The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 86
Queer Theory has no bottom. No matter how bad you think it is, it’s worse. No matter how bad you think it is now, it will get worse later. In that spirit, we at the New Discourses Podcast present to you yet another “academic” paper rooted in Queer Theory: “Cripping Incest Discourse(s).” You probably didn’t think it was an act of latent genocide to be against incestuous sexual relationships, but according to “Crip Theory,” which is the fusion of Queer Theory and Critical Disability Studies, you’d be wrong. You see, incest produces disabled and deformed offspring at a higher than otherwise rate, so you being against incest means you’re supporting the idea that there should be fewer disabled people in the world, which is “latent eugenics.” Join host James Lindsay as he takes you through this stunning piece of academic work. You won’t believe your ears.
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Interesting how contradictory the progressive can be. Here they argue absurdly about the supposed ableism of incest, and on the other hand, Iceland recently bragged that they had nearly “eradicated” Down syndrome—- by abortion. They did not eradicate Down’s syndrome, they simply killed off all the pre-born babies with Downs. How is that not ableist af?
It is one thing not to have sex such as not to procreate a human with a high likelihood of disabilities— it is quite another to kill an already existing human with disabilities.
The progressive egoism truly knows no bounds.
Academics who claim that there is only an ontology concerning abled bodied states, must reasonably be suspected of collaboration with the social ngonnyers on an enhanced brown envelope package. I’m sure there are more, this kind of project surely will be among the acts of misanthropy willing to speed the more proactive smokescreen. Thus at a minimum meaningless other than to confuse & confound = they are so crazy as batshit ( deliberately) . And /or are designed as a demoralising weapon capable of damaging the society by encouraging the less able minded to try some.
This sort of tactic is best confronted by that very able minded response. Its trick his that it depends on the focus remaining on the body. = ? = its proponents are not so keen to define a taste for incest as a sign of a good mind.
Only very rarely does a doodlebug like this lack a serious flaw that can easily push it back so long as the sociological field conditions that act as the drivers for social engineering are carefully examined. These kinds of manipulation might be considered crude anti concentration flack that might also help some people have a bunk up with their grandmother but not much else.
They can be repurposed to become more trouble than they are worth to the nwo, insomuch as they are unstable enough to have the opposite effect to that intended.
But not unless they are decoded.
I know VICE isn’t a great source, but here’s an article about “cripping incest discourses”
“Fumarase deficiency (FD) is an autosomal metabolic recessive disorder, meaning it is necessary for an individual with the condition to receive the mutant allele from both parents. Those affected by the genetic disorder suffer grand mal seizures and often have facial feature deformities and severe mental retardation, with IQs as low as 25. A simple urine test will reveal whether there is an excess of fumaric acid in the urine, if the other, more external symptoms aren’t obvious enough. Until the 1990s, there were only 13 known cases of FD in the world. But by 2006, Dr. Theodore Tarby, of Arizona, had discovered at least 20 more children living with the condition in Short Creek, all within just blocks of each other.”
What I am seeing these people doing is trying to separate themselves from their biology in order to escape the moral guardrails imposed by our biology.
While I see these attempts as basically criminal or anti-social, there is a huge unspoken paradox about all this. And that is that we, as spiritual beings, are neither biological nor sexual beings.
While a lot of people here don’t regard the spiritual being as something real, if you do it opens a lot of doors to understanding our situation here on Earth. But that fact is almost irrelevant in this case. We are here; we are in bodies; it doesn’t work to “revolt” against the fact that we are in bodies. The only thing that would work would be to rise above the need for a body. But that would also involve rising above the need for sex! Anti-social criminals can’t do this. However, it might be helpful for some of us who wish to deal definitively with the anti-social criminals among us to rise above the need for a body, as it tends to compromise our courage.
This is one of the most batshit concepts I’ve ever encountered. And yet I have met (and even had to work with) activists who would uphold many of these ideas.
The dumbest assumption embedded in this lunacy is that incest is the main way to produce disability. Most disabilities are acquired through illness or injury, and the average age of onset is 53. The fact that the authors of this piece themselves have some congenital intellectual defect, presumably via incest, is no reason to dispense with a taboo that quite obviously protects families, communities and children. Fucked-up shit, James!
There’s a very good reason why every society tries to minimize disability: disabled children require more care and more resources than able-bodied children. And, should they grow up and reproduce, they (depending on the disability) might have a higher probability of producing disabled children. If the cost of raising such a child too high, until recent times the parents had to abandon their babies. A situation to be avoided. The incest taboo helped.
The author, incredibly, takies for granted the willingness of mothers to care for disabled children. I bet we all know women who are enslaved to the care of a disabled child, sometimes for life. They can’t complain, but I bet almost all of them would rather have an able-bodied child. Their silent, invisible labor underlies the whole edifice of disability studies.
The author approves of a queer futurity without children. Yet he can only publish his work because he lives in peace and plenty, with accommodations for the disabled, defended by a military populated by the healthy children of people who valued having healthy children. He wants to eliminate that military by queering the minds of his students. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
What can we do? I think that the quickest way is social ostracism. Ridicule the universities that harbor these ideas. Destroy their reputations. Parents have to see these universities as beyond the pale and stop sending their children there. Unfortunately other disciples will suffer but maybe the boards will try to preserve them by cutting down on the nonsense to restore the university’s reputation. . It’s going to take time to turn the ship around, but I think every effort counts. Evergreen and Portland State University are case studies.
I am apprehensively awaiting our intellectual elite institutionalizing L. P. Hartley’s Facial Justice. Since nature, I believe, resists attempts to obliterate the difference between health and illness, between beauty and ugliness, when the attempt to do so manifestly fails, why not, as Hartley imagines, disfigure, disable everybody at birth ? After all, we are already disfiguring the souls of the young: why not their bodies? (Or maybe the vaccines are already doing such?)
The literature James discussed is indeed disgusting, stipulating the abolition of the taboo, the intimation of the Sacred.
But what options do “normal” folks have regarding mitigating or avoiding the effects of this poison? The French Revolution is indeed worth reflecting upon, yet is Thermidor or Napoleon the predestined, the only way forward? I believe that political secession, or separation, still might be a viable option for red state inhabitants. I would not expect as a consequence of such secession that those of us not “thrown”into blue states will find conditions utopian. As an instance, any future free republic will have to deal with one, but not the only, key root of the hubris energizing our oligarchs: the university. I say this as a former academic, still puzzled by the willingness of parents to pay outrageous tuition bills for having their offspring corrupted by such “theories” as James has dissected. I pray that the enlightened citizens of separatist constitutional republics will treat the university as the Romans allegedly treated Carthage: reduce such to rubble and seed their soil with salt, so that nothing will ever again grow there.
Adorno had another interesting idea in relation to Utopia. I think it was called something like “the secret Utopia at the heart of bourgeois thought”. By this, Adorno did NOT mean he believed the bourgeoisie were plotting revolution and Utopia. It meant that some bourgeois ideas point beyond today’s world towards a “better” place. For example, ideas such as: “universal justice”. Because of this, activists and critics can use bourgeois thought against itself to overthrow it from within. A bit like how race equity presents itself as an improved version of racial equality. We can’t say we weren’t warned, Adorno told us, 60/70 years ago, what they’d do.
The oppressed have no insight into a better world. The idea they do is pure narcissism.
The oppressed probably have less insight into what would improve the world. Otherwise, they would not be oppressed.
A germane comment from the internet today:
“In terms of the French Revolution we are moving into the summer of 1794 where the Jacobin Party turned against itself and committed suicide. Then came the reaction of Thermidor [execution of Robespierre ending the Reign of Terror] and the restoration of sanity in 1795.”
Queer Trans Crip Drag Grooming Woke Elitist WEF Snivel Servant Tech Academia Media Bureaucrat Corporate Diversity Incorporated is committing suicide by its own revenge-mania; destroying itself before our eyes by its own power abuse, hubris, murderous excess, egomania, cruelty, hatred of anyone who is not them, brazen contempt for humanity, flaunted greed and sewer corruption. The “oppressed” became the “oppressor” and lived only to oppress their “oppressors” in revenge. No creation of new. Only destruction of old. They wrecked the world with their blood-vengeance. And now they’re going to get their “social justice”. There are so few of them and so many “not-them”. Angry mobs are mad dogs who show no mercy to those who showed no mercy.
What specific act will signal the new Thermidor Reaction? Who will be dragged to the mob’s “guillotine” first? Time will tell. The Reaction is coming and it will be a Conflagration of the Autocrats and a Crushing of their Vicious Hench-wolves. Never in living memory has such a foul group of global monsters been so deserving of the fate it is about to meet. There are no pronouns in a blood bath.
“Regime Change: Repelling the DEI Assault on Higher Education”
Peter Wood [U.S.] National Association of Scholars
I despair of the future of civilization. I never thought the post-punk band Devo would be proven correct in their sarcastic narrative decrying the devolution of the human race.
Thanks , James , their leval of BS knows no bounds . Their ideology justifies their pathology
Peter Simple of the Daily Telegraph’s thoughts on equity of outcome made some fifty years ago. A real pioneer…
“I have been worried for some time about the small number of public school men, and in particular peers of the realm, who are appointed as trade union officials. In fairness, the number of titled and land-owning trade union officials ought to be in proportion to those with a working-class background.
“The principle of equality, to which we are all committed, demands that there should be no damned merit about it. It is outrageous, for example, that the number of good-looking girls who work as models is far in excess of the number of plain girls; and that not one single illiterate, club-footed Scottish-born woman of eighty has ever been selected to play cricket for Yorkshire”.