New Discourses founder James Lindsay sits down with Matthew Garnier, host of the InTerminable podcast, to discuss the roots and relevance of the corruption of scholarship in the Critical Social Justice academic literature. Together, they discuss the parallels between Critical Social Justice and religion, frame it against the Grievance Studies Affair and its fallout, and put a special focus upon the comedic angle to taking on Critical Social Justice.
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Pop “religion” mis-informed by the conventions of “street wisdom” is now essentially the only kind of religion that now exists in America.
Dim-witted popular movements and their cultic idols fabricated out of arbitrary beliefs and conventional mythologies about long-ago “jesus”, and all the half-imaginary prophet-gods of the past.
All of these street wars of religion against religion, dull idea against dull idea, are nothing but the muscle of stupidity, sheeplike ego clashes (socking macho horn-heads as if competing for a rut), the separate junk piles of the past all hurled at one another for the angry sake of POWER, whizzing between minds that are mucked in self, hardened by fear, defined by the resident passions of birth, and utterly oblivious to the Wide Wise Truth significance of our bleeding worried lives.
Such “street wisdom” views are not only false, they are the very substance of fear, cruelty, and madness. There are countless numbers of angry people and angry “religious” groups willing to do great harm to anyone or any organization that does not subscribe their particular views of “salvation” – whatever that is!
The “righteous” egoic bite of pop “religion”, and by extension pop politics, pop science, and the popular mind altogether must be tempered and transformed by unrighteous love, tolerance, and the Wisdom of Intelligent Understanding