New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 63
What is “degrowth”? Well, that’s simple. It’s not just the newest brand name for the “Net Zero” environmentalist scam; it’s Communism rebranded and newly organized for the 21st century. That is, it is death. It is the fulfillment of Critical Marxist Herbert Marcuse’s vision for a synthetic fusion of capitalism and socialism outlined in One-dimensional Man and An Essay on Liberation (pdf) from the 1960s. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay breaks down the idea of “degrowth,” sharing from a socialist magazine, an unlikely article in a physics publication, and a new book that claims “Degrowth Communism” is the realization of what Karl Marx really intended with his theories.
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My basic problem with anti-growth ideologies is that they see people as human animals participating in a closed ecosystem the way other animals do. Anyone who studies animals knows that they tend to oscillate around a balanced condition, given that other factors remain fairly constant.
But I don’t totally reject the idea of “sustainability” because to me it relates to the concept of “viability.” Both relate to survival, which is the most basic motivation in the biological world. A person has to remain viable or he will die. A group must remain viable or it will dissolve. A planet must also remain viable. However, a planet operated by human beings has options that animals don’t have.
I share the Left’s reluctance to continue along our current materialistic-oriented “growth.” But the Marxist Left is materialistic too! So I must reject the Marxist Left. For me, the key is to recognize that we are immortal beings, and then recalibrate our thinking based on the material that results from that recognition. The planet, perhaps, does not need to grow. But mankind desperately needs to grow! Though many may not recognize this, I believe the ultimate growth for us would be to grow back out of our human condition, with the know-how to never fall back into it again.
Larry Cox said, “For me, the key is to recognize that we are immortal beings”
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Larry, please proffer herein all of the empirical, material, and directly perceivable evidence that conclusively and irrefutably proves that human beings are immortal.
I think his answer will come straight from the New Age recipe book of L. Ron “Old Mother” Hubbard’s krackpot krazykat kitchen:
“Xenu also called Xemu, is a figure in the Church of Scientology’s secret ‘Advanced Technology’, a sacred and esoteric teaching. According to the ‘Technology’, Xenu was the extraterrestrial ruler of a ‘Galactic Confederacy’ who brought billions of his people to Earth (then known as ‘Teegeeack’) in DC-8-like spacecraft 75 million years ago, stacked them around volcanoes, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology scriptures hold that the thetans (immortal spirits) of these aliens adhere to humans, causing spiritual harm.
These events are known within Scientology as ‘Incident II’ and the traumatic memories associated with them as ‘The Wall of Fire’ or ‘R6 implant”. The narrative of Xenu is part of Scientologist teachings about extraterrestrial civilizations and alien interventions in earthly events, collectively described as ‘space opera’ by L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard detailed the story in Operating Thetan level III (OT III) in 1967, warning that the ‘R6 implant’ (past traumau was ‘calculated to kill (by pneumonia, etc.) anyone who attempts to solve it’.”
(from far-Left web site Wikipedia)
This Woo-Woo is right outta Manson-Land! “We never murdered anyone because you can’t kill ‘Kill’!” said Susan ‘Sadie Mae Glutz’ Atkins quoting Charlie when asked why she had frenzy-stabbed Sharon Tate and her unborn baby to death 54 years ago last week in Los Angeles California!
“[T]he term degrowth does not just refer to a set of theoretical concepts — it refers also to a movement of ACTIVISTS who engage with the implementation of these concepts on a local, regional, national and international level.” [emphasis mine]
Who are these “Activists”? The New Nomenklatura of course:
“The nomenklatura were a category of people within… [communist] countries who held various key administrative positions in the bureaucracy, running all… government, industry, agriculture, education, etc., whose positions were granted only with approval by the communist party… [and] formed a de facto elite of public powers…” (definition from far Left site ‘Wikipedia’)
Malcolm Kyeyune elaborates in his 2022 article ‘Wokeness, the Highest Stage of Managerialism: Well-educated progressives wield institutional power to impose a new political and social order.’
“James Burnham’s 1941 ‘The Managerial Revolution’’ [said]… America would likely see capitalism replaced by… a new form of class power… in which managers [the New Nomenklatura], not capitalists, would control the real economy… [To do this, these managers needed a] developed, systematized managerial ideology that was capable of fully replacing capitalism… [W]okeness [is] exactly that: a systematized, managerial ideology capable of standing on its own as a claim to rulership over society on behalf of the new class of managers…
[W]okeness both asserts a wide variety of rights that supersede ownership and insists upon the creation of a permanent caste of managers to monitor the implementation of these rights. This tendency toward intermediation now extends to almost every facet of modern society… The main practical demand that wokeness places on society is a massive expansion of managerial intermediation in previously independent social and economic processes.”
These New Nomenklatura Elites are real people operating in public and exposing them should become the locus of critical anti-Woke dissent.
“Sustainability” is a euphemism for Statists (socialists, communists, fascists, and theocrats) having totally control over every aspect of peoples lives.