New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 79
A magic word for Woke Marxists and their shrewd handlers is “reflexivity.” Reflexivity is the energy that makes revolutions go. Most of us, since we’re not wizards who want to manipulate society to our own ends, don’t think in reflexive terms, and so we not only fail to recognize the use of reflexive political warfare tactics against us, we also tend to fall for them. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay introduces the concept of reflexivity. Join him to learn to recognize the building of reflexive potential, the explosion into a reflexive environment, and what you can do about it.
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It seems there are differing realms concerning meta theory under common discussion linked to reflexivity. Also the nature of any accommodation psychosis is different character when its incidents are engaged sociologically compared to when inert or inactive. In that sense theres little doubt that its resultant psychosocial & psycho-ecological phenomenon is a co-morbid sickness and birth of chaos. We’ve been dragged out of a ‘Truth Era’ into a post truth era where ‘fact’s – as far as regimes are concerned – are whatever they want them to be. That also is the attitude of resultant their minion which is hardly surprising. Take Hitler who had .5 % sociopaths who loved the regime and 99.5 % who were told they should if they wanted to live. Under that kind of capitulation duress the 99.5’%’s are not showing reflexivity. In fact its not conscious bias or other simple verdict. And likewise we are witnessing many things designed to manifest definitively ambiguous or fully characterless fear based fake reflexivity thats closest denominator is actually Zero. I.E most do not want to say anything because they’ve no ability venture far into such matters. That is inconvenient to totalitarians like mathew hopkins and the modern equals who will force an answer that suits a 99.9 supports this field of intention. Not much different today & if a snide influencer needs more they buy getfans. A great many of the most respected minds being paid to feed us red herrings making it even less likely we can understand. Some respond to that treatment via reflexivity, but 40% of adoring ‘consensus is best subtracted from the scores ( responses ) on YT just for example.
Therefore one of the first problems is making sure research sources are bone fide. That we avoid noting reflexivity incidents that are artefacts linked to either survival or to pleasure enrichment sociopathy. Well respected figures are supplying nonsense from the gonads of Goebbels so false are they & the responses read like 8 year olds raving about a boy band when its Richard ?Dawkins.
Speaking of which – the biggest lie out there is the idea that post truth can be evidenced. That lie comes in the form of ‘where is the evidence’ and might be tagged ‘Dawkins Radiation’ so much does he demand it yet can give NONE himself but much hot air. There is no ‘evidence’ for the actual anti religion new atheism sets out to bring down. There is evidence to show no GOD exists, but none concerning why religion must end, or christians should be arrested ( such as they are ). The entire reason for moving into a post truth era is that evidence is not possible within an algorithm thats being given all degree of freedom to deceive. I’m saying that the numero uno reflex to understand is that set up. In the video James went a long way to speak about not feeding a general troll & theres lots of those. But the most specific ogre / SOB in the valley is the post truth algorithm. It doesn’t matter how the odd pleb here or there reflexes that they want the ‘evidence’. But we must realise there cannot be any in an algorithm thats not got any fixed points of reference otherwise we beat of heads on the wall.
If something has bone fide consensus reflexivity phenomenon is low & people do not get excited and throw their underpants at it as theres normative scepticism If alternately something is showing gushing adoring bottom feeding fandom response comments its showing a lot of reflexivity & abnormal psychological phenomenon. On YT its possible to view condition learned fans are falling over themselves to congratulate their Genius. This isn’t normal or sober thinking as its laced with psychosocial affects. ‘Religion’ the phenomenon the blind faith is alive and well among new atheists just for example. Fundamentalism and what a movement is prepared to disrupt for what it believes is false is no different from fundamentalism for cosmic god truth. In fact its debatable which non truth os worse, GOD or Post Truth.
Theres huge caveat today concerning trust & big personalities in the debates around religion science philosophy. Many of them including some very top names of them have sold out to fascism & are actively misguiding everyone away from the required decodes. There are countless examples of this kind of targeting done by left wing intellectuals. Take Freud & the way most regard him as better off gone / thus allow that blockage. The marxists have debunked freud for decades as his approach naturally falls into an anti marxism / anti postmodern / anti post structural path. But then regarding those not ready to see that have not much to offer as they’ll help the marxist blockers. Marxist minions are designed to help create a general state if inertia. A quagmire where half the peoples struggle is bogged down by ancient conditioned learned beliefs that defeat their own object Y drain each others energy. Leftfield intellectuals are masters with sociological glue – such as :
When Lacan was planning a post structural rebirth @ a newly formed college he appears to have predicted obstacles well. So much so he knew to contrive the writing of an entire book I.E ‘return to freud’ as a purpose written misguidance manual. Freud at that time was a standard. In those days he exemplified common sense as well a psychiatric method and resistance to sociological upheaval & obviously thus Lacan wanted to condition pupils to reject him. Lacan deceived everyone as ‘return to freud’ was as fictional as the book ‘white fragility’ is these times, since with it he was able to fool his pupils to accept a impossible version of freudian post structuralism – which is nonsense. What Lacan did sets a western world standard for marxist social engineering. He understood what to alter about freud regarding essentialism & how we use conscious & implicit bias.
It goes without saying that Lacan was ‘not alone’ & had the establishment hidden behind him happy to fund politically expedient material. That approach is very common today & therefore the phenomenon of reflexivity when involved in spreading psychic contagion is not the same as its neat non diluted meta theory. Reflexivity is also customisable infinitely with a post truth setting.Truth is Finite so Marxists hate it already, but political ‘plot’ or just ‘itself’ does matter to our clarity. Trouble is by ‘itself’ its just the meta theory and is inert & when active in a political plot its not theoretical at all but as real as a war ship.
The author alleged to have written ‘White Fragility’ is a current example of the Lacan based disruption caused. So is ‘The God Delusion’ for that book seduced its readers into supporting hunting down religious peoples right to be religious with thought crime models. The actual quarry was everyones free speech since ‘everyone’ also means religious people it was just a common garden standard marxist deception which just didn’t mention all the rest of us – right ?
Therefore more concerning the ways reflexivity continues to sneak up and infiltrate so it can deconstruct attempts to deconstruct marxism would be useful. There are lots of snides giving anti decode style advice that legions of people trust.
I think personally that reflexivity can be such an infinite like rolling mill that most of these people have no idea they are being used a mules by funding sources to carry the disinformation to us in order for they to emit it as resultant misinformation.
Thus – many dimensions possible & reflexivity is even key in the exchange of bull nuts into bull shit on the information de change counters of todays incredibly intelligent public YT figures.
Pass me that sick bucket will you oh great genius new atheist.
Perhaps one can repurpose “reflexivity” by reusing the most recent representative “reflexive” event and explicitly reanalyse this event retrospectively. By doing this repeatedly, people might be aided in the recognition and realization of what is really happening, and one might be providing a reusable repellant for possible future “reflexive” events and processes.
I think you can both “call out their operation” and “argue the details on their merits.” This is not an either/or proposition.
Rather, a comprehensive response to the built-up energy and conditioning they have sewn would include arguing the merits beforehand (inoculation) and calling it out in the (reflexive) moment. This of course assumes you’re dealing with rational people who can be talked down off the ledge…
Like cryptocurrency and UFOs
“Like cryptocurrency and UFOs”
No. These are not reflexivities. These are SOMA fads — pop cultural snake oil — opium-Fluffernutter for avoidant sheeple — drugged distractions to prevent the stoned sheep-walkers from perceiving terrifying real political reflexivities in the real world outside the false safety of their contrived psycho-digital muddlebubble.
“Gender” and “Islam” are examples of current real Leftist/Globalist reflexivities manipulated to subvert liberal concepts of “tolerance” until “tolerance” itself becomes weaponized to force people to either submit to the (imaginary) Leftist line or defend the (invented) “fascist” line; creating either cowed “converts” or provoked/duped “enemies”; thus succeeding in their subversionary reflexive purpose.