OnlySubs Episode 54: The Worst Woke Belief is now available exclusively for New Discourses contributors on the following platforms:
YouTube Members
There are a lot of bad ideas in Critical Social Justice and the related Critical Theories. Lots of them. Some of these ideas are much more dangerous than others, and in this episode of James Lindsay OnlySubs, my subscribers-only podcast, I dive into what might be the worst of them: the belief in the perfectability of Man. This is an older idea than just Wokeness that traces back through the neo-Marxists, Marx, and Hegel, and probably even beyond, and it is a terrible idea. Human beings are not perfectable. We are not in the midst of a process of becoming perfect (especially through a dialectical process). This central conceit of all of Hegelian, Marxian, neo-Marxian, and Woke thought is one that is virtually guaranteed to generate unspeakable horrors. Join me for this exploration of this terrible idea and its lurking spectre behind virtually all of Wokeness.
Previous episodes of OnlySubs can be found here.
Richard L. Cravatts on “moral anorexia”:
“The rectitude of academics or corporate heads pushing for [“social justice” causes] manifests itself as what has been termed ‘moral narcissism,the tendency of members of the well-meaning, intellectual elite to align with causes and ideological positions which are based, not on the actual viability or justice of a cause, but on how the moral narcissist feels about him- or herself by committing to a particular cause or movement. One of the symptoms of the moral narcissist is a condition that might be called moral anorexia. The eating disorder known by its formal name as anorexia nervosa, the patients are identified by their abnormally low body weight, even while they perceive themselves to be heavier and healthy. The moral anorexic, similarly, is manic in his attempt to control how he appears to [himself] and others; but the moral anorexic looks in the mirror thinking he is imbued with moral weight and virtue and yet is empty, rationally thin, morally unhealthy in his self-deception….
Moral anorexia makes [violence against ‘oppressors’] acceptable to those who proclaim themselves to be the most tolerant of all people—those who care for all victims of all types of oppression. But by being able to look in the mirror and see a virtuous, well-meaning, tolerant and moral person when a morally questionable person actually is standing there is both the harm and symptom of moral anorexia: that if you profess goodness and tolerance, and only heed the purported needs of the oppressed, you are in a moral position to justify bad things happening to those who you condemn with your judgment… But because they feel empowered by their alleged virtue and insulated from critique because they are promoting social justice for the victim, moral anorexics are careless with the truth, contorting facts and history to suit their invented narrative…
It may be comforting for the moral anorexic to look at her- or himself and think they are full of virtue, tolerance, and morality, and that others can see these attributes in them and admire them for the values they profess. But, like the anorexic, it is a false view of the real person, someone who is frail and wasted away by his or her own self-deception.”
F. Heichelheim “An Ancient Economic History” 1958
“[T]he planned economy and the collectivism of our modern Age of Machines has returned subconsciously to ancient Oriental [non-Western] conditions wherever we try to abolish or to modify the individualistic and libertarian forms of society which have been characteristic for the Iron Age of the last three glorious millennia. Instead our turbulent twentieth century shows a tendency to link together our own traditional state organization, society, economic and spiritual life with the rudiments of ancient Oriental collectivist forms of organization as they have survived subconsciously in the life and customs of many modern nations… The modern great powers are closer in analogy to the great empires of the cuprolithic and bronze ages than is generally realized, or to similar later forms of rule which developed from ancient Oriental foundations either directly or indirectly. Whenever our century shows some attempt to achieve not personal liberty but widespread control it has strong affinities to the planned city life of the kings of Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, the rule of the pharaohs in Egypt, the early Chinese emperors… The spiritual ties which the nineteenth century had with… Israel, Greece and Rome are more often replaced, to a greater degree than we know, by a return to ancient Oriental foundations.”
I agree with JS.
This sounds like a really good podcast, but the phrase “probably even beyond” made me smile. Yes, I think it goes back to “Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”
I don’t agree with JS’s genetic determinism. The doctrine of human perfectibility, the desire to be “as gods,” is indeed a deep and horrible flaw in human beings, but you’re not going to find a gene for it. Some of us call it “original sin.” You can fight this doctrine with truth, but getting rid of the impulse is beyond human capability and is a long, messy, costly process even for God. Some of us call that “Redemptive History.”
“This is an older idea…”
Much older. Read Eric Voegelin’s “Science Politics and Gnosticism” 1968 and Igor Shafarevich’s “The Socialist Phenomenon” 1980 to see how far back.
The concept of perfecting Man and creating a Utopia based on this human “perfection” is bad enough. But what’s worse is that its implementation in every case involved a special select elite with “gnosis”, an esoteric metaphysical supra-knowledge that self-creates a hierarchical caste of advanced elites who are self-chosen to rule the not perfect lesser masses. Every time Utopia is recreated from the ancient Sumerians to the 2021 Woke, this blueprint of Elite ruler and controlled Masses is at its black heart.
Every ruling Elite must dictate life of death to the masses to show the masses that the elite possess the special knowledge that makes them higher and better than lower humans, a superior knowledge that justifies the elites’ power over the masses. The elites rely upon a specially selected and highly controlled Lackey caste (bureaucrats/thugs/Quislings/snitches/Karens, etc.) who carry out the elites’ dirty work. In exchange for higher status, position, and rewards than the masses below them (the Deplorables), the Lackey caste are empowered to beat and bully the masses to curry favour with their elite masters.
As well, throughout history, almost all of these Utopias comprised of the Elite, Lackey and Masses (queen, drone and worker) insect hive template have depended on some form of organized human slavery. The good news is that all these Utopias eventually ended. The bad news is that new ones constantly keep arising as is happening right now.
Woke concepts and the socialist Utopian ideas they hatched from are as old as mankind. A fatal flaw in the human genome that has never been understood let alone erased although it has caused most of the human suffering for six thousand years . This Utopian power paradigm is called by some “Satan” or similar names to symbolize or metaphorize the idea for easier understanding. But Power Utopianism is not merely a metaphysical “religious” symbolic metaphor. Its consequences on actual human flesh are as real, concrete and earthly as the torture and extermination it has inflicted on billions of people for millennia and continues to inflict (or wants to inflict).
Some evolutionary adaptation for survival must have created the original Power Utopian gene as surely as other genes cause some animals to be carnivores while others are not. But whatever its original survival purpose, it has long mutated into the genetic bane of all humankind and the source of all human suffering (except for the Elite perfect humans of course).
If only the gene for this hierarchical utopian-perfection, superior knowledge elite, ruling power caste genetic template could be identified and removed from human DNA. That would be the true Utopia.