New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 66
It is a persistent myth and common lie that Queer Education (Queer Pedagogy) is meant to in some way help “LGBTQ kids,” whether by fostering empathy, increasing visibility, providing role models, or whatever else. This is blatantly not true. In fact, it’s blatantly not true in their own words. “Queer” is not an identity at all, and it has nothing in principle to do with any sexuality, gender dysphoria (or sex confusion), or any other real thing. Queer is explicitly and intentionally an oppositional political stance. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay goes over this idea while presenting a recent essay on the topic he published on New Discourses. Join him to learn to see through these malicious lies.
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To be “queer” is to openly embrace and express behavior that opposes every expression of reason, logic, facts, civility, and respect that make a free and civilized society possible. It’s expressed by face, ear, and tongue distortions and piercings and eyeball tattoos that dehumanize and denaturalize the unaltered natural human face with which one is born. It’s expressed by clownish tutti-fruitti hair colors and ragamuffin outfits that mock tasteful tonsorial and sartorial sensibilities that convey self-respect. It’s expressed by anti-grammatical utterances, excessive swearing, and absurd assertions. It’s all a petulant, screaming, foot-stomping, fist-pounding, rainbow-flag-waving waging of war against reality that they, like everyone else, cannot ever win.
The Trans/Queer Reign of Terror is nearing its end. The Backlash is here. UK commenter Pat Condell provides a template for a parents and normal people’s Backlash Manifesto in his Sept 2023 “OK Groomer”:
“[T]he rainbow alphabet people… are killing public support for their cause. This is such a serious blunder… [W]hen gay people won their battle for equality, many of them simply wanted to be left alone to get on with their lives in peace. So the movement was taken over by ideologues [and] exhibitionists… who… then played the victim when people resisted having it rammed down their throat. [This] created an inflated sense of entitlement… and they gave the game away by coming for the children.
Now people are paying attention, and everything has changed… You had everything going for you. Nobody cared about your niche sexuality… Until you came for the kids. You couldn’t just say ‘We’ve been accepted, we’re all over the culture like a rash, hooray for us.’ No, that wasn’t enough. You just had to come for the kids… [N]ow what we see is not eccentricity, diversity or difference. What we see is evil. And we intend to put a stop to it, because… [y]ou’re already trying to legitimise paedophiles… as if it’s simply another sexual preference… And when parents object, you smear them as far-right extremists and conspiracy theorists. You accuse them of hate, as if you are somehow the victim here, and you have a perfect right to debauch and corrupt the minds of their children… which only shows how completely divorced from reality you people are.
[W]e’ve foolishly humoured your preposterous narcissism… for far too long. But now that you’ve finally exposed yourselves… You’ve indulged your perversion a step too far, and you’ve burst your own bubble… You’ve crossed a red line and there is no going back. Now millions of parents have seen what you are. You have violated our trust, you have lost all our sympathy… you have lost our support.
Your predatory behaviour has stigmatised and alienated gay people, many of whom don’t want to be associated with that toxic rainbow flag any more, because of what it has come to represent. Once widely accepted as a symbol of emancipation, it’s now seen as a symbol of depravity and evil. It’s the groomer’s flag, the paedophile’s flag, and it carries as much moral weight as a swastika. So, the game is up, groomer, and the party is over. Our tolerance and our indulgence that you exploited have been withdrawn.”
Pat Condell “OK Groomer” transcript (youtube)
How in God’s name do people like Drabinsky get in such a powerful rful position where they can influence & even control all our children & their teachers!
The Marxists and their determination to corrupt are all evil in my view and how does this small population of fanatics get to rule our world!
Mankind was achieving so much wonderful stuff until these dark forces were allowed to spread their foul grooming ( the best and only word to describe their mission!)
What enrages me is that these destroyers of civilisation are referred to – even, ironically enough, by their enemies – as “progressives”. I urge people either to avoid using this term, or to flag its absurdity and inappropriateness with scare quotes or a suitable inflection of the voice.
These people do not promote progress; they retard, and ultimately prevent, it.
“Queer Theory” is the moral diarrhea of Totalitarianism and Toxic Femininity is its toilet paper.
Corroborating many anti-Woke dissidents’ reality-based observation that “Queer” and Woke are happening because women are now ruling and ruining the Western world, is an insightful article called “The Longhouse”. The Longhouse is a metaphor for the 21st century Western societal hegemony of a cunning, collectivist and controlling Authoritarian Matriarchy.
The Longhouse represents the Toxic Femininity that is asphyxiating humanity (females as well as males) with the Estrogen Politics of feminine-centric passive-aggressiveness, socio-personal manipulation, revenge as pseudo-ethos, therapizing infantilism, Nanny State “safetyism”, “mean girls” psycho-emotional viciousness, defiantly flaunted hypocrisies, perpetual rage-hysteria, life-as-performance dehumanization, and the normalization/fetishization of deliberate cruelty to anyone who crosses them (especially males, including their own sons who they seem to hate).
“We are expected to indulge with theatrical zealotry the preferences, however bizarre, of the never-ending scroll of victim groups whose pathologies are above criticism… Further, these speech norms are enforced through punitive measures typical of female-dominated groups –– social isolation, reputational harm, indirect and hidden force. To be ‘canceled’ is to feel the whip of the Longhouse masters.” “What Is The Longhouse” Feb 2023
see also: Christopher Rufo’s video “The Cluster B Society”
Cluster “F@ck” Society