The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 131
Medical Lysenkoism is the application of ideological, specifically Communist, doctrine to medicine, and it will kill tens of millions, maybe more, if it continues being put into practice. We say “continues being put into practice” here because, unfortunately, it isn’t just hypothetical; it’s well underway. In fact, not only are all the obvious manifestations of Medical Lysenkoism apparent, but also the American Medical Association (among others) have taken up an explicit commitment to Medical Lysenkoism under the brand name “health equity.” In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay walks you through a recent publication of the American Medical Association that outlines and explains their plan to embed “racial justice and health equity” as far into the medical profession as they can in the narrow window of opportunity they have while people will still tolerate it. Join him to learn about the looming catastrophe in medicine and to start taking action to reverse its course.
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”After reading on this site from time to time I keep wondering whether there should be “explain to me like I am 5 years old” versions”
In this instance ?
Traditionally our health care was understood by us to be an entirely – bespoke – discrete – individual process, but now they are seeking some form of pre-emptive operating system or health algorithm under machine learning so that A.I. takes command of health. All that was needed for this was a common denominator & theoretically the contents of the vaccine supplied that.
Often the problem with James analysis is that he just does not see the links to A.I. Communism. Although thanks to him reading out extracts from the medical document in question he has at least ‘stated’ as much ( @ 37.00 ) on this occasion.
They’re training docs and midlevels to follow guidelines. The establishment is using more and more midlevels who follow a recipe book published by Pfizer. I went to med school 25 years ago and there is no comparison between the education today and the education now. There is no education now except for learning the complete Pfizer playbook.
Find a functional med doc. Educate yourself. Keep healthy by doing what you know you already need to do: eat a little less, move a little more, eat more veggies. Take control of your own health because no one is going to be out there to help you in mainstream medicine.
Sorry i meant to add.
That way de-population becomes a ‘software error. Not that such equity would ever be discussed so that language of the type could be exposed. Presumably ones body parts belong to the state, & ones dead babies stem cells do also.
This last point ( if meaningful ) could be ominous considering this fruit of the body can be reasonably speculated to have become genetic gold in the ultra affluent society. Stem cells are unique in that they can work with any code, thus are a A,I. Communism dream come true already. Just add atheist attitude and they are there for the taking with the morality firmly underfoot. Meaning that probably the human predicament from this philosophical position has never had more brutal & menacing undercurrents of temptation.
Thank you so much for your tireless Herculean work James! It’s amazing.
Shields High!
Some thought should be given to the basis for estimating 10-20 million deaths already and 1-2 billion deaths and if this is not stopped. Those are certainly eye popping and probably reasonable; but without attribution they will tossed aside as too hastily ringing the alarm bell. I.e. the boy who cried wolf, and the call to action will be ignored.
James, I would like to be able to ask my doctor if he is a member of the AMA, and if he is, to ask him if he knows about the AMA’s Equity Plan and if he does, ask him what he thinks about it. If he doesn’t know about the AMA’s Equity Plan – which is likely – I would like to be able to send him a link to this podcast. Unfortunately the language you sue – with which I am sympathetic myself – makes that more difficult. Not impossible, but more difficult.
I sense that, at heart, you are a philosopher and not an activist. But sometimes you should put the activist hat on! The strongest weapon we all have in this battle is plain and truthful language. If even a few thousand doctors heard from a patient of theirs about this monstrosity the message would began to reach the people it needs to. The alarms could start to ring. These people are stealthy, cunning and profoundly dishonest. They are also effective, sadly. We need all the tools we can get to root them out. Could you give us a version fit for distribution to people who are not familiar with you and your work?
Quote from above: “The strongest weapon we all have in this battle is plain and truthful language.” & “We need all the tools we can get to root them out. Could you give us a version fit for distribution to people who are not familiar with you and your work?”
After reading on this site from time to time I keep wondering whether there should be “explain to me like I am 5 years old” versions of some of the posts and topics. I also wonder, with all due respect, whether much of the philosphy and intellectual talk in the youtube videos and on this website might be unnecessary and simply not suitable concerning solving the entire mess.
I think it might be possible to formulate things in a much more clear and concise manner, which might be very useful in light of the quotes above. I agree that “The strongest weapon we all have in this battle is plain and truthful language”. I think you have to provide people with a counter slogan/script/reasoning that they can use when brainwashed parrots parrot their nonsense.