The Theology of Marxism, Session 1 of 3
Marxism is a theology, and its religion is Communism. That we have failed to understand this fact over the 175 years since Marx wrote the early drafts of what he originally called the Communist Confession of Faith and published in by the title The Communist Manifesto is indisputably one of the most damaging analytical errors in human history, if not the single worst. It’s time to set the record straight. Marx laid out an evil theology, and the practice of his religion is a liturgy of death and destruction.
To understand the Marxist theology, we have to understand its theological antecedent, which was laid down by the German systematic theologian, speculative idealist, and Hermetic alchemist Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. His theology is a dialectical one, the father of what Marx turned into dialectical materialism, and it is the combination of two mystery religions. Hegel, building on Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Father of Leftism), Immanuel Kant, and others dialectically synthesized Hermetic alchemy and Gnosticism, hammered it into a Christianity-based metaphysical framework, and mislabeled it a “system of science.” Thus we arrive at what has been variously called “Scientific Gnosticism,” “Gnosticism in the Modern Era,” and “Dialectical Leftism,” which outlines a broad system of faith in man’s necessary role as a transformer of reality into its utopian idealized state at the End of History.
In this deep-diving presentation from Sovereign Nations’s conference, The Theology of Marxism, New Discourses Founder James Lindsay explains for the first time in decades and in unprecedented clarity how Rousseau and Hegel architected the seeds of a broad Dialectical Faith of Leftism that Marx codified into his own anti-human theology.
Session 2: Marx’s Ontology of Man and the Telos of History
Session 3: The Role of Consciousness and the Evolution of the Gospel of Marxism
The audio version of this presentation is available on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or by RSS.
Credit, where Credit is due. Charles Bradlaugh MP, wrote about the dangers of Marxism, before Marxism had become popular, such was his insight. You can read about it here…
Even in the 1970’s others were commenting on the ‘faith’ and ‘cult’ nature of Marxism, more here..
I think the biggest obstacles to people seeing Marxism as a theology are his and communism’s passionate atheism, his/their relentless persecution of Christian’s and other religious believers, and his expressed attraction to Satan as a literary figure of destruction and revolution.
I know this “communism is a theology” approach may help make your important insights more acceptable to atheists on the left, but reciprocally it poses problems for most Americans who would consider the idea of a truly militantly atheist theology incoherent and even, given Communism’s unparalleled harm to the world, insulting.
Maybe call it an atheology instead, given his atheism and expressed fondness for putative enemies of God?
None of this, by the way, is meant to express disagreement with the idea that Hegel, and even marks true upon — subverted, one might say — Christian principles in formulating, and propagandizing their respective ideologies.
One might look at Marxism/communism as an atheistic people’s Police State, utopian, millenarian heresy of Christianity. Completely rejecting Christian truth, but that’s OK, because it’s not pie in the sky Jesus-freak nonsense but instead rational, atheistic, Progressive, scientific Socialism.
No need to have faith or wait on the Holy Spirit when the Marxist (even better, Marxists Leninist) dictatorship of the proletariat will start getting the job done right here and right now, by any means necessary, no matter how many class enemies, enemies of the people, unholy enemies of Godlessness Itself, need to be destroyed.
So I guess it’s not an anti-Christian heresy – it’s Reason and Science!
Oh, and let’s not forget that there’s no more need for civil liberties once the only rational purpose of civil liberties — the triumph of Leftism over the primitive Judeo Christian enlightenment synthesis “bourgeois” society — has been realized at last.
Clearly replacing God with the state, traditional values with the leftist elite opinion, and hell with Reeducation (or extermination — enemies of the people, remember) will make creating a rational and scientific society much easier…..
Utopian Nightmares and Gnostic Political Religions (Amazon book list)