The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 140
Queer Theory is the doctrine of a sex-based cult that has very little to do with gay people and lots of interest in our children. We really need to understand that. Based on remarks James Lindsay delivered at the University of Pittsburgh in February 2024, in this episode of the New Discourses podcast, he makes even more clear why Queer Theory defines a cult and how it works as such, particularly to initiate our kids.
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I’m glad you posted this timely video. Philosophy Tube posted a typical motte and bailey defense of Judith Butler recently. This seems like a worthy rebuttal.
“Queerness” is not merely an insane, ridiculous and nasty theory and “lifestyle”.
Queerness (along with Woke, Intersectionality, Decolonization, CRT, Post Truth, abolishing “Whiteness”, Transhumanism, Social-Credit Panopticon, Potemkin Village digital living, Psy-ops Media, psycho-social/emotional Nudge Theory*, etc.) is a tool of authoritarian population control that uses an arsenal of tactics across a range of apparatchik organizations to crush any dissent from populations that its Elite Ruling Overlords need silenced and controlled.
The following example from “Canada” (aka Shitland) is not explicitly “Queer” but is implicitly queer as a technique in its manipulation of reality to subvert the Canadian population’s will to resist Total State Control of its thoughts, behaviours and beliefs:
“[Canadian Human Rights] Commission [CHRC] Staff Applauded Christmas-Is-Racist Report As Job ‘Well Done’” Lorne Gunter, May 21 2024 Toronto Sun.
“The [CHRC] declared that giving Christmas an official holiday resulted from a ‘discrimination against religious minorities in Canada that is grounded in Canada’s history of colonialism. This history manifests itself in present-day systemic religious discrimination.’ The Christmas holiday was cited as a prime example. [The CHRC] is yet another example of an entirely out-of-touch elite bureaucracy that has lost any respect for Canada’s citizenry. Our federal and academic race theorists’ thinking is now so far out there, its location cannot be seen from where the rest of us are. The CHRC is among the organizations the Trudeau government wants to put in charge of policing what Canadians post online.”
The CHRC report (which took two years of taxpayer-funded CHRC paid staff time to write) “Discussion Paper on Religious Intolerance’, Canadian Human Rights Commission, October 2023” has a section titled “Intersectional Discrimination/Intersectionality” that uses the following “expert” as its only source for the CHRC’s presentation of “Intersectionality” as an axiomatic “truth” that must direct public policy and law (cited in “Footnotes 9”): “Crenshaw, Kimberle. ‘Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics’.” [for more on CHRC, see Mark Steyn’s and Ezra Levant’s separate books on their Stalinist show trials by Canadian provincial human rights commissions in 2007.]
*Nudge Theory: “UK Institute for Government Nudge Unit”; “What Is Nudging?”
This is being conducted by very screwed up people. Democrats promote this movement Democrats are evil. This should be made public information so the everyone can see that our leaders are corrupt.