OnlySubs Episode 50: Wound Collecting: A Manipulative Woke Tactic is now available exclusively for New Discourses contributors on the following platforms:
YouTube Members
One of the more insidious and manipulative tactics that is very common in Leftist activism and especially from the Woke is called “wound collecting.” The way wound collecting works is pretty straightforward: an activist engages in some provocation, and when retaliation arrives, the “wounds” are collected and advertised to gin up sympathy and support (read more about this in The Rise of Victimhood Culture). For example, a BLM activist or Critical Race Theorist might engage in hateful rhetoric and then, when this is rightly challenged, turn around and claim that they are suffering attacks on themselves because they are black or acting in support of black rights, even though the criticism was on the specific rhetoric or ideological underpinnings involved. Of course, this activist is likely also to pick up legitimate abuse they receive and hold it up as proof that they are being targeted. Wound collecting is a profoundly manipulative behavior strongly connected to malignant ideologies and psychopathologies, and it needs to be understood as such, especially in our present moment when it has so much traction and manipulates so much social currency. Join me in this episode of my subscribers-only podcast, James Lindsay OnlySubs, to learn more about this harmful and exploitative Woke tactic.
Previous episodes of OnlySubs can be found here.