OnlySubs Episode 59: Hey Dads (and Moms): You’re Credentialed to Fight Back is now available exclusively for New Discourses contributors on the following platforms:
YouTube Members
I was recently at an event in Loudoun County, Virginia, and the organizer of the event said something profound right at the start. He introduced himself and then said, “…and I am a dad. That’s where my credentials start and stop.” I don’t know if he realizes how profound that statement is in the present circumstances, but it struck me enough to want to share it with you. If you are a dad, or a mom, or a shareholder in a company, or an everyday person and participant in some society you hope to see become or stay free, you are credentialed to push back against this rising tyranny and Theoretical nonsense. That’s enough. That’s all it takes. You don’t need a fancy degree or especially a Ph.D. You don’t need to be a professor or even a professional. Just being an everyday person who knows right from wrong is more than enough. Join me on this episode of my subscribers-only podcast, James Lindsay OnlySubs, to hear what I think about normal people standing up and speaking up, as inspired by this fully credentialed dad in Northern Virginia.
Previous episodes of OnlySubs can be found here.
Ordinary people are the antithesis of Elites and Lackeys. And only ordinary people can get rid of elites. But how? Many ways have worked. Guillotines are my personal favourite Elite-removal device. But they’re messy and always end up beheading the innocent along with the guilty. Truth deployed by ordinary people as a weapon is the most effective way to depose totalitarian Elites.
This site and others have provided an incredible wealth of hard data and genuine discourse (via comments, etc.) to help ordinary people understand the What, the How, and the Who of the now decades old leftist (and corrupt rightist) totalitarian shit show presently represented by the term “Woke”. But a next step is now needed.
Germane anecdote: Yesterday, at their request, I was redpilling my classically liberal sister and her husband (both in their 60s) after five years of trying to get through to them while they resisted because as they kept saying, they were not ready to accept the truth. I told them all along that only when the “Woke” shit hit their personal fan directly and concretely, would they take this seriously enough to ask for information. This event happened for both of them recently, so they said they were now ready to listen. And they listened. And they got it. And they were rightfully ENRAGED.
But they also had a $64,000 Question. They said, as ordinary people trying our best, we now understand truly what is going on. What we do not understand is a clear and simple explanation of WHY it is going on.
Rambling about Soros and Bilderburg and Justin Trudeau and corruption and China and Western decadent hypocrisy and Amazon trillionaires and social media brainwashing and U.N. Dr. Evils and on and on may all be causal stands of the WHY but they are not by themselves the summative WHY: the crystalline WHY that is needed so ordinary people can help each other and others like them become unified in their rage.
A Rosetta Stone utterance — comprehensible to all, completely logically and historically clear, an Ah-Ha moment of parable-like efficacy — THIS is what is now needed. I can’t provide one to my sister, not because I don’t know what the WHY is — I do know because I have been seriously researching and thinking about this nightmare for decades. And yet the causal strands of WHY are still too complex for me and I am too old to sum up as a fast and dirty tool for ordinary people who now know the Matrix exists and accept the many causal strands but still do not understand a keystone WHY.
This is the next frontier. The next new discourse. And it is the most crucial because a critical mass of Ordinary People is coalescing. They can feel the tentacles of a new leftist totalitarianism closing in on them. They must have lucid blueprints that encode the basis for their rage against this new totalitarian machine so that they can rise and smash it before it Gulags all of us.
This is not hyperbole. This is a Battleship Potemkin historical moment. Ordinary people can now see that their meat is full of maggots. They must now also be able to identify exactly who is contaminating their lives and WHY. Only then can they drag these new Aristos to whatever guillotine awaits them.
If they require a keystone answer to Why, you might ask why they need that.
Often, life doesn’t provide simple answers.
“Grow up!”
Then, you might move the subject to, not “why”, but, “how can we fight these freaks, or dodge their bullets?”
RE: only when the “Woke” shit hit their personal fan directly and concretely, would they take this seriously enough to ask for information. This event happened for both of them recently
I REALLY want to know what the event was. Can fill us in??