OnlySubs Episode 72: Communism Is Not an Economic Theory is now available exclusively for New Discourses contributors on the following platforms:
YouTube Members
Communism is widely regarded as an economic theory. This is not so. While a communistic economic theory is possible in one where the community shares equal ownership of all goods and property in society, Communism as it derives from Marxism merely uses this idea as a pretext and a vision to push for what it really is: a revolutionary theory. The whole purpose of Communist ideology is to agitate for and eventually produce the Revolution (or, a series of Revolutions), after which the Communists are increasingly in control of society. In that sense, Communism exists to establish a new aristocracy, if not a new slavery, with the Communists in charge, and the means by which it will seize and increase its power is through Revolution. In this episode of my subscribers-only podcast, James Lindsay OnlySubs, I walk through some of what it means for Communism, including Critical Race Theory, to be understood in these terms. Join me to learn more!
Additional episodes of OnlySubs can be found here.
True. For four hundred years communism was a French word for public property. Then the Marxists redefined it to mean some kind of utopia. E.g. in 1800 the USA was the only communist country because the state itself was public property. Then KM translated the US constitution from English to German and back again with a neo Hegelian twist at which time the US was no longer “authentically” communist. Hegelian philosophy is a pretty nifty framework for public relations campaigns but that’s all it is.
The Russians under the Czar owned nothing, the Czar owned everything, and the only way you could own anything was to steal it. Thus was born the Vorovskoy Mir, the thieves world with it’s own rules, values, and subculture. Then along comes Lenin, telling the people that under communism they will own everything and it will be a dictatorship of the proletariat. They took the bait, and after the revolution they still owned nothing, and the communist party owned everything. They had simply exchanged one oppressive tyrant for another.
Marxism is a holistic pseudoscience meant to subvert Western Civilization and Europoid values.
Here’s a 1979 New York Times article on the death of Marcuse. To think those NYT journalists probably assumed Marcuse-ism was dead when it was really just beginning.