OnlySubs Episode 8: Woke Psychopathologies in Psychotherapy is now available exclusively for New Discourses contributors on the following platforms:
YouTube Members
Y’all, I got mad. It’s not that often that something Woke makes me angry, but I saw an example that just really got me going. Of course, I had to share that with you! A friend sent me an example of a post on a Woke therapist’s professional Instagram page, claiming the events at the Capitol were “traumatic, especially for BIPOC, Jewish, and LGBTQ” people and telling them they’re “not overreacting.” Then, beneath that, there’s one of the rather standard Woke self-centered virtue-signaling screeds. I got hot. This is the opposite of therapy; the opposite of helping people get well. I likened it to “Munchausen’s by proxy” on Twitter almost at once and then realized that’s not enough. People need to hear and know just how poisoned this ideology is. Join me in this subscribers’ only podcast to hear my take!
Previous episodes of OnlySubs can be found here.
Sir- Perhaps you will see this, perhaps not. But I started watching your YT video–
And was I beginning to enjoy it, until you made the fallacious statement that ‘discussion of the Frankfurt school, etc.’ could be tainted with accusations of ‘anti-[sic] Semitism, and we can’t go there….” (more or less). May I ask, why not? As a cleric, my entire life and study, has been suffused with the martyric witness of 20 centuries of unwavering acknowledgement that ‘the Jews’ have been at the forefront as THE Enemy of Christendom- or, what most traditionally call, ‘Europe’- since the days of the Roman Caesars! The very theological term, ‘Deicide’ applies to one, and ONLY ONE, religion/race of people in all of History, for example… and for good reason!
Moreover, the White Man’s irrevocable place as their [Jews’] eternal antagonist, has ALSO long been noted- otherwise, you would not have had to say what you did! Indeed, it was an English author, Hilaire Belloc, who created, a century ago, the very useful tautology, ‘Europe is the Faith; the Faith, Europe.” One cannot divorce all the good that has come from Europe, and pretend the catholic faith is not the very womb OF that thought.
Now, if you are NOT a man of faith, I might be willing to forego this point, except that the very term ‘anti’- something, MUST PRESUPPOSE that such a ‘something’ is real and that it exists. Trouble is, Jewish writers from Nobel Laureate Arthur Koestler, to academic Schlomo Sand, businessman Benjamin Freedman, and GENETICIST Dr Eran Elhaik, a geneticist at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, have conclusively shown that today’s Jews, are NOT SEMITIC, nor are they in any fashion, related to the ISRAELITES OF THE BIBLE! (Link)
Therefore, to be given the slur of ‘anti-semitic,’ is either a well-crafted lie – or an intellectually dishonest attempt to forbid CRITICISM OF A RACE DEDICATED TO EUROPEAN MAN’S ANNIHILATION! Now, such a claim may be dismissed, except for the salient facts that the Talmud (the operating manual of all post-AD70 Jewry) clearly states:
It is kosher to steal or destroy the goods of a gentile.
(Talmud Berakot 2c, Megilla 6b)
A jew has more rights over a gentile’s possessions because he is G-d’s chosen. (Talmud Sanhedrin 63c)
Which might be inferred as a supremacist ideology, were one so inclined to do so…. But don’t take my word for it. Listen to a contemporary Orthodox rabbi:” The existence of the Zionist regime is based upon the belief that they have to destroy the belief in God throughout the world. Another one of their goals is to destroy the other peoples both physically and economically. Every believer throughout the world should fight Zionism. Whoever cooperates with Zionism in any way is, in fact, opposing his own religion. Whoever believes in Islam and wants to support the Zionist regime in any way, rather than be hostile to it is, in fact, casting doubt upon the sincerity of his belief…. We have a great problem. By fabricating lies about the Holocaust global Zionism has succeeded in distorting historical truth in its favor…”. – Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Friedman [ Austria]
Therefore, instead of hedging away from ‘mentioning the fact that ALL of the members most well-known in the Frankfurt school were ADHERENTS of this RACIST SUPREMACIST IDEOLOGY known as Zionism, I would think you would wish to EXPOSE such evil…..
That is, unless fame, money, or cowardice is your sole motivation….but, after having stated publicly that you voted for DJT, when the Commissars of Bolshevik Biden come a-knocking, don’t say you weren’t warned…. “And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” Lk. 9:62
With all due respect Father, it is because of people like you that I am very glad I left the Catholic religion. Perhaps the term “antisemítism” is a misnomer, but that is as far as I will concur with you. If you have grievances regarding particular tenets and teachings is the Jewish religion, by all means, go on any platform and debate with those interested and knowledgeable. After all, I am of the belief that all religious beliefs are fair game for scrutiny. However, statements such as “the white man and the Jews are eternal antagonist” are very clearly irrational and hysterical hogwash, likely rooted in superstition.
You never were a part of the “Catholic Religion” – a misnomer. There is only one Truth, and He is incarnated in the God-Man, Jesus Christ. What you may have been a part of, is the Roman Schismatic cult. My condolences. The Jews’ god ( as they have admitted) is Satan, and their operations manual, is the Talmud- which is totally contrary to the Bible. This, too is verifiable. . I’m not making this up, it’s easily corroborated, if you would care for the Truth. But, since you have apostatized, it’s clear you don’t. And since Europe is/was Caucasoid, and the Jews are now admitted by their own DNA research to NOT be Europeans, NOT Semites, ‘hogwash’ resides only in your addled brain.
Dear Father,
Thank you.
I will write to my daily mass and rosary mother and let her know that she raised us within the clutches of Roman Schimatic cult. Perhaps she will be mortified. But please, I don’t need your pity or condolences.
I am, by admission, not particularly erudite or august, but when I read a statement such as “my entire life and study, has been suffused with the martyric witness of 20 centuries of unwavering acknowledgement that ‘the Jews’ have been at the forefront as THE Enemy of Christendom” it raises several red flags. Have you considered, perhaps, that your entire life and study has been clocked with a substantial amount of bias to your logic?
It seems to me that your reasoning has succumbed to confirmation bias to a similar degree as the crowd that favors Critical Theory. I reiterate, I find it completely valid to debate the teachings and tenets of any religion. But to make a negative blanket statement about a large portion of your fellow humans based solely on group affiliation is clearly fallacious, not to mention intellectually lazy. Aren’t hasty generalizations a type of logical fallacy?
Further, for someone who claims to have access to The Truth (emphasize capitalization) and presumably has achieved certain degree of moral enlightenment and superiority, I somehow doubt you have ever befriended any person who describes him or herself as Jewish. I suggest that might be a good course of action to follow up your decades of study.
However, realistically speaking, I doubt our exchange will manage to accomplish much. Nonetheless, I take is as a compliment to my addled brain that someone of your stature had to resort to a sophomoric ad hominem attack against me.
Agreed. I know Lindsay has some marketing to do, but lumping these podcast tiles on the main page with the articles is becoming a turnoff. My skeptical eye gains a sharper focus when monetization enters the picture.
A separate section for Audio would be welcome.
gib me dat 4 free
This nightmare also applies to 12 steps programmes such as AA, NA and other programmes, like Adult Children of Alcoholics.
These meetings depend on people taking a turn listening to one another and not interrupting and judging etc.
There usually are an amazing mix of race and social and economic class.
I think one of the reasons working class communities freak out at Woke Politics is that they are aware that if this madness ever creeps into AA/NA meetings we are all doomed.
The more abused a person is, the more unfiltered they are (I find), if they are from a poorer background.
Anyone who has spent time in a psychiatric hospital, prison or childrens home learns to adapt to those with different views.
So yeah, keep Woke nonsense out of therapy.
The travesty of the anti-psychiatry movement was bad enough.
Wokeness is ruining effective therapy. I agree and so have many others. Wokeness robs individuals of the belief that they have power over their lives.
When people believe themselves to be powerless, learned helplessness set in and they become depressed and worse.
Here’s a good example of how the state of NJ took leads from woke clinicians and professors and woke parents:
Five maybe years ago, NJ, a very woke and expensive state, enacted anti-bullying laws to address an “epidemic of bullying ” in the schools. Students were and still are taught not to stand up for themselves. Instead they are instructed to seek out and report all instances of bullying. The authority figure then metes out the punishment and corrective action.
People do need to learn to stand up for themselves, not rely on others. Everyone will one day find himself (I still used the archaic universal male pronoun) all alone and in a bad situation. Without the skills to cope, a person is lost and unable to defend himself.
Woke psychology is baneful. Counseling practice wasn’t always this bad.
Yes, I did not listen to the podcast. I haven’t been persuaded yet to spend the money for it.
Here’s a word I think some people may not know: iatrogenic. This refers to a disease caused by the clinician’s examination or treatment.