New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 28
Understanding Woke Marxism means more than just understanding their Theory. It also requires understanding their activity, which also helps you counter it. One of the most pervasive techniques used by Woke Marxism is “dialectical inversion.” In dialectical inversion, the authority in a situation is inverted by applying the dialectical trick of seeing two things that are opposed to one another as parts of the same whole. Then the good thing is diminished, allowing the Woke incursion to look better by default. The usual trick is to say “everything is political,” from which follows “the way you do what you do is political.” From that dialectical point of false equality, the inversion is a simple matter of shaming through rhetorical judo. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay breaks down the technique of dialectical inversion and gives several clear examples. Join him and learn how to fight back!
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British – the son of a female POW Batavia. She was a torture victim, i.e red poker rolled over body in effort to extract information. This sharpens a particular sense of oppression.
One of my favorite “serious” books in my late teen years was “Teaching as a Subversive Activity” (Neil Postman). It was a fun read for me. But it was not really about teaching kids how to read and write. It was more about getting the school administrators out of the way so that the kids could learn how to read and write.
In those time, many school administrations were NOT woke; they were just bureaucrats. They were worried about money and reputation and things like that. And those worries were (according to Mr. Postman) preventing the students from learning anything.
But what I remember most from that book was how kids used “slam books.” That was part of their social and emotional learning. No one expected the schools to teach them that, but obviously school was going to be one place where it happened.
So now I’m wondering what that book was really about.
If we can make any assertions about this situation, I would include these: 1) A lot of people are confused about what kids are and what to do with them; 2) We want to make sure kids leave school able to be functional adults, but a lot of US aren’t functional adults; 3) Parents deserve the right to raise their kids as they see fit; 4) Many parents don’t think they are doing a good enough job and they see school as an absolutely essential part of their kids making it in the adult world.
That leaves us with a situation where many parents are willing to turn the whole problem over to the schools. That’s a failure in responsibility. And that failure, more than anything, is our problem with schools.
Beautiful comment. Sadly, I think a lot of Boomer parents abdicated their parental responsibilities to the school. I know mine did; they didn’t even attempt to give me ANY kind of sex talk, and I know a lot of my peers were in the same boat
It is basically a distortion of psychoanalysis, all this nonsense about the unconscious and consciousness they love to go on about. Like they are all Freudian’s who can see into everyone’s unconscious. What arrogance and ignorance they have.
Can you please maybe give a Podcast on how to more specifically refute what they are saying…eg. when they say ” Oh everything is political” it does throw a mind numbing spanner in the works. Have you got any succinct or fast track retorts one can use to show how this is not true? In other words a response to throw back? Thanks very much for the great work you are doing to expose Marxist WOKE, most people don’t have a clue how brainwashed they are by it.
James is going to russle up a tin of beans instant microwave refute hopefully – in the meantime
How does a brainwash work if it hasn’t got consciousness or unconsciousness within which to manifest ? – both of which you appear to deny.
I’m a Freudian influenced cognitive neuroscientist simply because i refuse to be brainwashed by postmodernism concerning the way the postmodernists do not want others to acknowledge Freud. Btw are you sure your good self isn’t brainwashed to refute freud ? With most people brainwash is the only reason & they could not debate how they reach conclusions against him themselves.
After all is was kicked off as long ago as Lacan.
Where does all this mad woke psychological phenomena live in your estimation ? – just in the mind we use each day & thats it ?
Okay so I will take a stab at this. life is a simple process and the power is in the flow not any struggle. The New physics is discovering in detail the inter related non personal, neutral connection of all things in the cosmos. All the things James is describing here are mind manifested ideas with no real physical or energetic connection to the ebb and flow of life and reality. Thoughts are waves in isolation from the everything else…in most cases. Intuition can not be equated to thoughts and head matter. Intuition works in a pragmatic fashion in harmony with our universe. Other wise it rests as it has no need for noise or excessive thinking. What ever woke people say about themselves and us to frighten and intimidate us.. they are victims of excessive thinking.
So its nonsense to drain your energy worrying about what is not. I can only scratch my head and wonder at the obsession and compulsion these people have with the mental pictures that arise in the mind. Tell them that joy is too be in the now and flow and….you will get them talking all night about their theories and concepts. They cant relax and let go. All will be well however and humans sit and worry endlessly about anything and everything. Worry warts can chew on some thought all day. They can only argue and struggle. What good is that. They will say your fucked up because you are happy with the way life is. Most humans are fairly happy. Happiness is the mission of life. They must be at war with that. The ”BASED” person must have a deeper sense of self awareness and by nook or crook gained the wisdom for good judgement.
People like Alice A. Bailey are not an atheists cup of tea. But what the new atheists fail to realise is that nobody liked her kind except her kind & then only a few of even her own. \In fact i never met anything but dumb new atheists, none of them could ever see that every religious individual of in conflict with every other – they were all just ‘believers’.
And NOT Human – new atheists thought that to get where the new atheist wanted to go, it would be ok if believers were teated as inhuman entities. That just about renders new atheism an inhuman philosophy.
= Its why it cancelled itself out and nobody gives a F about NA today.
I’m not saying that the hopes and dreams of a corruption less state of earth – somewhere in another dimension – which presumably decided who deserved such afterlife judged by SOUL etc etc etc etc is right . I’m an Agnostic and WOIN’T believe without proof. But i also know that only a fruitcake accuses a person of being a fruitcake when the imagination in question seeks ideas of PEACE.
All we have to do then is be careful who we are accusing of Misanthropy. We best be right when naming namers since the idea of living in peace without crime is powerful whether its true or not, it doesn’t matter that it requires the unscientific use of other dimensions.
In fact there are only TWO KINDS OF PEOPLE.
Those who think theres a justice in an afterlife.
And those who think Justice can only be delivered in this life.
As an agnostic i have no idea whose right or wrong. But no way to know which of them is more crazy than bat shit either. The concept of this world levelling up & people in govs behaving themselvs is fundamentally bordering on psychotic to the degree is certainly makes anyone elses mad peace on earth ( in an afterlife ) desires pale into insignificance.
Sperm of Dawkings just shut up will you. The man had a shared psychotic episode. In fact Daniel Dennett is not seeking a new venture on Consciousness (including Unconsciousness )because he wants Ai career and knows he’ll need to say something of the neural correlates of the unconscious. Dump that senseless NA baggage because Dennett has.
The difference between a – Believer – An Atheist – and a New Atheist – is that the believers and the atheists have around 50 more I.Q each than the New Atheists.
James i’m sorry to say that the social contagion doe not spread itself the way you describe at all. Nor have the engineers ever explained the causation characteristics to anyone close in, let alone the minions themselves. Contrary to the public dialectical inversions knowing exactly how and why X will cause Y – they don’t know this James, its a Conditioned Learning matter. This will be the case way beyond the mere school teacher public sector worker level as even a lot of people lower in the social engineering labs won’t understand how and why negative dialectical inversion works.
The other thing is there is a lot of the blind leading the blind effect going on. Take thew case of a certain student of psychology who was based at Tavistock Clinic London & was subjected to the most inhuman psychological treatment before suing them ( i’m being confidential due to a case & feel you know this woman James). Now she’s had a thousand sins committed against her and is very bright. But listening to her on a podcast she isn’t bright enough to know that the inversion YOU are speaking about in this podcast needs to take place in the Unconscious Mind.
Its Obsession needs to root there.
The reason modern day activist like yourself ( and the woman in question ) are either lazy or hostile with the subject of the unconscious mind is manifold. 1 – it cannot be understood in a crash course ? Well it can tbh , but its phenomenological field is far more complex to understand than anything ‘Conscious’ – but then again anything merely on the conscious level isn’t strong enough to obsess anyone as a rule. I will try to describe the common mistake going on here.
Firstly that the designers use the term Unconscious and implicit a lot specifically to draw the counter arguments disgust and throw you off the trail. This is because they want the counter argument to believe ‘unconscious ‘ and ‘implicit’ is nonsense and a Hegel / Friere et al only heresy. When in actual fact everything they design is neuro linguistic = is designed to enter long term memory. From that position they use phrases that cause low level sexual feelings / act on the labido. How ? – they employ hundreds of thousands of influencers that tie the narratives together. In the end you get the effect where X Dialectical Inversion have been free associated with I.Q = Sex Appeal = Sexual Turn On ( on the personal level ) = Obsession in cultural Marxism and dialectical inversion.
I have been brief here and described a basic chain – obviously it get more and more complex as a set of sociological weapons in this war. But i have to broach this James where you are so wayyyyyyyyy out in your understanding of how they do it. ‘They’ ? – its not any of the activists James none of them know a fig about there marxism obsessions except they feel like having SEX all the time mate.’They’ are the engineers in Europe – only they know how it works = not one of the minions do, not even if they run a big depot like BLM.
They only know how to feel irresistible drawn to spouting off on all this radicalism because they get a hormone boost from the CNS. If they don’t they feel depressed <<< a major tool since there as much sociological weaponry in the WWW narrative to make them feel depressed until they don't – = by stimulating themselves with cultural Marxism.
You are trying to say the apologists understand it all THEREFORE are turned on.
You are not only wrong , you might be the only person tipping them off on what to argue. I mean why on earth do you think the social engineers also engineered in ''NO Debate'' ?
Well its because the activist don;t know how it works ( as stated ) But also – when you are spreading a global sociological contagion, entirely through the internet in a '' fishing'' way you are not able to publish its decode during that public spreading of contagion. What you are doing is putting false promises around about personal success as the first bait. Most of these people think they are going to become affluent by spreading cultural marxism. But to pinpoint how that part happens, you have to look at influencers who get 20M views in a day for dancing in a miniskirt. These people are funded to spread contagion, they were carefully selected because they can dance according to classical technique ( hence it looks and IS right when thousand just jigger without their steps being right ). The social engineers will always sponsor people with correct artistic skill sets, not chavs who copy & are not right technically at what they do. Neither will the people they sponsor to 'say stuff' know what impact ''saying that stuff' is having or what it means on the sublime level. But they get paid to unleash key phrases that convince young people that yet another beautiful independent from the argument internet star believes in Marxist feelings = X or Y radical idea must be the world saviour as a ideology after all etc etc.
These people have a huge budget to influence since they use the peoples wealth. They can also know exactly how to mind game young up and coming influencers by telling them to believe and say X in order to obtain Y funding for the endeavour.
The Hooks :
1 – long term memory in the unconscious mind where feelings if sexual grandeur act as a regulator against feelings of Depression. I don't care how far far away the nice blonde lady which the tavistock abused is from understanding the significance of the Unconscious. Its in the unconscious where sociological printing is giving sexual feeling reward for spouting marxism. Their brain wash can also take the feel good away veer toward feelings of depression – BELIEVE. It isn't long before they are a self supporting activist robot.
2 – A relative minority of gifted influencers spread the trigger sentences – its just thousands & that not really a lot.
3 – Millions of badly educated persons are the main body of losers being manipulated to believe they'll be successful / Some will but nearly all won't although they'll all spread dialectical inversion because it delivers the first feelings of an orgasm – remotely – stirring in the gonads – Just beneath consciousness. What it is really ? – hormonal release ofc, the same type they've known to unleash in the people – JUST BY USING WORDS & propaganda – for hundreds of years.
4 . Don't forget how its already known that millions of students – about a third of all students – are going to crash and burn because software has taken their jobs, but the establishment is not happy to inform them that one third of university no longer exists ( apart from the activism 'methadone' – you know the sociological drug they've been weened onto. They are getting the same sexual organ based euphoria / depression conditioned learning.
James as is case with me i haven't even thrown this down well as a piece. I have no idea what typo's or grammer is bad and don't care. You are F ing way off in your understanding of how the engineers power the sociological war – not even CLOSE.
You are the best at this stuff though along with your friends – so get it right.
The upper top level brigade who are behind the engineering are the bankers and elites. For whatever reason they have a big stake in controlling society. There are plenty of people tapped into exposing them.. such David Icke. A friend of mine is into this research. Snuffing them out and digging into the details.
I wonder at why people would bother to want to bring us down. The truth is they themselves are controlled by the very negative force they use to confuse and bring misery to humanity. In truth they are frightened chickens..
Negative forces vs positive forces takes it all to the ‘A God vs Nature & Nurture debate yet again. But that does not deflect the way you’d have to be right by an ‘inevitable’ human right ( imho ) – insomuch that one can reasonably estimate that the rich and powerful that cause all these things answer ultimately to FEAR. You are right i feel as i’d not find that over simplistic. Its arguable how everything combines & somehow they ignore their own wealth in search of more when its Billions already. The way they are prepared to do things that will set off domino effect leading to the death of many is perplexing too. In short we’d either find it difficult to boil their behaviour down to a fear level or not – like you i do not find it hard.
In their society ( presumably then ) – they are claiming it to be Courage ofc. Top elites praise each other for doing things that make more money whilst ‘having the courage’ not to worry when X consequence in the loss of human prosperity occurs elsewhere. Its ‘elsewhere’ & having concerns linked to negative effects going on ‘elsewhere’ is like a terrible sin of the mind in their high and ultra affluent society.
The thing is with dualistic couplings – Yes / No – Right / Wrong – good / evil is that so long as they are respected as a required ‘datum point’ for all humans to understand collectively, we do understand each other far better. When we do keep in mind such references points, it means they are fixed & therefore a regulating the forces in -between. All we need then is some truth account of human detail ( say in a domestic violence case – road traffic accident case – bent government case ) & we compare such data to parameters of Right and Wrong. So in the case of corruption people interfere with the human data ..
Really that a form of fear equation based on the fixed power of a COUPLING
= Just about every DECOUPLING that is done within a society being run on cultural marxism. EXCEPT – and this is a detail James often misses – the cultural marxist style engineer wants to OPen and ShUT when decouplings take place or not. I.E they’ll interfere with Right / WRong when they want their woke to perpetuate. But when they finance the production of ”White Fragility” – suddenly they want the couplings to work perfectly. I.E they invent elaborate hate fallacies and expect these to be protected by the normal forces of fixed sociological order. Which – but that time means they control at least two simple binaries across a wide spectrum of society :
A Sense of Right and Wrong in society ( manipulating that binary to perform correctly when they want it to )
Against something untrue they’ve invented for instance =
All whites are Racists
So what we see is a counter intuitive reality where a binary is working properly when certain people want it to ( right/wrong), but is yielding a false negative ( all whites are racists ).
= ? –
1 = there has to be an unnatural sociological intervention going on
2- those responsible are ‘opening & shutting’ when this can happen & cannot ( using and On & OFF mechanism.
The above is precisely why i argued ( in the big post ) that Woke Activists know NOTHING about how woke works. If anything its compliance to that kind of On/OFF concerning the coupling of Right & Wrong – that gets modified during sneaky woke education in lower schools. Its all that needs to be the result of the marxification of education. I mean what else IS needed can anyone say ?
Its NOTHING isn’t it ?
These are the very simple mechanisms that underlie the complex mechanics of WOKE. Those responsible for manipulating it have such means to get in between ‘US’ and ‘Our Kids’ that they can get such disproportionately big impact for messing with On/Off for Right and Wrong.
If we take the brain of James ( and this is meant to be positive concerning this semi genius activist ) His brain nevertheless has trouble with this sort of logic . He’s rather decide its esoteric = he doesn’t do esoteric = its rubbish.
He wrong !! – the social engineers are having a field day. It isn’t ‘esoteric’ anyway the explanation looks like it is whilst having to explain what is going on with Neuro Linguistics, within sociological grids of reference of global proportions, where countries are collaborating to alter sociological measurements of Right and Wrong whenever it suits them.
This is why i’d easily believe you when you can pinpoint something as simplistic as FEAR – most counter intuitively – when it comes to actions performed by people who are the most secure and safe in the world.
How can that happen ?
There is no safety from other predator when you are that kind of predator. All the other predators know you got the wealth illegitimately, therefore its game for the taking as is any life. Thus UNCONSCIOUSLY – they think it will be ok so long as they collect as much wealth as possible so has to have too much force on their side = SAFE.
Its very sad – but unconscious forces are also why things tend to make little sense on a conscious level.
When they have great or immense wealth they are impelled to protect and maintain it,
against all forces that would topple their kingdoms. The irony is they may not be content with it. Regardless of what they own they may still be shallow and deficient in the big qualities that go into a being super human who is riding a high wave on groove that is not dependent on outer forces. A person with only the bare elements of survival may thrive in a higher inner dimension that is apparent when you meet them. That guy will always blow away the competition. The elites have big cars and mansions but so what??? And if their mind set is shallow and materialistic their deficiencies will be ever the more apparent. I suspect Hillary Clinton from the looks of her can’t have an honest conversation with Joe Rogin for the life of her. Any capacity for honesty is gone. They must maintain their own perceived self importance at all times. They must hid behind the curtains and walls they have built around themselves.
Ward i’d certainly see the sense every time someone comes along and explains the core problem of greed & corruption as simple as it is. They’ve managed to convolute every simple basic fact ( of their corruption ) until the explicit showing is not simple anymore of course. But as an implicit non convoluted substance the criminal phenomena say of clinton is low down and easy to understand as the clap.
The convolution seems to begin from very early in life for people in power. There are very few naturally reared leaders out there, & its only a nuisance to look for any that seem authentic. They seem to get funds to go to secret schools from a very young age, often in remote parts of Europe & often in exclusive, no riff raff allowed jesuit schools = very odd indeed this. Then theres those who do the England thing with posh private schools, again where you be escorted off the premises when a gun if trying to get ordinary kid in. And then ofc one of the ultra exclusive colleges or universities. During this ‘Convolution’ – they seem to learn the art of stealing the peoples wealth and how to hate them so that there can be no hinderance ditto. Thus this seems to be where everything that IS indubitably simple with respect to the parasitic crimes they’ve learned to master – appears complex instead. It isn’t as you know, but again that art of convolution to obscure reality.
I’m intrigued by you phrase about ”the person with the bare elements etc. If i’m not incorrect , that archetype of a human is what everyone is claiming to be regardless of the misanthropic disruption they create. < and once again everyone knows that. Yet – again again – along comes that fucking convolution
So in the end the theories about what to do or remark about these pernicious sociological threats comes down to idea of what is hidden in those convolutions in many ways. In other words emerging with theories consisting of simple bare faced facts is the true quest. This is why the mention of ( for example ) 'The Unconscious Mind' is an outrage. Though – the reason anyone would insist theres a place for this cognitive stem – is due to the way too many dead leads occur otherwise. I.E it isn't possible to explain adequately how the elites social engineers get under the activist skin so deeply if their engineering works purely on a conscious mind level. Personally i feel the evidence of serious mass psychosis we witness all around makes it plain that the social engineering responsible really hurt these minds. For me ? – really we have what i perceive as a terrible predicament. Because – matter linked to the inner states of mind ( like unconscious / emotions / memory ) never have been a practical way to have conversation on a mass basis. These things are not in most peoples skill set, no matter how intellectually gifted they are PLUS – the topics leave a lot of people cold. I do not think the burden is is going to disappear though, and would sum up here by defining 'Mad Activism' as a state where something conditioned learned a person to feel threatened by NOT acting irrationally ) = being irrational as a state that comforts the mind ). Now i feel someone like James would agree fine with those statements. But – when it is suggested that those kinds of psychological state could not be supported by a conscious mind process – there we see this 'BRIDGE' that seems to exist. You see the irrationality is far to complex to live is what is effect a 4 second memory 'foyer' = equal the conscious mind. Consciously – if we are doing something that requires intelligence ( like New discourses ) – we are really looping multi arrays of conscious mind memory loops. Reason ? – its simple. The conscious mind just wants to take in environmental knowledge and decide what to do with each artefact quickly. I.E its wanting to default to that 1 to 4 seconds regime constantly.. and will as soon as our important long intellectual involvement has complete.
It suffices it that there are a LOT of reasons that something as complex as being completely irrational ( WOKE) – as a result of the sublime nature of social engineering could not happen unless its engaging underlying psychological drives in parts of the mind that process unconscious processes. Among these dreams and fantasies.
= Social Engineering = access to the fantasy or hypnagogic mind. Those are NOT conscious processes.
But that stuff about does not go down well. The social engineers also spend a huge amount of public money ( globally in co-ordination with each other as usual ) to discredit Freud. Most people do not realize that they are socially engineered to not believe him. In fact i feel most think they cam to that conclusion themselves (LOL). Lacan set that ball rolling by pretending to a revival, while actually performing an early postmodern destruction. But why Lacan did this is the truly interesting part. He did as a start of a continuous ( to this very day ) and highly funded ( to this very day ) attack against Freud so that he'd remain permanently damaged.
Why ?
So that postmodernist movements et al would have exclusive use of Freudian strategies to themselves, to use as a weapon against the people & without they being able to 'decode' ( cos they've been told freud is shit right ? They also don't want anyone to know that their social engineering targets the fantasy generating unconscious mind and means are used to stimulate people Libido. Just observe any of these wokes. Their legs are virtually banging together or are clamped tight because their conditioned learning associated everything with SEX & they are feeling aroused every time they argue a WOKE story.
It is all simple and straightforward at the core of these social problems. Social Problems ? – its a war by governments again all people isn't it. The WOKEs and weirdo's are victims more that anyone else, except they do not know whose ruining society, whose manipulating them, what fantasies these things all are, and how ridiculously Metaphysical it all is.
But thats what the convolutions do. They take simple psychosocial forces of a strange journey, and see to it that it is a difficult as possible to avoid being a mug.
Thanks for taking an interest Ward.
Me ? – i just can't help going into detail thats all. I don't think it makes me any different to anyone else.
Who are you, anyway?