood of Jan 6th fed-infiltrated protesters. Whatever works. It is evil, it is grave error to follow it.
Speaking of our now collective insanity or psychosis this essay describes the situation
It also seems to me that a certain cult lead by a religiously and culturally illiterate nihilistic barbarian is the leading edge vector of this insanity, psychosis and evil. I am of course pointing to the MAGA cult.
We live in a time and place when every possible point of view on every conceivable topic is now freely available on the internet and much/most/all of human politics and culture is being driven by Social Media. So how does one even begin to comprehend/understand anything?
James most certainly does not come anywhere near to providing such necessary understanding.
Re the pernicious influence of Social Media check out this reference:
Yet again James Lindsay blames the patsy’s & excuses the perpetrators like a total amateur.
The frankfurt school were set up. Totalitarians responsible always blame // patsy // set up an intellectual group to take the rap for their own corruption. Throughout history theres always been a movement that have resembled the ethos of the frankfurt school (TFS) closely and the reason is simple. Now some of its own philosophers will themselves be BENT YES as they be taking bribes. When thats going on things will be chaos and a mess with useful idiots all around. However – a core school of mainly well intended persons like TFS is always going exist in order to question human motive both singularly and en masse. This it is an inevitable consequence of human existence itself. There will always be humans in studies concerning Humanity & its psychological drivers. The very idea that a functioning human society would have no curiosity of that type // no studies is itself INSANE. It is also an indication that a interference design ins in place protecting the TFS in PATSY MODE. To be clear – the frankfurt school as a focus for blame concerning the social engineering designs in distribution is definitive of :
(A) the technique of smearing – (B) TFS = defines (C) ‘the asset’ = it is of great value to the real distributors of the malicious psychology that the public believe it is caused by TFS.
It is extremely ofdd that James Lindsay is bil
Its as though Lindsay at the best of times allows himself to be confused by the rhetoric of the 1% ‘he is trying to beat’ themselves. He cannot differentiate between a human occupation that simply IS going to take place and its corruption. In that sense Lindsay tell the difference between mere participants in any inevitable human experience ( Marcuse et al ) and the infiltrating forces ( into TFS ) who were sent in by the totalitarians responsible to interfere with the critique of that corruption.
Its absolute nonsense to recoil in terror @ the very idea that some members of humanity have chosen to observe the habits of humanity. What sort of fool analysis’s humankind as a collective entity that suffers dictatorships if humanity studies itself & is a free world if it does not ?????
Well THAT is what is encoded between the logical lines, concerning the types of conclusion reached by James Lindsay. That is not the attitude of ‘freedom’ – its a preloaded totalitarianism @ the irony of totalitarians infiltrating such schools! Theres many other inevitabilities too. The way a TFS type place of study would never be left alone to work out how ‘to beat’ human corruption is very obvious. So is the way the specific allegations against TFS are only RECENT & the voice over actors on the old films claim its been decades – Rubbish.
Its very sad to see people like Lindsay, who spend every waking hour claiming to decode the matters seduced sucked so easily by the metaphysics used in new atheism. Itself a bribe handed down by elite classes = licence to perform guesswork // create post truth.
You like the smell of your own farts, don’t you?
Why on earth would anyone do that?
The religion of wealth has created too many ultra wealthy people who (on this occasion) are first placing their trust in a belief in an algorithm that can beat the law of diminishing returns thank to the A.I. tech of the age. They’ve also set up the conditions for sparking off a WW just in case it doesn’t.
Yes! Of course it seems insane – didn’t they call it “The Queering of (insert topic here)”? They want to tear it all down and replace everything with its queer version. It seems insane to us, but to them it makes all the sense in the world.
This is explained well in “The Architects of Western Decline, the Fankfurt School” video on YouTube.