OnlySubs Episode 109: The Defining Ignorance of the Left is now available exclusively for New Discourses contributors on the following platforms:
YouTube Members
If we boil it down to brass tacks, there’s one key defining characteristic that places people on the Left, and that’s the desire to do away with all hierarchy. Where does this desire come from? I would argue that its precursor is obvious: it’s an inability to understand when hierarchy is legitimate, and therefore a belief that all hierarchy is unjust and unfair. When combined with an inherent and inflated belief in their own superiority and right to rule, this attitude about all hierarchy that excludes them from power explains the Left almost completely. In this episode of James Lindsay OnlySubs, my subscribers-only podcast, I run through this idea that the key and defining ignorance of the Left, from which all Leftism flows, is the inability to understand the legitimacy in legitimate hierarchies. Join me and think through it with me!
Additional episodes of the OnlySubs Podcast can be found here.
I for one see the insane insistence on sameness as a part of this (I might write an article on that topic in Get Real Philippines). Crazy leftists assume differences immediately lead to something wrong. When they see one tall and one short person, they’ll see a problem with it. One person knows how to paint, another doesn’t, they’ll see a problem with it. One person eats a two-piece friend chicken meal, another eats a one-piece one, they’ll find a problem with it. Nature has hierarchies and differences, but as James explained, dialectic leftists want to challenge nature.
Well, short of saying they’ll see a problem with anything they don’t control.
Corey Robin is a great example of this.
The history of American Radical Egalitarianism by Jonathan Rauch.
What primitive communism actually looked like:
The Iron Law of Woke Projection again.
Don’t be a hierarch…and THAT’S AN ORDER!!!
Another term is “division of labor”…and getting rid of a division of labor has always been the ultimate goal of Marxism…with horrific consequences.