The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 145
Leftism is religious. In fact, it’s occult-mystical religious, a vast suite of denominations of “transformative” religions of “Progress.” Progress toward what, though? Higher consciousness, in fact, collective consciousness, which is supposedly man’s true but forgotten nature. The goal: to evolve humanity, collectively, to become master of the universe, which is to say God. This religion and its aspects are fully visible throughout all the phases of Marxism, with “socialism” being the name for the awakened aspect, and are obviously present in the strange theosophical views behind the UN, as we have seen. Perhaps nowhere are they more clearly laid bare, though, than in the heretical ramblings of Jesuit priest, geologist, and wizard Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Well, it’s time to expose it all. Join host James Lindsay in this groundbreaking episode of the New Discourses Podcast as he starts to pull back the veil on just how religious Leftism is.
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The very real possibility (and necessity) of the evolution of human consciousness has been considered by many religious and spiritual scholars and (especially) practitioners throughout human history.
Three 20th century writers of such come to mind.
Sri Aurobindo in his various writings
Gopi Krishna via his book Kundalini The Evolutionary Energy in Man
The extensive writings of Ken Wilber beginning with his first book The Spectrum of Consciousness.
It’s surprising to me that anyone ever took him seriously as a CATHOLIC theologian.
Looks to me like you watched the movie ‘Lucy’ one too many times. May I suggest you read Josh McDowell’s two-volume set ‘Evidence That Demands A Verdict’?
How about perusing F.F. Bruce’s book on the reliability of Scripture?
According to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin not even Jesus of Nazareth was the fully incarnate Christ. The Logos would only be fully incarnate in the “Cosmic Christ” who will (supposedly) appear at the “Omega Point” of evolutionary history, thus fulfilling the real mission of Jesus, according to Chardin. Sounds like a really good Gnostic fantasy story for a dime store comic book but I find it difficult to understand how anyone would take take it too seriously!
According to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin not even Jesus of Nazareth was the fully incarnate Christ. The Logos would only be fully incarnate in the “Cosmic Christ” who will (supposedly) appear at the “Omega Point” of evolutionary history, thus fulfilling the real mission of Jesus, according to Chardin. Sounds like a really good Gnostic fantasy story for a dime store comic book but I find it difficult to understand why people would take take it too seriously!
Looks to me like Teilhard manufactured another Jesus construct that mirrors the Gnostic’s Sophia.
I attended a Jesuit high school in NYC in the late 1960’s. The Jesuits did briefly introduce us to Teilhard, but somewhat sheepishly. And I suspect the older priests did not approve. By the way, his years banished to NYC up until his death he lived in the same residence as my teachers. And please, please, … you got his first name right. Please don’t mangle his last name. There is no “e” At the end, which in French would render it “Char-Dean.” It should be pronounced “Shar-DAN.”
You may have already gone down the rabbit hole of Panentheism, and I just haven’t absorbed your treatment of it or haven’t gotten to the episode. But I interact with a very “Progressive” Lutheran minister who first exposed me to it. I believe it is actually the core of Teilhard’s philosophy. I commend a book (if you haven’t already read it):
There is an entire chapter on Teilhard. Here is a brief quote:
“The cosmic evolutionary spirituality of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955) is heir to the legacy of Christian Neoplatonism and is shaped by the philosophy of Henri Bergson. Teilhard has had a broader impact than any other twentieth-century panentheist. Far beyond academic theologians and intellectual devotees, his perspective has inspired progressive forces in the Roman Catholic Church since Vatican II.1 Much liberation, feminist, and ecological theology builds on his panentheistic vision. He is widely regarded in interreligious and non-Christian circles as a model for integrating spirituality with current postmodern worldviews.2 Indeed, in 1984 the United Nations sponsored a Teilhard Colloquium.3
“As a generalization, Teilhard’s entire project is a progressive Roman Catholic modification and augmentation of Bergson’s philosophy, which views cosmic love and mystical experience as the culminating coincidence of human evolution and the divine Vital Force.6 Teilhard articulates a perspective in which the evolution of the universe strives toward life, and life toward the human mind, which generates a universal community of love that eventually reaches a climax, an Omega point in union with Christ. In his own unique language: “Cosmogenesis reveals itself . . . first as Biogenesis and then Noogenesis [genesis of Mind], and finally culminates in the Christogenesis which every Christian venerates.” The entire process centers on Christ. “The Christ of Revelation is none other than the Omega of Evolution.”7 Thus Teilhard synthesizes his devotion to Christ, his understanding of Roman Catholic theology, and his evolutionary cosmology into a grand scientific-metaphysical-mystical vision.”
Cooper, John W.. Panentheism–The Other God of the Philosophers: From Plato to the Present . Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Cooper, John W.. Panentheism–The Other God of the Philosophers: From Plato to the Present . Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Cooper, John W.. Panentheism–The Other God of the Philosophers: From Plato to the Present . Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
I believe you may have just pointed out the genesis of the evil Fascist Liberal Left’s ‘Community’ concept upon which the Liberal theologians appear to have stood, (and not only they but their political spawn do now stand!) in the formulation of their ‘Creative Community’ construct outlined in Josh McDowell’s two-volume work ‘Evidence That Demands A Verdict.’
If you’ll forgive my vague recollection, as I recall the Liberal critics attribute the authorship of Scripture to certain more highly illuminated individuals within said ‘Creative Community’ based upon the needs of said Community, (needs which they themselves presume to have the authority to conveniently define.) This is how the Liberal Fascists divest Scripture of its God inspired authority.
Teilhard de Chardin was a heretic. He was suppressed by the Pope for decades. In his private letters to friends he said he had not changed his theological views; he simply was pretending to in order to try to have the censure lifted. To be a Christian mystic requires first that you have a proper understanding of the Triune God (which is what defines a religious group to be Christian). Without this, then a person’s imagined experiences with a ‘god’ is simply fantasy. Teilhard’s twisted view of God has infected all of Christianity, although non-Catholics usually do not realize it. It teases their imagination just as new age and eastern religions do. The current priest Richard Rohr took up Teilhard’s cosmic Christ ideas along with others and has pioneered them through the Evangelical church.
Thus Teilhard’s nonsensible opinion of God and man disposes followers to buy into anything that is absurd including all that is suggested in progressivism, globalism, etc.
Here is Von Hildebrand’s critique
Here is a simple explanation of the problem with Teilhard
Every well read person has heard of TDC. To me he was just a historical figure of little consequence. I do get curious about the conclusions celebrated religious intellectuals such as theologians // scholastics take great trouble to circulate !!
Quote ” Teilhard de Chardin was a heretic Unquote ”
Maybe – by what yardstick could we know that being of interest. Its not as TDC frolicked with likes of Bergson. a Jesuit could explore what he liked by that time frame. Yet ? – we see that persons do seem to focus on this idea that TDC violated his creed by following natural science – nonsense. Perhaps his superiors shall have liked to have experienced ‘REASON’ they could make use of in those times. As a Jesuit it would be expected that everything learned could be to return everything to the centre of jesuit inquiry for a central purpose.
Looking at several quotes by Von Hildebrand :
.” Sir Peter Medawar, the Nobel Prize winner, speaks of Teilhard’s mental confusion and the exaggerated expression that borders, he says, on hysteria. He insists that The Phenomenon of Man is unscientific in its procedure ”
Well just look at that ungodly handbag swinging ! What a wise man Von H is to name drop from one of the most corrupt globalist institutions & science is suddenly king. So what is science ok and when is it not ok ??? Von H cannot make up his mind , or just assumes secret society intersectionality will understand this symmetrical problem!
”Teilhard’s lecture was a great disappointment, for it manifested utter philosophical confusion, especially in his conception of the human person”
During the first half of last century ‘good taste’ was very relativistic. Even within religion how well a religious scholar could explain how the human spirit can possess resilience to ‘DEATH’ and inherit resurrection ( thus neutralising concerns about eugenics ) was loved by some regimes. The question is What ( ? ) religious body didn’t capitulate to eugenic philosophy to please such regimes.Thus who was Von H to judge how TDC conceptualised humanity from the standpoint of TDC when there were far greater cosmological predicaments to deal with ?
One might ask why Von H had nothing better to do than harass the like of TDC. Is it since to tackle those who cause this worlds most vital issues is dangerous to ones health ?
.” Although I am not a competent judge of Teilhard as a scientist ” ..
” Science can neither prove nor disprove the truth of the faith ”
” Let us note several judgments of Teilhard by outstanding scientists ”
As a triplet those are close to gibberish.
” My purpose here, however, is to examine Teilhard’s philosophical and theological thought and its bearings on Christian revelation and the doctrine of the Church. I wish to make it clear from the beginning that writing on Teilhard is no easy matter. I do not know of another thinker who so artfully jumps from one position to another contradictory one, without being disturbed by the jump or even noticing it ”
Lol obviously!
” But this marvel of the human mind, which is also revealed in language and in man’s role as homo pictor (imaginative man, man as artist),is altogether lost on Teilhard because he insists on viewing human consciousness as merely an awareness of self that has gradually developed out of animal consciousness.
The scholastics, on the other hand, accurately grasped the dimensions of personal consciousness by calling the person a being that possesses itself. Compared with the person, every impersonal being sleeps, as it were; it simply endures its existence. Only in the human person do we find an awakened being, a being truly possessing itself, notwithstanding its contingency.
Lol well even in those days it should have been clear that from a perceptual standpoint the phenomenon i.e the natural selection / creation & manifestation the animal kind / the kingdom of is not something mere human hold dominion over – is Von H confused conceptually here I.E lacks the distinction between keeping creatures in a zoo & actual Creation? His comparison between a bad sense of ‘self’ ( be TDC ) and the advanced one ( by scholastics ) so hair splitting 🙂 I mean is there even a difference between the two ways of crudely describing consciousness in Von H’s entirely intellectually lightweight set of rants ?
So just how petty is Von’s ‘awakened being possessing itself” compared to TDC ”self conscious” distinctions ? Really a human shows high levels self control & the ability to overrule fight or flight as the main indication one is not an imbecile. Thus ‘awareness’ and ‘self consciousness’ are the only laymans terms even an expert ( such as a cognitive neuroscientist et al ) would on the whole use in any mundane circumstances. Any animal ( humans included ) have a central personality thats controlled by fight or flight. Humans with their distinct overlay of memory driven awareness are less aware of that than animals paradoxically & its that very fear which drives WOKE.
I’m not saying TDC wasn’t a ‘Kook’ as he may well be deemed so by other jesuits. In a democracy they have freewill & can choose how they found the man – only ironic if a lack of demoncracy decides this ‘freewill’ 🙂 ( its often the case ). . From a relativistic standpoint of some distinction by those who feel TDC should be held to account its usual done by using REASON since few on the other side of the wall from their secret society will just allow such nit picking to be taken as substantial reasoning.
Von H offered no kind of rationale indicative of TDC being heretic, but there could well be plenty.
As I read your words, “Maybe – by what yardstick could we know that being of interest.” I could not resist but to inform you that the meaning of the word ‘canon’ equates to just that: A measuring stick!
There’s your ‘yardstick.’
Have you ever worried that despite much learning you’ve become a fool?
Quote – As I read your words, “Maybe – by what yardstick could we know that being of interest.” – Unquote.
Interesting . The context by which that sentence occurred was in relation to an allegation that a person was a heretic & my inference was that theres no measurement charges of heresy & witch hunts. The man TDC ( who i’m no supporter of ) – is alleged to have been a heretic by a means of calculation known as malicious gossip by a higher authority @ jesuit HQ. My post goes on to question whether a jesuit HQ would bother at all, considering the reason for their existence is a study of deviances from the central canon.
” There’s your ‘yardstick”
Supposition from outside of the jesuit org concerning what went on inside it is ‘The Yardstick’ ?
How on earth is guessing / metaphysics / gossip a measuring device ?
‘Cosmic Christ’ screams loudly that the construct is being constructed on a Gnostic framework. Thanks for the links.
Chardin didn’t publish during his lifetime because he was forbidden to publish by the Pope. Chardin continued to share his views privately with his Jesuit supporters, he just didn’t publish. The Jesuits kept him on nonetheless because he had many supporters among them. At the time, however, the oath against modernism was still in force in the RCC and so none of Chardin’s supporters wanted to risk a direct open confrontation with the Pope, as Chardin did.
This was something of a victory for the modernists within the Catholic Church. Chardin was the first modernist within the Catholic Church who wore his modernism on his sleeve AND YET WAS PERMITTED TO CONTINUE IN HIS RELIGIOUS VOCATION. This gave other Jesuits the courage to believe one could be a modernist and yet STILL BE CONSIDERED CATHOLIC.
Still, his supporters would not risk what he did by “coming out” but would await a more propitious time to come forward when the risk to themselves would not be so great.
The modernism of Pope Francis and the Jesuits did not just appear out of thin air. It had a long history of development within the Jesuits, and Pierre Tielhard de Chardin was a very significant part of that history. Yet, he was not the first. He was preceded in time by the Jesuit George Tyrell who WAS removed from the Jesuits due to his modernist theology. Fellow Jesuits who secretly sympathized with his theological modernism took note and determined to lay low so as not to risk meeting the same fate. But they stayed within the Jesuits.
Father Malachi Martin covered all this history in his book, The Jesuits.
Quote – ” be a modernist and yet STILL BE CONSIDERED CATHOLIC ” Unquote.
Some might argue TDC just didn’t contribute enough metaphysics linked to eugenic // resurrection I.E so as to minimise acts of genocide. Disliked for being an outsider for not taking part in the formulation of the holy antidote’s, like consciousness & re-incarnation debates that can be formulated to negate the perceptual impact human holocaust.
Can anyone reasonably argue that the holocaust was experienced as a normal force of conscience ? = NO. Then it is reasonable to speculate concerning who helped minimise the outrage. Not easy as the claim ‘nobody did’ either implicates nature or a God. Most likely people did then unless we’ll choose to accuse ‘phenomena’. Thus dictators were most likely to approach who about the philosophy of death and how its perfectly OK ?
Those are the relevant Q’s really. Thus ( this is just me ) – when i see either priesthood or their public intellectual friends on a pointless ad hominem pursuit it makes me curious. Then when you look at statements by so called powerful beings ( like Von H ) – its often B/ llocks.
FINALLY – after years and years and years & of your grabbing, randomly, anything remotely linked to magickal thinking & claiming they are all gnostic etc ( gasp ) you arrive at the place that does link to the NWO & can show connections / common denominators concerning persons such as european presidents / persons in power.
Even so – you have to bungle it by regarding him a Theosophist. Why ? – you know hes a Jesuit ?
NO ! – this time there is no common knowledge which you can just review and copy!!!
Is that the problem ?
The magic trick of progressivism was to transfer the Alpha and Omega (the transcendent first and final causes of man and nature) to some (immanent) evolutionary process, thus providing man with some new ultimate telos.
This was the expressly intended design of all enlightenment thinkers from Nietzsche to Marx. The Jesuit magical trick was to superimpose this system over the Bible and into Catholic teaching to suggest such “truth” was always there in a seed form till it flowered in their own theology, and to pretend this was a natural outgrowth of Christian tradition, when in fact, it was from the beginning meant to SUPPLANT the Christian tradition.
You call it a “Jesuit magic trick,’ that the Jesuits superimposed the alternative reality construct of the Materialist Nietzsche–first time I ever spelled it right…no shit–and the tyrannical control advocated by Marxist ideology, but after denying the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture and attributing the authority to re-write Scripture to gnostically illuminated Supermen (Bastiat), (Nietzsche would have said Ubermensch), in order to determine doctrines that served the needs of their ‘Creative Community,’ and asserting that those purportedly ‘Brite-ly’ illuminated individuals were imbued with not only the wisdom, (gnosis), to “organize” the ‘Community’–[there you have the genesis of the Community Organizer concept of the evil Fascist liberal progressive woke left], but were given a responsibility to do so.
It should not go unnoticed that the Fascist Liberals redefine the Christian Church as a ‘Community’ as opposed to the biblical description of its being the Body of Christ.
You need to give up the Sociology. Start with a few Chuck Missler videos on ‘The Electric Universe,’ (then read the one page Book of ‘Iudas’ which we call Jude, and the Book of Genesis), then watch all of Jay Vernon McGee’s sermons on Youtube. Then listen to Dr. Donald Barnhouse’s sermons. Read ‘Evidence That Demands A Verdict’ by Josh McDowell. Read ‘Israelology: The Missing Link In Systematic Theology’ and do a deep study of the Book of John.
Add a regiment of running and exercise during these studies to sharpen your mind.
Take advanced Math classes to exercise your mind. You’ll be amazed at the difference in your study–how much more you get out of it–if you spend a few hours a week doing difficult Math problems. It’s just like physically working out. Your mind gets stronger in everything else that you use it for when you exercise it by solving challenging Math problems.
Watch all of the late Dave Hunt’s videos.
Fast and pray. Deny your ‘almighty’ Self, and you’ll be alright in Christ Jesus.
Quote – You need to give up the Sociology- Unquote.
i’m trained in cognitive neuroscience & phenomenology not sociology, – that was the first nik that occurred to me. Its impossible to acquire a sociological and psycho-social knowhow with that pairing going on. I feel you might do better concerning that sort of assumption along with these psychical guesses concerning mathematics & the conceptual that cosmologically adjacent positioning of jesus in an electric universe – which it obviously – the problem being that its an everything else universe also. I do not disrespect your jesus christ, but you do according to the others that follow those teachings by your decisions and absolutes as THAT is how the term Gnosticism arises and so does Heresy. In other words both are terms are meaningless until a psychosocial rift is created by the imbalance of power factor between the person with consent to pontificate & those who have none by any consensus << which is usually why any recognised hight person of religion pulls an underling doiung gnosticism down in the first place !
What you are trying to do here is say you are a 1 free agent / thinker ( electric universe theory ) and 2 part of something established and conventional via Jesus. I can't see a problem // but i'm not an upper gnostic looking for lower ones. You have got a conflict of interest between who you believe to be the top dog in gnosticism – the SON who delivered A.C. Graylings '' contents of the universe '' ( including omnipotent being ) – and YOU in the same role. I don't care – i only care when globalist cabals are happy to go all the way to a human holocaust in order to have enough billions to go around THEM. I don't have an opinion on what the universe contains or if there is a GOD because i'm AGnostic – not Gnostic. The problem is that James is assume to be correct that gnosticism is a sect & whole religious way. Thats like claiming a turbo charger os an engine. Gnosticism is merely a habit with metaphysics & ones own status within any religious organisation when it comes to who will be allowed to transmit messages from a GOD. That person is called The Pope in Catholicism & every religion has an higher order of its people recognised as verified to speak their gods words. Anyway – we see the concepts portrayed on this site are a total conflation and lash up.
And then theres your good self and your dilemma between these personal metaphysics and that of Jesus Christ – plus these other kooks you've listed. I know i know – the way its all going is cabals social engineering the 99% to forget empirical science and have a guess ! James L thinks THAT effect evidences 'Gnosticism' It doesn't. It evidences NWO new industrial revolution. And it signifies the beginning of the end of physical buildings being provisioned to learn in. I.E. the Nu Proletariat being deemed to have lost their entitlement to and bricks / mortar – school – college – university. Such a thing for the masses considered a threat to net zero ( so on ) – and a waste of money when it can be done online. For the 1% with the big money they'll enjoy the usual refinements. The owner of this site confuses the beginning of this globalist minimisation of intersectional entitlement with cult religion. Its not that his brain is incapable. The problem is that new atheism ( his own cult ) is a CULT – but Lindsay thinks its the ' House of Reason' like all members of cults do. Lindsay then over compensates and self loathes by finding cult activity everywhere. I love to here him move onto the insect & animal kingdoms & get his opinion on motives of Ants // baboon colonies and the Cuckoo.Its both tragic that JL is the right anti establishment obsessive, but with the wrong cabalism friendly social engineering lab as his home turf // and that educated people who come through here believe him about Gnosticism.
Btw what good is mathematics as a calculus in an electric universe theory ? Who taught you that rational numbers could possibly mean anything in states where even quantum energy would need to be classed as gross and simple compared to it ? Has you christ not mentioned that the father of universe somehow knew how to create infinity so that the fabric is thus rendered up and meaningful and meaningless simultaneously ? When human beings form a elite on the people hierarchy in a dualistic atomic kingdom' gnosticism' is also anti gnosticism. That paradox alone, a basic result of first order logic should inform beings like James to tread carefully. It doesn't deter him, and JL is a Mathematician. Thus ? – we can reasonably conclude that this gnostic axiom Lindsay is trying to enforce was thought up by a separate new atheist metaphysician. For consider – the NWO we are witnessing forbids most ordinary persons from understanding its post truth = ?
It is cancelling out more gnosticism than its creating.
Now one could ( specially Lindsay ) respond to that with 'Yes – that admits the globalists are Gnostics. Well the new atheism HQ designer of this gnostic grift failed to mention that the act of denying universal intelligence is just natural selection! Its the same old human predicament where a fitter tribe imposes its own dictatorship concerning who is allowed to 'KNOW'.
So i enjoyed your remarks & see nothing wrong or annoying about them – the opposite. However – similar to what Hitler is supposed to have said .. Surely it is 'your struggle' with the electric universe & that being the message a christ really trying to get over ?
intend to use Maths that end @ Infinity every single time ?
Yes i do ask myself if i'm a fool often. Only a fool would fail to ask themselves this given every one of us are only as good as the last moment we weren't a fool. It matters not either what designed this predicament humans encounter. Be it a GOD, be it natural selection. We are forced to realise we can and do default to the existential positioning of a fool by our own mistake or another's design. For instance WW2 made a fool of everyone it murdered. But mostly since it was a ideological fake system designed to rape and pillage in order to finance future cabalism. The way that war mainly conquered bank accounts makes a fool of anyone who believe it was racially motivated. All metaphysically inclined cults have a gnostic leader who tells them all what the contents of the universe is using measurements in rational numbers. A 'Cult' thus is anytime a human wants to cause other humans to accept information pertaining to cosmological reality, when there is no hope of verifying those claims empirically. For instance new atheist philosopher A. C. Grayling has been claiming recently that metaphysics is 'reason' and is therefore an acceptable means to obtain information concerning the universe WITHOUT physical interaction or even being in any part of the cosmos ( bar on earth ).
= New Athiem is a CULT
A cult leader is really trying to say that nature or a god decided to provided them with a brain that is a cosmological computer in effect. However its irrelevant that persons want to feel like that as freedom and liberty is defined by it. Once it becomes compulsory to stop people believing in supernatural things THAT is dictatorship & as an agnostic that means zero interest in rules that seek any end to the literal side of human belief
Your messengers father though. He / she / they / cat isn't much of an omnipotent force by your apparent. implication. So the important question is = are you saying that the meaning of everything can be understood via a single electric universe single design which a gnostic type says has been discovered by their Metaphysics?
”Its impossible to acquire a sociological and psycho-social knowhow with that pairing going on”
Correction – Impossible not to.