The United Nations is an evil organization, and it’s time for us to recognize it. Fortunately, We Are The Change, part of the Inspired Network, put on a rally outside the United Nations headquarters in Geneva on June 1st to help the world do just that. Among the invited guest speakers to this huge rally, which had over 3,000 people in attendance, was James Lindsay, owner of New Discourses and host of the New Discourses Podcast. Lindsay delivered a short, fiery speech in which he condemned and denounced the United Nations as an evil organization, rejecting its ambition to claim any of our national and individual sovereignty to itself. He explained their big-picture ambition to act as a kind of “central nervous system” for a global “meta-organism” of all of humanity and nature, which is a Marxist agenda. In the end, he warns the UN of their hubris, comparing them to Babel and reminding them: “God shall not be mocked!” Check it out!
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GET US OUT of the United Nations. Visit
The UN is a cesspool of Third World and woke anti Americanism and anti Semitism
The fact that the West is under attack in many fronts with demonstrably treasonous leadership that continues to fund the UN with taxpayer dollars which in turn has flowed billions of dollars to Hamas despite ongoing demonstrable evidence that it was funding and fortifying a terrorist organization while indoctrinating a new generation of terrorists against Israel and the west – We must DEFUND, DISMANTLE, DISSOLVE and reclaim sovereignty – let the people sort their dictators – people pushed to the brink with nothing to lose are the most dangerous and effective at draining their own swamps
Indeed my brothers. United Nazies should and will be destroyed. God command to lay His enemies to waste. Hiding the Creator/ Creation thru Helio-centrism gives us the right direction and reason to annihilate the whole of the UN it’s freemasonic affiliates and every physica nobel-prize winning semite claiming the Earth to be in Space. They must all be destroyed and I want them torn apart from limb to limb with horses. In public.
The United Nations has been, ever since its inception in San Francisco in June 1945, an organization of nations the government operators of which have had global dictatorship as their goal. Its name ought to be changed to one that reflects its actual aim: United Statists.
Gaddafi, a socialist-statist from Libya, showed up with his circus tent and harem; Arafat, strutting leader of the terrorist group, the PLO, and bearing two pistols at his hip; Thunberg, a militantly ignorant, misanthropic, autistic woman-child and virtue-signaling Statist puppet; and so many other sitting and aspiring sociopathic or psychopathic Statists–communists, socialists, fascists, and theocrats–have arrogantly and logorrheically pontificated at its podium to their rapt and like-minded members and civilian supporters and defenders.
The United Nations building must be razed to the ground, all of the flags outside of it incinerated–for the flags of statist nations deserve to be burned–its members publicly executed, their bodies cremated, and their ashes placed in a sealed container–paid for by their families–and dumped into a trench in international waters. The land where it stood should be scraped clean and redeemed by its being converted to truly private property with the owner(s) free to exploit and develop it as they see fit.
Count me in…
Are people forgetting what the WHO , thei medical wing of the UN , did to us ? The false information in the pandemic , the mandates , the folliwung if the CCP and the ignoring and purposefully dissmissing Taiwan , who had one of the best pandemic strategies…
Their flawed rigged world court
No , i wont forget , im on board