Note: This text was lightly expanded from a piece of submitted written testimony to the United States Senate for a hearing regarding the World Health Organization and its current impacts on American life. The information provided herein is primarily derived from the book The Queering of the American Child by Logan Lancing and James Lindsay.
The World Health Organization is currently developing New Guidelines on the provision of gender-affirming care. This should concern every parent and grandparent in America.
The reason for concern is that those guidelines are not based in “any stable reality,” to quote relevant scholars, but in an academic doctrine called Queer Theory. Queer Theory is not a genuine academic theory of the world. It is the doctrine of a cult religion that seeks to initiate and capture American children in particular.
Queer Theory seeks to give our children “queer identities,” like various “gender identities” and “sexual identities”—generally, “queer identities”—and it then seeks to affirm these to lock them into a child’s psyche. The process, in their own words, quoting the Queer Educator Kevin Kumashiro, in a 2002 paper titled “Against Repetition,” meant to induce a crisis in the child and then make sure the teachers “structure experiences that can help them work through their crises productively” on the terms set by Queer Theory. To quote Kumashiro directly,
Repeating what is already learned can be comforting and therefore desirable; students’ learning things that question their knowledge and identities can be emotionally upsetting. For example, suppose students think society is meritocratic but learn that it is racist, or think that they themselves are not contributing to homophobia but learn that in fact they are. In such situations, students learn that the ways they think and act are not only limited but also oppressive. Learning about oppression and about the ways they often unknowingly comply with oppression can lead students to feel paralyzed with anger, sadness, anxiety, and guilt; it can lead to a form of emotional crisis. (p. 74)
Once in a crisis, a student can go in many directions, some that may lead to anti-oppressive change, others that may lead to more entrenched resistance. Therefore, educators have a responsibility not only to draw students into a possible crisis, but also to structure experiences that can help them work through their crises productively. (pp. 74–75)
This process, in this context, is what they call “gender-affirming care,” which is advocated by the WHO. In Mao’s China, it was called sīxiǎng gǎizào (思想改造), which means “ideological transformation” or “ideological remolding,” or, more bluntly, xǐnǎo (洗腦), which means “brainwashing.” It is no coincidence how often the cult of Queer Theory talks about the transformation of individuals, institutions, and society.
Crucially, however, “queer identities” are not identities at all. That is, they are not essential identities, like sex is an essential identity intrinsic to one’s person and that cannot be changed. They’re not part of the person themselves; they’re a political stance. David Halperin, who defined the word “queer” for Queer Theory in his 1995 book Saint Foucault, writes this, “Queer identity need not be grounded in any positive truth or in any stable reality. As the very word implies, ‘queer’ does not name some natural kind or refer to some determinate object; it acquires its meaning from its oppositional relation to the norm. Queer is by definition whatever is at odds with the normal, the legitimate, the dominant” (p. 62).
Halperin also takes pains to point out that “queer” has virtually nothing to do with what he terms “gay identities.” Those, he insists, are rooted in “homosexual object-choice,” a stable, if not essential, human reality. With “queer identities,” by contrast, “There is nothing in particular to which it necessarily refers.” He continues, “It is an identity without an essence” (p. 62).
Queer identities that are “affirmed” in our children by “gender-affirming care” are revolutionary political identities that are, by definition, framed as whatever is at odds with the normal and legitimate. They are not based in any positive truth or stable reality. They are the result of putting children into a destabilizing crisis and then affirming them into a destructive politicized sense of self. They are made seemingly concrete in our children through a Maoist process of ideological remolding into an oppositional, defiant new mold.
We therefore don’t need to wait to hear what the implementation guidelines and “evidence-based standards” will entail from the WHO. The WHO has already told us that their objective is to affirm a person’s “gender identity,” which is a political article of the Queer Theory cult, not a genuine essential identity of a human being.
The World Health Organization says that the forthcoming guidance aims to “increase access and utilization” of “gender-affirming care.” So, they have already given the game away: they support the ideological remolding of our children into a destabilizing cult political identity through initiation by means of induced identity crises and confirmation through “affirmation.” Those familiar with cult psychology would recognize this process not as one of “affirmation” but as textbook trauma bonding.
The WHO’s goal is increasing “gender-affirming care” access, not evaluating whether “gender affirming care” might actually cause tremendous harm to many of those that receive it. Deliberately detaching children and their developing senses of self from “any stable reality” and “any positive truth” is guaranteed to cause tremendous harm to the vast majority of those subjected to it.
This is a monumental scandal because Queer Theory explicitly targets children. It does so because children are vulnerable and still forming their core identities as well as their ability to distinguish fantasy from reality. Queer Theory offers confused or struggling kids a promise of making them whole—of solving any confusion or pain they may have while treating them like the center of the universe to manipulate them socially and emotionally. The WHO surely knows this, and it either doesn’t care or seeks to take advantage of it. The American public deserves to be protected from this monstrous program, not subjected to it.
Queer Theory intentionally places children into an identity crisis—into “gender dysphoria,” as it is now called—so those children can be convinced to live “queerly.” It isn’t about empathy for homosexuals; it’s about “alternate modes of ‘embodied kinship’” and discovering “queer aspects” of oneself through identity crisis. The WHO recommends medical professionals worldwide affirm this destructive practice. According to the academic literature, all kids are “queer,” they just don’t know it yet. The WHO wants doctors to help them realize it.
Kids are learning all of this in their schools, which, taken with guidance from organizations like the WHO, sets up a school-to-medicalization pipeline that destroys the minds and bodies of our nation’s youth. What is happening here isn’t a civil rights movement. It’s the greatest child abuse scandal in the history of the world, and it’s being perpetrated by precisely the institutions who should be working to protect children from it. If the WHO is set on going this direction, the United States of America should be equally set on taking no further direction or recommendation from the WHO.
That video James was in from another YouTuber I have to disagree with him since the woke left and Islam have not formed a alliance and the woke left hate all religions including Islam Because that’s how Marxism works. And the woke left plant to do the same to Muslims what they do to Christmas and Jews but won’t openly admit it.
”Because that’s how Marxism works.”
Certainly it seems like theres been times (decades) when precisely that was the case.
As a decent hypothesis ? These days its like its far more difficult to depend on reasonable assumptions regarding the past form religion / politics / power. Its almost inevitable now that politicians are being told what to do via algorithms for one thing. This too can be intersectional more than most things, I.E the less eminent the politician, the least nuanced and more didactic their access to artificial intelligence. High up the pecking order much more human ‘one to one privilege’ might be taking place. with more advanced A.I. Circumstantial evidence is there in buckets, – that while they might have these tools, the chances of rigid unquestionable order always lurks from global sources & governments are concealed consulate vassalages.
It could be true to remark that the 3 major abrahamic religions have been the human tools of manipulation par excellence since forever. We find it hard to trace back to a time these systems first begun & we make allegations. JL for instance is sure Gnostics have something to do with a spread of religious control. In that sense ( as a humanity ) we ponder religion as a wave effect first sweeping in locality format. Then more localities, a nation, continent – on to Global spread across time. Its fine – although this doesn’t mean anything much, since we have no ‘origin’ of the religious species given the evolutionists are both side hustling religion and atheism & do not what a time & place to be detected.
Yes i’m suggesting ALL these RELIGIOUS AND ATHEIST bits and pieces fit together as one very messed up and corrupt system. Therefore its only as always throughout history that double speaking Atheists just happens to be playing around with ALL THE BUTTONS.including a block on where it BEGUN as that could lead to Decode. Here we are supposed to get all embarrassed & cringe @ religions poison apples etc. Really hasn’t christian religion is a political algorithm that works BOTH BINARIES & divide people like so.
Isn’t that obvious or something ffs ?
Well connected . rich. poltically motivated colonial feudalist Atheists still expect to control religion now for political gain & theres a remote quangogoid ministry of this called New Atheism. They smelt it they dealt it – Christendom – Mecca – Zion – Humanism spot the difference ! Its all very well for the like of Dawkins / A.C Grayling et al to go on and on and on as if they really are anti religionists. They’ve merely plugged into its income stream & are enjoying the monetisation of Faith like any evangelical.
They built a culvert to abstract wealth from these rivers of Babylon that flow through the Holy and Unholy city binary fission town of Upper Humanism, Oxfordshire, England. In case nobody noticed ‘Humanism’ is an artificial construct thats generating the mothers milk to people who are trained to self destruct for new atheisms hidden Marxism & Hegelism << the best concealed mind F in the faith farming business. New Atheism WAS virtually impregnable regarding a decode and outing of it as political thought crime factory. Control of this gravy train is directly dependent on control of the Entire Binary :
Religion and Atheism – New Atheists only think they are clever as they've also implemented Science! thus this lot can never be delaminated (they think) since none will ever find out they do both. Is New Atheism a Nu Marxist Religion that is largely causing trouble in the world is a legitimate question. The scheme is even 'new atheism' or agnosticism or science really. its a misanthropic think tank with access to all & it almost like it will make any bespoken thought crime design politics wants. No big surprise given it truly looks like 'Atheism' did since the days humans first got organised & has always been the maker of religion / both.
Religion = Atheism
A separated by only by hegalian style splitting of binaries, the political atheist Marxist does not consider religion and atheism as a separate phenomenon but the same & this is the crux of the Hegelian Linguistic. RELIGION is not separate from ATHEISM to the new atheist as its 'their privilege to use and enjoy the educational benefits of the BINARY ( they were taught ? ). But !! – the PEOPLE must eat them as split de-coupled – perplexing – forever manipulative impossible to comprehend systems of control..
But – these systems of abuse are never perfect & sometimes the zip on the fly breaks & something drops out. Such as this very visible flaw in A.C. Graylings architectures. In this instances its as if Grayling knows the perfect system doesn't exist, thus has selected something optimal but not water tight. It seems – he has prioritised a quintessential ALL DEGREES of Metaphysical Freedom so that what are considered unimportant flaws ( in the logic ) can persist. In Post Truth designs thats always going to happen since the architectures depart strict Bayesian thinking and is logical explosion adjacent ( Paraconsistent) . Whilst in Marxism the people are not allowed to use this logic.
It is the presence of these factors that prove humanism / new atheism are poeticality and politically motivated marxist system. Like in Marxism new atheism teaches in ways that deny to the proletariat the same means to bend logic. In other words the like A.C, Grayling design the marxist templates to be OBEYED using artificial aspects of the supernatural.
So looking at this Grayling tooling :
QUOTE : Among his contributions to the discussion about religion in contemporary society he argues that there are three separable, though naturally connected debates:
(a) a metaphysical debate about what the universe contains; denying that it contains supernatural agencies of any kind makes him an atheist;
(b) a debate about the basis of ethics; taking the world to be a natural realm of natural law requires that humanity thinks for itself about the right and the good, based on our best understanding of human nature and the human condition; this makes him a humanist;
(c) a debate about the place of religious movements and organisations in the public domain; as a secularist Grayling argues that these should see themselves as civil society organisations on a par with trade unions and other NGOs, with every right to exist and to have their say, but no greater right than any other self-constituted, self-selected interest group '' END QUOTE
Isolating the salient bit for now :
''(a) a metaphysical debate about what the universe contains; denying that it contains supernatural agencies of any kind makes him an atheist; '' – end quote
Above we see that Grayling intends to use what can only be described as psychic powers, if he really is serious with respect to inspecting cosmological topographic to search for divine beings. But he IS saying he intends to class psychic faculties to establish empirical science is the problem. His partner in grime on this astonishingly risky madness ( Dawkins ) – has been heard frequently socially engineering the idea that anti religious debate is scientific.
??? . well the reason is that they consider 'Metaphysics' a tool of Empirical Examination – well according to their words. They are both pathological liars is another problem here.
If we can believe them though – New Atheism & Humanism as declared it intends to inform on 'empirical science' by means of PSYCHIC ENERGY I.E they have a special privilege that enables their brains to be reliable scientific instruments in 'thinking up things that will be consider real' across time & space. So – the sentence also mentions supernatural beings & they expect to pontificate 'reality by :
''(a) a metaphysical debate about what the universe contains; denying that it contains supernatural agencies of any kind makes him an atheist; ''
I see. Well just don't trust any Religioatheist ever because if they say something like that its just another confidence trick.
The Marxist / Hegelian trickery they are using is in the way its a 'Metaphysical Debate'. Thus strong intent to implement it publicly, but no sign they intend to believe their own words This indicates that they know what they want to tell the people is BULLSHIT right from the onset. Thus what we have is good suspicion that they INTEND to tell the people susceptible to bullshit deliberate 'systems of deception' produced lies. There are not many reasons agencies operate like THAT ! = Pure Marxism developed for Politics. But the classic self deception architecture is the best hidden i've ever seen – thats it sophisticated part. Once the Dawkinsian / Grayling ding a ling delusion generator is found its only a weak minded common or garden one, but they DO know how to hide it well.
I'm taking about linguistics that fool people into lying to themselves.
Recently the high priests of new atheism seem to be laying mime fields ( yes Mime ) so that thier intended linguistic / binary trickery to come will be misunderstood by their followers yet again. A new atheist sycophant has never yet understood ONE thing they get up to really, & the firm thus enjoys 100% social engineering success, the current 'Mime Field has 'anti bullshit trees growing everywhere, i,e a plantation of Mimes ( Not Memes but Mimes ) * dawkins silly followers will now believe Dawkins would never BS THEM for at least until he passes away ? ..
Not really as he even BS about his ability to know about DEATH such is the genius of the Religioatheist.
Fine traditions of social engineering since the days of yore when the atheist invented is grandest political tool about God, Dawkins spouts a sexy 'being stone fucking dead' his weak minded flock and ?
They find it sexy as he expected.
They shall greatly enjoy the absolutely NOTHING they learned. So its really creepy because this design is based on a system of 'just fabricating things up so lying looks ok' even though they've left a door open for themselves to 'get out of' this wide open abomination of healthy logic :
''(a) a metaphysical debate about what the universe contains; denying that it contains supernatural agencies of any kind makes him an atheist; '' – end quote
. Presumably for the literal benefits of causing followers to take on these psychic metaphysics as fact. Its kind of like new atheism were granted a contract very like the freemasonry based private firms get rights to work the walking beats of sweet parking ticket territory – i.e New Atheism must generate income from the bragging rights ? Is = New Atheism a stakeholdering in the income stream that results from being allowed to broadcast atheism because they reciprocate by supplying marxist thought crime models ?. NA carefully directs these people to Xanadu ( Humanism ). Perhaps the return favour is the provision of marxist political social designs = the contra deal..
The makers of religion since the dawn of time were Atheist and still are.
Humanity has never required computers to perform them.
Its doesn't require a name either & thats why the use of the term 'Gnosticism to describe what i've just outlined is heuristically trivial in the circumstances. Well – unless we define Gnosticism as being the Atheist that designed the Religions ?
Its quite a gordian knot this.
Religion = Atheism = Neo Feudalism = Technocratic Fascism.
Nothing epistemologically useful can be gained by considering religion & atheism in Opposition to each other.
I’ve never heard of this AC Grayling person so looked him up — EGADS!
“Anthony Grayling was a Fellow of the World Economic Forum for several years, and a member of its C-100 group on relations between the West and the Islamic world.”
A WEFian, an Islam pusher (mainlining Saudi corruption money no doubt), and possessor of the weirdest hairstyle this side of Divine from Pink Flamingos (what is the deal with his hair!).
Yet another egghead rich-pig know-it-all uppity scumbag. Are they being hatched in mad scientist laboratories? Where are those aliens to take me away from this insane planet?!?
Yes its like he makes a beeline toward every globalist cabal in Metaphysica. Speaking of which .. the sheer number of philosophical positions this runt has now been complicit in U- Turning on is staggering. And in many ways the far more minuscule intellect(s) of he dawkins dennett harris so on are easy to know as they’d attacked Consciousness – Freewill – Metaphysics – Agnosticism & more besides, with Great Force – only to be forced to change their tune when the globalists wanted these featured well in their hegelist style social engineering. And it was like Opppppppps !!! – you want us pro Metaphysics etc & suddenly and they shout ”RUN AWAY – RUN AWAY !!!! – like in a monty python sketch.
”Divine from Pink Flamingos (what is the deal with his hair!)”.
Well if Grayling is going to be so metaphysical that anything is possible in new atheisms astral travels, then maybe his hair is being hot pressed between Divines buttocks somewhere out alpha centauri way. ?
‘A WEFian’
Yes – its as though Grayling has a talent for believing strongly in anything thats good for very few persons.
“…heuristically trivial…”
Haha i love your willingness to meander & find peaceful interlude. Yes to do with the inertia thats haunts gnosticism as a useful frame of reference as things stood. My form believe is thats all matters are complex, and we have simple formulas for some / while simple formulae exist for all & we seek those ( naturally ). I found with gnosticism it didn’t want to give much of use in basic insight. It does give ‘basic insight’, but not of the sort i shall of expected. It only works well if natural selection is allowed to be considered something with discrete human evolutionary traits @ the fundamental level of existence & thus everyone has the freewill capacity to be ‘A King’ . I.E like with the tabla rasa BS used now to extend gender fluid infinitely via Essentialism, we consider the nature of the human race in a form that given the circumstance we could all be supreme. So James might be going Horrah !! – but the trouble is any cabalist will deny that, particularly on ones way into one of their large walk -in cremation sheds. We can get by that ofc with the knowing that A.C D. C. Gay Ling taught them the secrets to the philosophers stone / and sweep this uncomfortable artifact under his magic carpet. The thing is that even natural selection likes discrete universal spaces. D.N.A is a discrete organisation for instance, and to do this it needs to have a beginning thats also ‘the end’ i.e bite its own tail or if preferred ‘ flow like the seeds of Pisces’ In that sense ‘gnosticism’ has got ethos that retrieves something unique in terms of a cosmological metaphysical ideal along the lines of platonic solids / or say jewish Merkaba so on / so / on /so / on. In other words when ‘heuristically speaking’ things either show they have a knowable bounce – in terms of what we claim whackos like 50 shades of Grayling use them for or we don’t. But then we’ ve no reason to say something is X = (for me ) = ‘heuristically trivial’
from “Before And After Science” album
I do love Eno & must look into that one as i never bought more than the music for airports material.
“…heuristically trivial…”
There are many paths through the forests of life, trivial and profound (often both at the same time if you’re lucky).
“But if you study the logistics
And heuristics of the mystics
You will find that their minds rarely move in a line
So it’s much more realistic
To abandon such ballistics
And resign to be trapped on a leaf in the vine”
Brian Eno 1977 “Backwater”
from “Before And After Science” album
Yes – but the reich forces its captives to do its bidding first.
Modern day captivity includes close bonds in psychological warfare among the general public as a form of getting Y to interrogate & push X to dig its own grave. Planned into this all along will be a Z factor who subsequently put Y into the same regime they had previously force on X. In other words ALL human skin ends up on the totalitarians lampshade – the accessories to the crimes against humanity ALL get it in the end.
The accounts surrounding conscription across europe / WW2 tend to speak as if these people were all forced to fight for germany. Numbers scaled 80.000 in one country and 50.000 in another etc. In reality theres doesn’t ever seem to have been a bone fide struggle i.e Germany appears to have walked in as expected in almost all cases & these conscripts suited / booted ready to rumble even before the 3rd reich arrived.
Very few lived to tell the tale ! – and thats what will happen to this technocratic neo feudalist fascist regimes conscripts’.
Particularly the WOKE.
Apologies. My post = ‘Yes – but the reich forces its captives to do its bidding first’ is intended to be a response to this :
That video James was in from another YouTuber I have to disagree with him since the woke left and Islam have not formed a alliance and the woke left hate all religions including Islam Because that’s how Marxism works. And the woke left plant to do the same to Muslims what they do to Christmas and Jews but won’t openly admit it. Unquote
My comment just disappeared into the ether.
Fuck this
Spent half an hour writing the goddamned thing and I won’t try to reconstruct it.
Sorry to hear since -Bull it would be a shame not to hear your opinion.
Queer Theory is the Diarrhea of Totalitarianism.
And the Pharma/Medical/Corporate/Ideological Complex’s Child Transing is Queer Theory’s soiled toilet paper.
Humanity must flush Trans Inc’s globalist putrefaction down the sociocultural-political toilet once and for all. Stop Child Transing NOW!
The Western world demands that the UN/WHO release comprehensive current and historical statistics on medical/pharma Child Transing in the 57 Islamic UN member countries, all sub-Saharan African member countries, China, and amongst all world Indigenous peoples for consideration before any Western country will respond to their edict.
“New Study: Trans Youth Not At Elevated Risk Of Suicide”
[underlying/untreated mental illness is the cause of “trans” youth suicidality NOT “transness” which masks/ignores causal mental illness for Queered political ends] Feb 19, 2024
“All-cause and suicide mortalities among adolescents and young adults who contacted specialised gender identity services in Finland in 1996–2019: a register study” Jan 2024
It is clear to me that the fundamental goal of queer theory is to make a schizophrenic way of thinking and behaving the norm in society, and cancel/imprison anyone who disagrees with queer schizophrenics who insist that not only are they, in fact, the opposite sex of the one that they were born, or that they are neuter (non-binary), but also that the furniture, walls, etc. are, in fact, talking to them.
It is clear to me that the fundamental goal of queer theory is to make a schizophrenic way of thinking and behaving the norm in society, and cancel/imprison anyone who disagrees with queer schizophrenics who insist that not only are they, in fact, the opposite sex of the one that they were born, or that they are neuter (non-binary), but also that the furniture, walls, etc. are, in fact, talking to them.
It has its good points.
Could you explain the deep phenomenology that sets the stages for such dystopia ? NO i expect.
I always can COL. & i’d love to know what you have as the cognitive neuroscience that might explain how the gender non binary come to believe the inanimate can communicate with them?
When madmen rule sanity becomes the disease.
Brutalism is the “art” and “architecture” admired and advocated by totalitarian troglodytes. It is the sociopath’s and psychopath’s presumed entitlement to brutalize, subjugate, and enslave all expressed in concrete.
“A House To Die In
[Queer and super-rich Norwegian] artist Bjarne Melgaard’s design ‘concept’ for his own [uber-brutalist Oslo studio and] residence is a dystopian take on the self-built dream home, ‘a house to commit suicide in, a house to die inside, a house for not living’.”
Is the Western world even a thing any more?
I hope you are kidding now! All Bjarne Melgaard is doing is stroking his ego and abusing paper when he is drunk or using drugs!
Everything is not art just because someone is saying that it is!
Of course I was kidding. (Sarcasm detection skills have disappeared from the universe I see.)
Bjarne Melgaard is the biggest fraud since Marina Abramovic and Damien Hirst! All are indeed “artists”: Con Artists — so is every “artist” for the last 40 years (see UK’s putrescent Turner Prize winners since 1980 or anything in any art gallery anywhere).
As someone who attended art college in the 1970s and still makes art as a private hobby 50 years later, I can attest to the truth that ART DIED decades ago. Art no longer exists; but like everything else today, the concept of art was stolen and is now worn as a skin suit as part of a status commodity luxury goods marketplace of decadent rubbish for corrupt and vile elites. Rich progressive “people” love to show off their sneering chic to peers by spending $millions on literal garbage (they can even purchase tins of an “artist’s” literal feces — look it up).
Art was the canary in the coal mine: Western civilization is DEAD. And it is never coming back.
Well said James.
Everything you’ve spoken about here is surely a case of when they’ve succeeded with a mass hegelian level de-coupling of binaries.
You waste time by not being able to exclude Marcuse et al with respect to the way the deep understanding of Hegel obsoletes the notion. Linguistic coincidence is not a reason to be dragged off.
Was Marcuse right that we cannot sustain capitalist product ? – YES. Your mistake is to demonise him for stating that in days of yore in case it affects todays wealth or you & me.
That is very stupid.
The problem with this kind of dichotomy is not whether you / me / x can carry on consuming or not. Its more whether the elites will scorch the earth like they did in WW 2 or not. IMHO ? – maters are on verge of WW£ because we’ve saturated ourselves with quality goods we still use & this hinders future production. Do i like charge or idea intent of changing this NO. However the problem remains that is massive amounts of X Goods that are built so will they are infinitely serviceable / useable / reparable / loved / perpetual / will EXIST there IS a problem.
Our problem really is how the establishment go from that position & won’t do anything about it unless they become 10 times richer even tough they are already 1000’s of times richer than the poor.
They might thus smash up ‘a continent’ and populate by factors of 30 million like before
Not yours James. But earth is very like an AlphaGo algorithm / frame of field. So ? – what happens in this grid directly affects the grid you are in.
Fuck James you show ZERO crossover from your maths doctorate into you general psych don’t you realise that ?
Marcuse was no intellectually honest intellectual, and he was certainly no economist. I suggest you read a lot less Marcuse and a lot more Ludwig von Mises and George Reisman for a sound education in economics. And try to rewrite your comments in order to make them more intelligible.
”Marcuse was no intellectually honest intellectual, and he was certainly no economist ”.
I didn’t state either of those things.
You want to watch your own back with it comes to coherence.
I have my ‘ways’ Col.
If you don’t mind I would like to view your sources for this piece. Specifically the source for this reference, “According to the academic literature, all kids are “queer,” they just don’t know it yet. The WHO wants doctors to help them realize it.”
Sounds important to you. Not meaning to predict but a silent JL is the norm. In case you are happy to take other offerings heres a key word rich example that can probably lead to more :,about%20gay%20and%20lesbian%20identity.
Thank you that was most helpful.
“In 1991, Eve Sedgwick published an essay that may be said to have initiated contemporary queer theory’s consideration of childhood as a site of heteronormative intervention… [I] suggest that a queer methodological approach to child development and education can more generally disrupt teleologically constructed narratives of growth that require a developmental sequence which culminates in normalcy… Applying queer methods of analysis to studies of childhood can help to queer the rhetoric of innocence that constrains all children and help to refuse attempts to calculate the child’s future before it has the opportunity to explore desire… Strengthening a conceptual relation between ‘queer’ and ‘childhood’ can help to cultivate a culture of critique concerning the interruptive force of heteronormativity on the child’s development…”
“Queer futurity and childhood innocence: Beyond the injury of development”
Hannah Dyer
Oct 2016
More people need to actually read the arguments coming from this cabal of twisted sophists. “Explore desire”? How about a rationalization for child rape? Intervene in a child’s sexual awakening by raping him or grooming him to passively cooperate with sexual abuse. That’s how we should treat our children–scare and bully them into submitting to pederasty.
Jump into the middle of a kid’s adolescent confusion and coerce him into buggery. Once it was judged as “paranoid” when anyone observed that “the homos are trying to turn everyone queer.” Here is the blueprint, one iteration of the actual method of attacking heterosexuality. Coerce a minor into homosex then convince him it’s right and “natural” and that heterosexuality is “oppressive” so one is justified in destroying “heterosexual normativity.”
What a brutal outlook–cynical, destructive, intended to generate chaos and confusion.
“The leaders of the trans cult that occupied [NYC Roman Catholic cathedral] St. Patrick’s [and held a Christianity-mocking funeral for a ‘trans saint’ celebrated as ‘St. Cecilia, the mother of all whores’ *] should be regarded as attempting to establish a political religion, the ideological bases of which find their origins in the thinking of the Marquis de Sade. As the late Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddhin noted in ‘Leftism Revisited’, de Sade believed his politics of pornography would prevail over Christian mores. ** [De Sade’s] philosophy encouraged the elevation of the perverted elements of society determined to destroy all the institutions of the ancien regime…”
“The Jacobins Occupy St. Patrick’s Cathedral”
Fay Voshell Feb 2024
* KJV Revelation 17:5: “And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.”
** [“godfather” of Queer Theory] Michel Foucault “A Preface to Transgression” 1977 (essay):
“Perhaps the importance of sexuality is our culture, the fact that since Sade [sexuality has] persistently been linked to the most profound decisions of our language, derives from nothing else than this correspondence which connects [sexual transgression] to the death of God.”
Queer/Trans vs Christian Church: chicken or egg? It seems that the (anti-Christian) calls were actually coming from inside the (Christian) house. Marx to Pope, come in, over:
Gustavo Gutierrez “A Theology of Liberation History, Politics, and Salvation” 1971. Chapters include: “Theology and Liberation”, “Theology as Critical Reflection on Praxis”, and “From the Critique of Developmentalism to Social Revolution”.
“[Guitierrez’ work] is the credo and seminal text of the movement… later characterized as liberation theology. The book burst upon the scene in the early seventies, and was swiftly acknowledged as a pioneering and prophetic approach to theology which famously [centred] the economically wretched… [and] the oppressed…”
Gutierrez’ Liberation Theology did the same thing for Christianity that Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed did for children’s education and that Franz Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth did for non-white Third World vengeance, Marcuse’s Repressive Tolerance did for university megalomania, Fabian Socialism’s Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing did for upper middle class traitors, and WEFian-Schwabism’s ESG did for corporate corruption: REVOLUTIONIZED them.
Instead of a chaotic mob of ignorant masses, the church, the children, the non-white poor, the academics, the upper middle classes and the corporate leaders would themselves become the New Proletariat, the ultimate weapon against any oppositional “bourgeoisie” to ensure The Party’s 1000-year reign of Utopian socialism. Quite a feat.
ps. for the definitive book on the history and impact of Socialism see “Leftism From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse” 1974 by Erik von Kuehnelt Leddihn. (free downloadable copy from far-left website Wikipedia’s entry on E. von Keuehnelt-L)
That giant lockdown price gouging party must have felt like a never ending greek symposium of unlimited glory holery. Meeting to discuss putting up the price of house hold goods & food. takes 5 minutes and a yank of the X3 Level’ for 5 minutes. What next ? – months of orgiastic practices until eventually a penny begins to drop ?
Any company big enough to join but not big enough to shuck off predators might want to assimilated the nature of the honey trap. They might well find that the greed that took them in – raising retail prices safety / algorithmically in cross corporate harmony was total fools gold.
The pricing romancer bunny boiler might decide to eat the lovers that try to leave.
As I am in the beginning stages of fighting this content in my schools and district (I am a public 5th grade teacher), articles and the content at New Discourses has been invaluable. It provides a clear explanation of the problems I see, and it brilliantly uses the words of the original theorists to help understand the sinister purposes behind all this crap. I am really appreciative of all the work done by Lindsay and those who work with him.
Good luck!
Once you submit a lesson plan rejecting queer theory and/or Friere’s praxis, let us know when and how you get fired.