OnlySubs Episode 38: Anticipating Post-Woke Depression is now available exclusively for New Discourses contributors on the following platforms:
YouTube Members
Complicity in large-scale evil that causes great damage has consequences. This was a lesson of the Nazi regime we have heard too little about: after the collapse of that terrible regime, people who had been complicit but otherwise normal often suffered crippling depression, alcoholism, and worse. Many were suicidal. This is the cost of unwitting complicity in a great moral evil if it ends up running amok and doing tremendous damage. It’s also something I worry about when I consider the possibility of defeating the Woke ideology and entering into a post-Woke world, which may yet come to pass. Should this occur after the ideology begins to do the truly terrible stuff it is latently capable of, many people who carried water for it without realizing what they were doing will be racked with guilt. I think about this a lot, and on this episode of James Lindsay OnlySubs, my subscribers-only podcast, I dive into the idea a bit. It’s honestly one that keeps me up some nights. I think, in fact, that it puts a moral imperative on those of us who aren’t Woke and who want to counter this movement to “red pill” as many people as possible before it’s too late, not just for the sake of the counter-Woke movement itself but for their sake. I don’t know. It’s just me thinking out loud. Join me to hear me as I do.
Previous episodes of OnlySubs can be found here.
I am afraid this is already coming for the parents who have led their little children into gender confusion.
Yes. A couple we know who strongly supported their young son’s transition into becoming their daughter have just lost him to suicide this month. Based on what I’ve seen in the past, they will likely blame a hatefully “transphobic” world. Any other alternative — that their well-meaning but tragically misguided encouragement could have pushed their beloved child deeper into confusion and despair — would simply be too painful to face.
This is why, for me, the impetus to act must truly be “Love.” Love for the truth, love for myself, love for the world, and especially love for others—even those who, as you say, carry water for this destructive ideology. It is precisely the wisdom of our civilization that demands of us this near-impossible moral duty to forgive and love, no matter what. The extent to which this cannot rob Justice/Truth/Dignity, of course, is for us to awkwardly come to understand through trial and error, hence the need for others to Love us.