New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 22
We’ve all heard it and done everything we can to avoid rolling our eyes now. “It’s my lived experience!” as though that’s evidence or, actually, even better than evidence. “Lived experience” is a particular result of Leftist dialectical thought, however, that allows them to convince people that whatever they say is right and whatever anyone else says is dumb or bad. It is, in fact, the dialectical synthesis of evidence and the Leftist phenomenological interpretation of the circumstances in which that evidence presents. It’s even better than evidence, then, because while evidence is objective, “lived experience” is both objective and subjective at the same time, with the subjectivity coming from a place of higher consciousness. Join host James Lindsay for this episode of New Discourses Bullets in which he breaks it down.
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copy of my comment on odysee as I regard it important/helpful enough regarding the German
I can imagine that Verstand might have been translated in the editions as Understanding and Vernunft as Reason.
And then Hegel probably has his own specific descriptions for these words.
On Lindsays behalf I would not use them though. I think he read the comments on Wissenschaftlicher Sozialismus in his article, pointing out that he kinda made linguistic mistakes.
Here too. I do not see the need at all to use those words. If they have been translated as such. Fine.
But in everyday German language most people would refute Lindsay here on Vernunft-Understanding or at least tell him it is inaccurate.
Others would see him as ridiculing himself. An instant drop in credibility.
Vernunft is reason and Verstand is the apparatus to reason or the capacity to reason. Looking into dict . cc I would say the best option to choose is intellect. Not wit or brains but Verstand simply very clearly is intellect.
Then again when due to the context of Hegel understanding was an appropriate translation, it would still be better to use the English terms imho.
Dear James,
See here for the correct prononciation of “Verstand”.
Best wishes.
Or we can simply say they are like so much of humanity; believing in silly things in general and taking some pretty shallow stuff seriously. The motive for it is hidden in deceit. It could be stemming from philosophy on one level but fall in general terms to un inspected thinking. The mind is a trickster and much of its activity veers toward illusion and falsehood. That would be how a traditional mystic would think. I am not saying science or practical things like charting our directions toward a smooth sailing operation are not of value, just the opposite’ that’s what common sense is.
As Tom Sowell says about Experts…they don’t possess 1000th of the knowledge of the world in general. Every one is an expert until they have to live with the consequences of their own decisions. But these woke and leftist experts never have to pay the price for their ideas when things turn out wrong.
So why trouble or confuse ourselves over things we cant control in the first place that just result in conflict???? The mind would say ”but that is silly, how can live that way???” Maybe leftists are afraid to just let life flow with ebb and flow of the universe. As most of must must do to get along on daily basis, to get along with others.
Ah but there is the profit motive in it for some, power and control over society. And they sell their souls to the devil to maintain that position of wealth and control. Hegel was falling short of the mark in some thinking and Marx was a silly sad sack of a man we see in society in every area of life.
Surely you are right with woke un-inspected thinking, even though the manipulation they’ve received has been variable and long. I tend to be either speaking from the perspective of the social engineers themselves, or the affects on the wokes. Rarely will i waste time agonising over meaningless woke generated rhetoric – they’ve only been herded up & taught to focus on DiAngelo et al. In fact i’m not sure i have ever seen any bone fide product of a woke brain have you ?
Similarly i feel the mind trickster mark is valid. You mention mystics – these people may end to be universalists & ver autonomous to themselves, but they can know what they are talking about concerning perceptual vision. In that sense long have i considered the mind a vessel able to throw up ideas, many of which can seem to have validity about them, while some will others won’t. Those who go further down into metacognition best knowing the mind can & will lie. Though this is most usually illustrated by mental pictures offered by unconscious to conscious – thus in fact a conscious mind dilemma. Imho ? – thats a natural selection process.
People who strive to learn more & who look inward either for inspiration or just improve memory to store higher learning, will be faced with cognitive red herrings. In some ways then ‘Metacognition’ as a definition could described any piece of success during such interchange -( its opposite ”Infracognition” perhaps ?) However the world being as it is we are beginning to see that nothing comes without a negative variant. In that frame of reference take this website for instance. Due to its mission to inform on all things, a right old time is to be had with blaming words & phrases. In reality – theres a positive use & a negative one to everything, but atheists deprive themselves of this stark potent simplistic foundation in case is believerish ( i speak as an agnostic).
In one visual salience studies of the retina i devised a competent control group were asked to operate a flight simulator & the data collected. Then to deprive themselves of sleep for 48 hours ditto. A specific part of these experiments was to place increasing amounts of environmental noise. These comprised of the fitment of screen overlays which are progressively more difficult to perceptual coherence, and also an adaptation with dry ice/fog. The hallucination data we collected was extraordinary.
That man Sowell knows what he is talking about. In my book sleep deprivation is an expressway to a near the point of collapse style of hallucination. I feel there is also a level of passive forms that can occupy 1to10% of waking consciousness – and there is nothing wrong with that. Paul McCartney probably lived his nine life like this. Tbh any hard working creative thinker is acting on degrees of unconscious ingress zoning, Then since you mention mystics there is a gatekeeping responsibility. Rationalists preference ‘rationale’ reason – sense- mystical people an oracle like figure perhaps. Whichever way we go about it a stream of consciousness can result in some absolute rubbish or not. I’m just pretty certain that the CM”S know the demographics, know the foolhardy potentials, and know the manipulation possible in that 0-10 window among the masses.
And yet again agreed – Marx – Hegel whoever. Its more a case of custom made engineering of now. Thus every name from just is an approximation. Though Marx does happens to influence it all more than most.
(Sorry for so many comments but my country, a totalitarian hellhole, is passing new draconian CCP-style laws censoring the internet so I may not be able to post such dissident thoughts and links after the digital iron curtain falls; I’m throwing in everything I can find plus the kitchen sink as part of this site’s archive of free thought for posterity — thank you for indulging another hunted freethinker. )
Two questions:
1) How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
2) What does all of this have to do with the price of eggs?
The first question is necessary at this historical moment to map the shifting borders of the deliberately obscured ideological/political/cultural/social power-terrain that provides the context for the second question.
The second question anchors the first in the real world torment of ordinary people that’s unfolding for all who have eyes to see it, ears to hear it and broken bones/hopes to feel it.
“The questions multiply, the people drown — and why? Reason cannot punch its way out of a crisp packet… Western Man is reduced to yearning for a faith he can no longer bring himself to believe in nor truly understands. Yet he remains too proud or stubborn to deliver the equivalent of Prospero’s farewell. And so he hobbles on, neither a child of God nor an overlord but something very sickly, a life half-aborted at an impasse; something that passed through the ‘dark night of the soul’ without achieving a revelation.”
If i read religion its always St Anselm.
So i read the interesting and well written daniel miller article and enjoyed it a great deal. Beautifully written and the man has to be essential reading i felt almost right away.
I mainly agree with daniel though would suggest that it would be premature to eliminate marxism. The operating system in question seems to be a species of inconsistency tolerant system mainly working in a stable manner close to the principle of explosion. If so – this is too unique to be directly compared to the various ancient regimes ruled by on the spot excution so on.. But are doing some brutal stuff with controlled logical explosions. Perhaps the advantage is greater than disadvantage sometimes. Aftermaths of these include white fragility whose proponent is clearly happy to act like an animal, a mteaphysics of gender another. At this time the system runs hot stretching incredulity as a matter of habit, with the odd outfall of complete chaos.
Daniel seems right, but surely not with these psychosocial conditions. This system has needed to creep up by stealth for 70 years in euro & probably was the true source of its pathogen. I is definitely a version of Max but an AiMarxism & perhaps daniel is just not up to speed with the appalling high yield heuristic ability of Ai.
In the other link Henry Hopwood Phillips doesn’t really say anything to suggest that his own dark night is finalised, or that he grasped anything yet. Ad hominem irony is meaningless & there are too many underclass disadvantaged unexposed to any growth of spirit tools for people like HHP to mean anything at all concerning such destiny.
Yoram Hazony’s outruns of phrase i.e ”the movement presently seeking to overthrow liberalism”. I’m not so sure about that, nor the accepted paradigm concerning what liberalism has been. Perhaps there is a power struggle between elite liberals, a natural selection on whose intellect kept pace with the complex arcane new structures & whose cannot figure it all out. Liberals are like Dr WHO – they need to regenerate as a different liberal who the ivy league SS says so.
I am enormously grateful you introduced me to the elegant daniel miller.
JS my apologies
HHP does nicely reference any valid points i made ( i’m not sure i did ) with respect to the metacognitive aspect of the mind. I see this now – many thanks HHP is redeemed.
James – surely your mind is tired & you need to rest & recharge.
This interpretation of phenomenology & what Hegel et al did with it doesn’t help. Really they were going metaphysics, but probably tried to add rigour by mentioning phenomenology. Take this guy with the lived experience / florida etc. Does he know he’s being phenomenological ? In your description there seemed to be a slight whiff of metaphysics from him, but could he even hold his ground on the history of that? The thing is that metaphysics and phenomenology are frequently confused.
I could be wrong about this if i just haven’t seen it in your podcasts. What i do find odd here is the lack of consensus theory being mentioned in relation to cultural marxism. Is the significance of consensus theory a missing link, or am i just plain wrong ? Pending a possible enlightenment on that, phenomenology a main psychological driver behind the CM collective attitude, its the way all roads lead to Consensus <<< that is what they concentrate on.
Thus the reason why there are shallow inadequate lazy answers from wokes is that a dependence on their consensus – winning by sheer numbers – the main impulse, whilst almost all of them cannot understand metaphysics, let alone phenomenology. Why does a woke have religious fanatic level determination to fulfil woke ?
They don't know – no social engineer would ver real what phenological strategy was inserted into the CM sociology. As YOU know thy think its social justice. But they actually been tweaked in their killer instinct & the sort of drivers that are activated are more suitable for last resort survival i.e extreme military mentality. The best skilled SE's in this world, know how to used disparate abstracts in order to build up access to that are of fight & flight – the noble slayer, and fuse that piece of mindset to social justice. A bit like genetically modifying say corn to be free of pests by adding a scorpion gene – not a great analogy but it will do. So actually wokes are 'memetically modified'. You doubt Phenomenology ? – how were wokes manufactured just by having words & phrases spread around ?
i'd presume you'd accept that the CM we are experiencing is made in a lab & then skilfully distributed ? It isn't phenomenology that is on the average cultural marxists mind. And they do not know why they feel compelled to be activist like termites for sake of invigorating consensus. Neither do you seem to have realised that the designers knew that wokes simply cannot describe their obsession, even though any are very articulate. But please do realise that 'no debate' is a huge flaw in a woke, since it is a desperate hysterical tweak built in to minimise exposure to ignorance.
You are far too frustrated with this driver James this is clear. This aspect is such a deep flaw in woke, that it should only supply quite a satisfactory filing to counter wokism. And may i add THAT is phenomenology applied to sociology. The ability to understand strengths & weaknesses in mass human behaviour. To be able to say in good probability something is going on with X that isn't flowing with logic. Thus i'd suggest that the personality of woke is the opportunity of counter woke = i'm all ears to their no debate – i know its got phenomenological links to the mind F.
Jams take a break mate – i don't know you but know you are mntally exhausted and you best be good to yourself..
Thank you for this explanation. I used phenomenology as a method in my Master’s degree but I was never given such a clear picture of it. I was always somewhat uncomfortable with the methodas it seemed hard to pin down, and much too interpretive. I even went so far as to ask my supervisor “can I really do this?”, i.e., interpret the results of my interviews and was simply assured that doing so was legitimate. If I’d heard your podcast then, I would have done much more quantitative work.