New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 31
Woke Marxism might more accurately be called Woke Gnosticism, which is technically redundant. Gnosticism is one of the ancient “Esoteric” religions that has spawned cults, some weird and some dangerous, since Antiquity. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay gives a brief introduction to the Gnostic mindset and why it is the best characterization for the Woke phenomenon, Marxism, and all the rest. Join him to gain unprecedented clarity on these issues!
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The Gnostic Pattern certainly is just that & i would agree with the statements made in this way. Could add to it the hypothesis that gnosticism at its root is basically a positive impulse prior to any periods of negativity inasmuch its a reaction to the all powerful families who are 1/4 % of the population who hold most of the wealth and power. In that sense we can see a lot of symmetry over time. As of today ? – its debatable who the gnostics are being that just like with all corporation, the 1/4 % are going around taking possession of other secret societies !! – let alone getting absolute control over Religion. A lot of them problems links to how complex it is to move into a top frame place running Islam to try get control. But take here in the UK. First they planted a bent oil executive in the archbishop of Canterbury post. You can only call this a ‘Post’ surely not a profound calling. I assume this man got a really tacky crash course while people are supposed to believe hes always been religions. And things go along blah blah – recently they come out with they going to pay 100 million to people they hurt during slavery. But it suffices it that unless Gnosticism has some ‘Nu’ version thats re-burrowed – then it could be a tool of evil. I think the trouble is that when some are again dependent on a crash course whenever having a go at religion & esoteric people ( New Atheism had to be the most pathetic crash course i ever saw ) – they don’t stop and think actually. This is like voluntarily catching Aspergers syndrome, and happy working in a neural pathway with 80 less I.Q. in that pathway or something. There is a huge difference between the appropriation of a belief system, or work of philosophy ( say marx hegel ) – and its original intent. In fact human life itself – its ‘Predicament’ is a challenging course to try grasp because of this huge range of deviant practices with other peoples work. Its not to try encourage people to hear the words – ”wait wait please – we are being meaningless unless we strive to understand for what reason those words were authored – (good or evil) – when people are as lazy and incompetent intellectually as to class that distinction as religion therefore nonsensical. However largely that is what is going on. The less capable intellectual both has no ability to understand what X author must have been thinking – i mean within probability and good reason.
Thus no matter how generally good a service is, it can also be tossing a coin right in the very midst of its science by just expecting X author to be who they want them to be Which itself is a successful Marxist social engineering artefact – (LOL) A critter that helps even the more gifted default to shortcuts since as we know cultural marxism wants us to decrease what we know.
= Gnosis = its always been a problem. Plus we see that ‘cultural marxism’ is just our convenience right now. Very much longer ago exactly the same phenomenon out of exactly the same predicaments was going on. Therefore to be frank the terms Gnostic when paired with cultural marxism is like showing Cleopatra a modern vibrator when she understands vegetables like this. Theres a void in-between that hasn’t actually got any tethering & Gnosis + CM just seems like a logical pair, but really its an addmital of ignorance given that many human civilisations struggled with the strongest people tribal oppression & understood it as people who just won’t leave other people alone =
War Like
Much of todays problem and IT WILL delivers things back to the question of what Good and Evil is. That predicament is cyclical & cannot be separated from the problem reasonably. When being unreasonable its being ignored & that only equals admitting to not caring what the majority of people on earth care about = Peace. They are not interested in taking what others have, nor war. But how they feel does mean they embrace the binary Good and Evil.
When that binary is missing a philosopher is not a philosopher – they are a lazy unreliable source who deliver their sense at random and sometimes get things right,. Its not a question of belief although being able to brush religion aside IS on the table so long as being detectable as a lightweight is ok. They brush the problem of God or not aside and all that. It does not occur to them they speak only for SOME thus. What amazes me is they’ll then ry to speak for those they’ve condemned as fools.
Some atheists can explain their position. Most cannot and will not make philosophical sense when placed under pressure – they’ll crumble. Not that vthis matters or should be a point of reference. The point is that things changed and ‘the intellectual’ who feels they are a force to be reckoned with is a ‘Global System’. Or is in theory. They are now in opposition with globalist organised hunter gathering on a muther of all scales. Not without a bone fide approach to religion given that it represents so many people whether a philosopher likes it or not.
Don’t care about the people ?
Well thats fine – theres lots of ways to show one is too lazy and not efficient enough to understand global problems. Wasn’t New Atheism a globalist designed way of opting out od understanding the world ?
I think it was frankly – On A Plate.
The Gnostics knew what they were talking about. Like everyone else, they got too dogmatic and not practical enough. But if you want to look at why humans strive so much for freedom, it is because they are imprisoned.
The only reason “the knowledge” needed to be hidden was that you were punished for becoming aware of it. Marx didn’t get any of this. I would think of him as a reactive philosopher, and that he fell into the Gnostic pattern simply because it was a pattern.
Today the knowledge needed to escape the prison is no secret. However, you can still become a social outcast for becoming aware of it. If you use it wisely, this social reaction becomes less problematic.
The practices and utterances of today’s Left are violently unaware and I should probably reject them being characterized as falling into the Gnostic pattern. But their gut experience of the body (or planet, etc.) as a prison is totally valid. The Left’s reaction to this experience is psychotic. I am sure our jailers are very happy with the Left.
Rebirth? That’s reincarnation. We are trapped in the Earth system of reincarnation.
Now, James’ problem is that he believes this is all a pile of BS. But it isn’t. The basic facts are quite true. That is why the Left have such power today and have had power in the past. If the Right doesn’t realize this and reform their own thinking to include a more sensible (less reactive) response to these truths, they will never attain the power and control they seek, even though they probably deserve it.
Ward, I think that Max Ehrmann’s “Desiderata” captures the essence of Stoicism. Marcus Aurelius’s “Meditations” (Marcus’s actual title was “To Yourself” in Greek) discusses several of its principles that Marcus strove to live by. I aver that, for centuries, people “mysticized” reality by seeking states beyond it that were, in fact, delusional or imaginary constructs, creative and ritualized misinterpretations of reality arising from their ignorance of the nature of its constituents; or, in the case of the “woke” and their ilk, their pathological desire to control, enslave, and slaughter people, arising from their willful self-disownment, their self-hatred, and fear.
There is an effect beginning to mutant out there, but it has nothing to do with being taught esoteric / mysticism by marxism. What happens with the combination of gender fluidity – Woke – and being condition learned that you can .be anything you want to be’ – is that it leads to mental health problems and fantasy. The Queer Woke gets bored waiting for all this success to arrive & begins making adaptations to their pronouns etc. So theres atm a Neopronoun underground – yes this is lamentable as its pronounist woke queers trying to set up their own nu belief system away from other pronounist woke queers.
Whats happens in practice at these socially engineered states is it does what it is designed to do = cause Intense Anger. Most wokes CAN NEVER be anything at all from this position, let alone ;anything they want to be’. But sooner or latter their focus wanders & they are angry with EVERYONE, including other Queers & not any longer just their which their conditioned learning directed them toward.
Now – a human is perfectly able to manifest supernatural delusions without ever being mentored on any. Gnosis et all is just not required here. And there most definitely are queer wokes getting very angry and claiming they can perform psychic attacks, can remote view, can invoke dark entities.
In fact – i have recently completed advice on this to the UK national school regulator OFSTED and the department of education in the UK. Naturally i do not use any terms classed as invectives. I first wrote to those bodies warning of marxist dangers in 2005 and have been ever since. I cited a Cognitive Dissonance based social contagion in 2010. Naturally civil servants who are being forced to work with dangerous ideology by governments feel compromised.
I was alone in this stuff – nobody was talking about this at all. I had 0ver 2 k actual schools on my mailing list. It wasacalled’ A Hypothesis concerning the physical & psychological enemies of children in & around our schools’.
Sociologist. .you nailed it pretty well regarding mental illness and the course the queer and tranz path followers tread. Great information. The salient point here is the issue of mental illness. Marx seems to overlook any reality at all in the field of the individual and their actual inner mental workings. Every thing is determined by class and economic factors. That gets pinned into woke thinking and the resultant blaming and victimization game is amped up. to explain everything. But these clowns cant get around the the facts when humans get screwed up and commit suicide or become manic. Reality doesn’t change or bend for nobody. Marx went so far as to think that the physical world itself such a natural forces would change when true communism was reached. Or so he overlooked the influences of them on society. As he posits monetary law itself alone rules the roost of human affairs, then even droughts and hurricanes will disappear when the world is woke.
Ward thanks for that.
Yes as you suggest the widespread sociological effect that happens at large must have a shelf life. The effect must diminish & decay as ordinary life takes chunks out of these people. I was only wondering the other day what evil move the establishment will put in next to cause ‘top up’ effect’
Even people like James run scared from Freud expecting him to be part of the evil designs. And for example the psychology students which the Tavistock of London ( the butchers shop the UK decided would handle trans ) – namely ‘Amy G’ – felt instantly attracted to the social engineering that taught her to hate him – thus she took a swipe in the video that discusses her legal situations. Would she know why ? – no not really other than spouting the sex slander used to put the man down. But the interesting thing is that even ‘Freud’ is only symbolic of the idea = of ‘Looking Inward’. Which is precisely what new discourses does concerning wokes. I have been trying to give James the hint about the way he goes inside Psyche, but then just stands there denying Freud. Then he sends out for takeways like bashing Alive Bailey – when he inside Woke head and should be describing the topography of their mental illness. But no – he orders all kinds of other deliveries in !!!
What you also get on this site – and its due to the way irrational defaults’ are taking place. Is that anything that seems or IS psychiatric is labelled Freud. Plus – when remarks are psychiatric, we see the assumption coming in that Freud is discredited = anything psychiatric is not relevant. Now these are supposed to be remarks fro educated people, and all they are is a reaction to a socially engineered anti freud movement that was performed decades ago.
Its pathetic -ancient social engineering still effective Circa 2023. It reminds of the Voyager missions through the solar system when the batteries lasted 20 more that predicted etc. Worse – ‘Freud’ isn’t mandatory as any good grid of reference can be implemented. Though – i would say that the social engineers have done something very cunning. They’ve built a freudian style topology and are using it as the general operating system of their entire program – its a Freudian System.
Now if the was Freire the habit here is to hate him. I’m not sure why Freire needs this as he had no idea his work would be hijacked by german aristocrats & a deal struck to supply evil bastards in the USA. Freire just wanted to help ordinary people understand the predicament they were in and do something about it. In reality significant fragments Freire have been appropriated. But the interesting thing is that ALL of Freud was put into practice as long as one understands how they’ve turned it into the main Algorithm.
Thats gone right over James Head
So imho it isn’t effective to knee jerk and start writing books against anyone they sneaked up on after they were dead and impugned the work of. What you do is just decode the architectures and cross reference that with the methodology ( i.e of Freud et al ). You don’t broadcast pointless anti speeches because these authors have been appropriated. In fact it is possible to describe such mechanism without naming any defamed writer ( like Freire ) Well luckily in Freires case opinions against him have no adverse effect since a critique of him is reasonable. I would feel that since it is likely that Freud as the main structure used by the designers of Woke becomes common knowledge, then THAT anti freud book could – well be a book showing how stupid to be lol.
Anyway – yes well spotted there on this point about the wear and tear factor of woke. And for drawing attention to what i think is both the simplest and clearest thing, ( that has power & is easy to explain ) and the most crucial. Namely that Woke designers target the wokes Inner Being – its an Implicit attack performed in Explicit ways as so far thats all it can be until the establishment finds a way to have access to Implicitness all the time.
Its not so easy to know precisely why they are doing it, or what they are attempting to create. They are not really happy with having to broadcast Where Fragility ( just for example ) right out in the open. And certainly they’d prefer that AI had all the engineering on tap into us all the time. But at this stage we just don’t know what they want. Though its highly likely they just want to disrupt public life so that they can disrupt law and thus be able to sell on ( as if their own ) any public property they desire. They need things to change so that no legal obstacles or concepts of ‘The Peoples’ this or that are in the way.
To me that is the most likely shorter term project. Though once all concepts of ‘the people’ being joint owners of ‘the land and our national assets’ is gone – they can’t stop themselves going all out for complete control. Getting wayyyyyyyyyy ahead here and totally off topic.
Its just my opinion, but i feel everyone who cares would be doing everyone a favour by regarding the operating system of cultural marxism as Freudian. This statement coming from this poster (me) is paraconsistent & counter intuitive given i would remark freud is completely innocent. But thats the whole name of this game, a lot of the classical works are simply superior to, or more accurately it just isn’t possible to improve upon some of the older works. This is why you’d use Freud and set the controls to Ultra Negative Attack Mode if you are going to commit misanthropy and make it clear your establishment hates all people and wants their nation for ownership.
These people want deeds showing they own the very ground everyone walks on.
But because its a Freud appropriation is Freud responsible ? Id Freire ? NO. Hegel ? – NO not even him & what a waste of time it is to state they are. The fact is that if a evil regime wants to appropriate humankinds best work they can. Any best work can be inverted. ND is the best counter woke site. Its no exception and could be inverted to socially engineer sex with animals etc. Humankind as history goes along has no protection from evil people doing evil with good work & we NEED to understand that effect.
So is good counter woke all about describing the mass mental illnesses correctly onging ? –
In all probability damn right it is
Pro Abortion ? – think the increasing trade in stem cells. Arguable leading consultant neurologists have access and have been peddling then to the rich @ harley street for years. Sites online are now springing up – one is run by a trans.
These esoteric commentaries have slight relevance but will not lead to any good in counter woke. I’m not claiming they are incorrect as such, but where they’d slot into the scheme is another matter. More case of being a sport among the highest end elite.
Other than that the type of material / existential dilemma mainly discussed is something that self generates in the thoughts of a lot of peopler. They can then choose which cult to join if they wish. A lot of people are dead from the neck up & nothing occurs to them in terms of this ‘human predicament’. This demographic with the lower I.Q. comprises of Woke and others – thus its hard to see how a I.Q. rich activity is their sociological driver frankly. I mean it would not be social engineering if they could use their own brain !!
In these debates a commentator has to decode what to use & what not to use among things that all might seem useful. You are not doing so well in that respect. Esoteric mysticism appeals to a low % of people with above average intelligence. It matters not who finds them aberrant or have to battle personally with any counter intuitive problems ( such as finding religion stupid thus believers are stupid. etc ) Why such persons feel theres something of interest in X & Y cosmic belief .
James you play to the weakness that were socially engineered into you by Richard Dawkins. You swing from the best at this to a dummy sometimes & its just as well that people are happy to regard you the best in spite of these things.
You are still trying to resolve arguments the 4 horsemen only set in motion for the sake of new atheist commercialism. Meaningless stuff that was/is linked to nothing more useful invention of that pointless cult.
Don’t mean to preach here but Mysticism if I can use that word is expressed by the several traditional spiritual paths. Buddhism, Adavita, Sufiism, Taoism and so forth. These teachings basically claim there is NO way out or possibility to transcend form and realty so stop struggling and being at odds with existence. . Face YOUR own self and and accept the Great Way or Truth that iS only always here and now. In Tao they speak of Wu Wie or being in harmony with the movement of life. Go with the flow and discover the peace that is not ever not present. So do the Stoics also see life. I AM That. The effort to evade the mundane will only bring more misery.
For most folks this is not what they want to hear because it will will up end their game. It is too simple and may seem dull and boring. But the grade of perception that comes out of accepting it is sublime. Too have a sense of blame or complaint is the mind set of inner poverty and darkness.
Marx and his ilk , SJW and the woke can only perceive a world that lies in the future. As they are projecting mental pictures as an escape from the present. The Buddhists refer to this as Maya or illusion, the belief in and acceptance of false notions of human life. Anger is food for them.