OnlySubs Episode 77: Why Every Day Is January 6 Now is available for FREE to everyone! To get access to all past and future episodes, consider becoming a contributor on one of the following platforms:
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On January 1 of this year, the New York Times told us that “Every Day is January 6 Now.” That’s obviously absurd, hyperreal, pseudo-real, but it’s also an echo from the past. While many have rightly made the comparison between that farce and the Reichstag Fire perpetrated by the National Socialists in order to grab power, I was immediately put in mind of a paragraph from Herbert Marcuse’s 1965 essay “Repressive Tolerance” when I saw that headline. “The whole post-fascist period is one of clear and present danger. Consequently, true pacification requires the withdrawal of tolerance before the deed, at the stage of communication in word, print, and picture. Such extreme suspension of the right of free speech and free assembly is indeed justified only if the whole of society is in extreme danger. I maintain that our society is in such an emergency situation, and that it has become the normal state of affairs,” Marcuse wrote. Every day is January 6 now, and our entire society is in such an emergency situation, one of clear and present danger. In this episode of my subscribers-only podcast, James Lindsay OnlySubs, which I’m taking out from behind the paywall and making available to everyone, I walk you through the crucial paragraphs of Marcuse’s essay in light of this ridiculous and ridiculously dangerous pronouncement. Join me to learn even more about how we find ourselves living in Marcuse’s nightmarish neo-Marxist philosophy.
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I dont see how we can turn this around. We are so tired.
…that is directed at Heffron , god , it’s absurd how the media spends huge energy concerning Jan 6 , but , plays down a year of violent riots .
It is wrong to trace a huge social change to the writings of one man, be he Karl Marx or Herbert Marcuse. The social illness that now afflicts the United States has deeper causes.
The real question is: what should our response be? Besides the usual — get patriots registered to vote, and make sure they do so — we need to organize at the local level.
If we had had 20 000 men in Washingon on 6 January, organized as stewards to marshall the demonstration — similar to the service d’ordre groups of the French trade unions — we could have protected the demonstrators from any anti-Fa attackers, AND dealt with provocateurs and hotheads who, as it turned out, succeeded in giving the Left a HUGE gift by the insane invasion of the Capitol.
Some people who seem to be moving in the right direction can be found at the USCPT dot org. But however we do it, we need to start organizing at the local level now: first by individual/family preparation, and then by getting together with nearby like-minded individuals and starting the nucleus of a community defense group.
It seems that there is an inherent contradiction in your solution. You see the type of person to join your 20000 strong guard are exactly the type of meatheads who would absolutely join in the attack on the Capitol.
You see there’s a reason that when there are left wing protestors, the police deploy rubber bullets, tear gas and generally beat the hell out of protestors. The police know that left wing types are inherently non-violent. Whereas when the right wing protest, the police treat them with kid gloves. Because the police know they’re much more likely to be armed lunatics.
Also – there were no antifa attackers.
Speaking of the right to free speech, I wonder why you guys erased my comment? It must have been a mistake and so I’ll try again:
“I wonder if after Sep 11, 2011, had some proclaimed, “Why Every Day Is 9/11 Now”, would have Lindsay published this piece?
Ignoring the fact that you got the year wrong still leaves one asking, “Are you trying to be an idiot?”. After 9/11, Republicans didn’t use it to proclaim that everyone who voted Democratic was a fascist intent on seizing control. They didn’t use the power of the Presidency and their Congressional majorities to pressure media outlets and online forums to suppress opinions that don’t conform to their narrative, as Democrats are doing in clear violation of the First Amendment [Supreme Court rulings have made clear that government entities pressuring private entities to censor is the same as government entities censoring themselves and thus a violation of the First Amendment]. And that is in spite of the fact that 9-11 was EXPONENTIALLY worse that 1/6. Exactly ONE person was killed on 1/6, and that was an unarmed white female protester killed by a black cop. Exactly ZERO buildings were destroyed. Exactly ZERO planes were crashed. 1/6 is to 9/11 as a fruit fly is to a squadron of F-22 Raptors. There’s just no comparison except in the minds of the insane and the malevolent.
let me see – on one hand we have actual planes flying into buildings, causing thousands of deaths. The other involved some people in fancy dress temporarily entering the capital and taking instagram selfies.
putting aside ant discussions about 9/11 and peoples various theories the simple comparing of 9/11 with jan 6th is really extremely silly.
If after Sept 11, 2001, someone had uttered “Why Every Day Is September 11 Now” would it have made a discussion point for this website?
Have you ever considered NOT storming the Capitol?
It’s a rather twisted logic that when…
1. The MAGA loons have stormed the Capitol (ironically just as Ted Cruz and Paul Gosar were to be the first traitors if Peter Navarro’s on-air confession is to be believed –
2. the then-President tells (and continues to tell) everyone the election was rigged against him
3. Significantly large number of the right wing continue to believe that any election not won by them is now illegitimate.
4. Red states continue to pass crafty election laws that hand decsion making powers on election to party officials and not independent arbiters.
…some how the people who are concerned that this will happen again are actually the REAL bad guys.
It’s impressive really.
Lurving all yur bernie bro-ette bourgeoizee-bashing hissy posts! Gurl, u b da doyenne uh all dem leftfrat Marx Sharks and redjock Prole Weevils! Yo constant Meow Zee Dung Liddle Red Booklet quips, whips & ninnyisms be rockin’ Drag Queen Story Hour in all da People O’ Walmart suburban shopping malls from Scranton to Kankakee!
Beeyoch, each time y’all re-sing The Internationale wearing nothing but tit clamps and a butt plug, they ain’t a dry anus in the house! U b da rulin’ Red Empress O’ basement wanker Komedy Gold! We’all feelz yo sizzle.
Doanchu kwitcher revo-be-lutionary haute-couture reverse-teaparty gumflappin’ till y’all’ve rassled every Trumpan A-hole into yur own personal frat-rat Gitmo K-hole! Shayk yo Che Bootay, Guevara’s Ho! Guillo dat Tine, Queen!
(They’re doing wonders with Thorazine these days.)
yours truly,
Loo E. Catwhores, PhD-plorable
La-Di-Da Studies, Engels-Quackenwoo Online University
Are you OK?
Trying humour with a creature who’s this far gone, is like trying to inseminate a fibrous husk.
It’s very alarming.
Thanks as always , James . It’s very important for me to keep understanding how so much of this horrible agenda has these origins in Marcuse etc. I always didn’t trust these far left words and dogmas , but now, you have put in living color just how ominous, dreadful, horrible and slimey these people actualy are.
I know – they’re disgusting. Those far left scum are storming the Capitol, their failed President claims the election was stolen, hardly any of their electorate believes the election was legitimate and their state officials pass laws that hand decision making powers back to themselves…..
Oh, wait….. that’s the right wing.
The left and the centre are concerned that (checks notes) the lunatics in the Republican Party will use this to be successful next time.
“Centre”?? Okay quick who won the AL pennant in 1957?
Last I checked a large percentage of the left also think there was some fuckery going on with the election,
I wonder if you’ve stopped to wonder why those state laws are being passed?
No not the MSNBC / Daily Beast psycho conspiracy theories that you’ve regurgitated
No, The real reason why laws are being passed in order to protect our constitutional republic from activists who might use the pretense of an emergency to rewrite state electron laws in an unconstitutional manner in order to allow the use of voting methods that Dems and Reps and even right wing lunatic Jimmy Carter warned in 2004 must never be used because they’re known to be an invitation to fraud.
Which method did every bipartisan voting commission for 50 years warn against?
Unsolicited mail in ballots
Yes that’s precisely what the DNC did in 2020.
Now that same group of authoritarians is working to pass an unconstitutional federal election bill that makes these unconstitutional changes to US election laws permanent.
The bill makes requirements for voter ID illegal which would dilute the votes of US citizens by giving non-citizens the ability to vote in US elections.
Dems have the nerve to give this unconstitutional federal power grab a name like “voting rights act” in an attempt to tie it to the noble work of the civil rights movement
And use terms of pure propaganda like
Jim Crow 2.0
Is literally disgusting to anyone who like myself was live alive in the time of Dr King’s dream speech that inspired millions into the civil rights movement to work decades to make profound changes to US laws to virtually eliminate any real systemic racism that did actually exist prior to that time
We are living in Herbert Marcuse’s world. In fact it’s amazing to see how well Marcuse predicted, more like created, the one truly dangerous aspect of Donald Trump
Trump derangement syndrome, TDS, a form of mass psychosis that left large numbers of otherwise intelligent people literally incapable of discerning reality from their delusional preconception of reality
You could say that Marcuse took their minds
“their state officials pass laws that hand decision making powers back to themselves…..”
Meaning, powers back to state officials, from federal “experts”? Horror of horrors!
No (so the Woke would tell us, e.g. Hannah-Jones), the “experts” should have power to torment us, to their hearts’ content.
Hey ass hole, for a year we watched mayors and goveners pull the authorities back in cities all over the USA while antifa and BLM destroyed small business, intimidate and beat up people , set cities on fire , and you idiots are comparing Jan 6 to 9/11 . Go fuck yourselves
i know its disgusting, that uber radical left wing scum burning down huge parts of the city going on for days and days, making political capital out of black people to further their own agenda,
justifying criminal and violent behaviour against normal shop owners.
Ineffectively trying to take over a part of the city for multiple days during which violence and attempted murder happened. Turning a low life criminal into the next Jesus Christ martyr hero.
The Democratic government and its media stooges going along with the violence and destruction and coming with with all kinds of hand wavy excuses for it.
Spending months demonising and hurling abuse at people holding illegal church services or freedom demonstrations before then holding demonstrations involving 1000’s of people for days on end.
oh yeah..that’s the ‘left wing’. (a term i used to even identify with at some point.